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I.    Introduction
II.   Before You Leave

III.  *After You Leave*

IV.  Contacts


One-Year Bar Related 500 Euro noteto Foreign Entities

Under 18 U.S.C. 207(f), for one year after leaving federal service, former “senior employees” may not knowingly represent a foreign entity before any employee of a federal department or agency with the intent to influence a decision of such employee in carrying out his or her official duties.

In addition, the former senior employee is restricted for one year from aiding or advising a foreign entity with the intent to influence a decision of any officer or employee of a federal department or agency in carrying out official duties.

This restriction is not limited to one’s former agency, but rather extends to all federal agencies. And, unlike other post-employment restrictions, the Department of Justice has opined that you cannot make such representations before Congress.

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                          Leaving Federal Service