Technology Transfer Network - Air Toxics Web Site
Rules and Implementation
The Clean Air Act requires EPA to regulate emissions of hazardous air pollutants from a published list of industrial sources referred to as "source categories." As required under the Act, EPA has developed a list of source categories that must meet control technology requirements for these toxic air pollutants. The EPA is required to develop regulations (also known as rules or standards) for all industries that emit one or more of the pollutants in significant quantities.
Rule Information
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants Rules
Compilation of Area Source Rules
Residual Risk/Technology Rules
Area Source General Information and Implementation Tools (CAA, Section 112(k))
Solid Waste Rules (Sections 129/111(d) Rules)
- Solid Waste Combustion
- Sewage Sludge Incinerator rule (SSI)
- Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incineration (HMIWI)
- Municipal Waste Combustors (MWC) - Large Units
- Municipal Waste Combustors -Small Units
- Commercial/ Industrial Waste Incinerators (CIWI)
- Other Solid Waste Incinerators
Selected New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) [these are criteria pollutant regulations]
Note that the General Provisions apply.
- Archived Clean Air Mercury Rule
- Boilers (Steam Generating Units)
- Diesel Engines (Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines)
- Petroleum Refineries
- Portland Cement
- SOCMI Wastewater
- Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
- Stationary Combustion Turbines
- Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines
- Grain Elevators
Electronic Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements
- Proposed Rule (PDF) (243pp, 540k)
- Fact Sheet (PDF) (3pp, 20k)
- Recorded Webinar for Air Pollution Control Agencies
- Webinar Presentation Slides (PDF) (25pp, 126k)
Section 183(e) Rules for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
- National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Aerosol Coatings
- Consumer and Commercial Products
- National Emission Standards for Architectural Coatings
- National Emission Standards for Consumer Products
- National Emission Standards for Automobile Refinish Coatings
- Title 40-Part 63 listings by Subpart - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories
- The Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center
- Operating Permits (Title V)
- Government Printing Office (GPO)
Implementation Information
Implementation Materials
- EPA Regulation Navigation Tools Home Page
- Potential to Emit (PTE)
- Consolidated Federal Air Rule for the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (CAR)
- Compliance Assurance Monitoring(CAM) (pre-1990 rules)
- Applicability Determination Index (ADI)
Urban Air Toxics Strategy
Integrated Urban Air Toxics Strategy
Overview of Air Toxics Requirements
These links provide a brief description of the sections of the Clean Air Act related to air toxics as well as further links to relevant rules, reports, and programs. A concise overview is available.
- 112(a) - Definitions
- 112(b) - List of Pollutants
- 112(c) - List of Source Categories
- 112(c)(6) - Source Category Listing for Seven Specific Pollutants
- 112(c)(7) - Research & Development Sources
- 112(d) - Emission Standards
- 112(e) - Schedule for Standards and Review
- 112(f) - Standards to Protect Health and the Environment (Residual Risk/Technology Program)
- 112(g) - Modifications, Construction, and Reconstruction
- 112(h) - Work Practice Standards
- 112(i) - Schedule for Compliance for New Sources, Early Reduction Program
- 112(j) - Equivalent Emission Limitation by Permit "MACT Hammer"
- 112(k) - Urban Air Toxics Strategy
- 112(l) - State Programs: Delegation of Implementation & Enforcement Authority
- 112(m) - Atmospheric Deposition to Great Lakes & Coastal Waters &
- 112(n) - Studies: Utilities, Coke Ovens, POTWs, Mercury, Hydrogen Sulfide
- 112(o) - National Academy of Sciences Study on Risk Assessment
- 112(p) - Mickey Leland National Urban Air Toxics Research Center
- 112(q) - Savings Provision
- 112(r) - Prevention of Accidental Releases
- 112(s) - Periodic Reports on Measures Taken to Implement Section 112