Travel & Awards Very frustrated airline passenger Issues

Travel: May you accept a gift of travel from EPA? depends.

When EPA considers the travel in the interest of the Agency, it may pay for your travel, including a per diem allowance, while you are traveling on official business away from the designated post of duty during your IPA assignment.

When an EPA, state, or local government employee is on an IPA assignment, the Agency may pay for either relocation expenses to and from the assignment location or a per diem allowance at the assignment location during the period of assignment. EPA may select either on of these approaches to relocation and living expenses but not both. For additional information, see EPA's IPA Policy and Procedures Manual, EPA 210-B-97-001 (Link).

Awards: May you accept an award from EPA? The answer is...yes.

State and/or local government employees may accept cash awards for suggestions or contributions, but EPA should obtain the concurrence of the permanent employer. Also, honor awards, such as plaques and commendations, are permissible as well as time off awards (not more than 80 hours in a given leave year) for a superior accomplishment or other personal effort that contributes to increased quality and effectiveness of EPA programs. See EPA IPA Policy and Procedures Manual, EPA 210-B-97-001 (Link)

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Note: This index is intentionally not hyper-linked.

I.     Introduction

II.    IPA Basics

III.   EPA Employees on IPAs

IV.   *Employees on IPAs to        EPA*

V.    Conclusion