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I.    Introduction
II.   Before You Leave

III.  *After You Leave*

IV.  Contacts


Were You A Two people discussing a contractProcurement Official?

If you were a procurement official, you may be covered under the one-year bar in the Procurement Integrity Act, 41 USC § 423(d) and its implementing regulations at 48 CFR § 3.104 

Certain former officials cannot accept compensation from a contractor as an employee, officer, director, or consultant of the contractor within one year after serving as:  (1) the procurement contracting officer; (2) the source selection authority; (3) a member of the source selection board; or (4) the chief of the financial or technical evaluation panel of a contract involving payment or claims of over $10 million.

In order for these rules to apply, you need to have had a formal role in the process.  This would include being in a position to make a recommendation or to substantially influence the selection of a contractor or the type of work to be done by the contractor.

                          Leaving Federal Service