Financial Paper with text, "OGE-450? SF-278?"Disclosure

Many EPA employees are required to file a financial disclosure report to the Government.

Do you have to file a financial disclosure report if you are on detail from a non-Federal organization? According to the U.S. Office of Government ethics, detailees from non-Federal organizations are subject to the same requirements for financial disclosure as any other Government employee. (and here's a link to a PDF copy of the OGE DAEOgram DO-02-029 for more information).

Therefore, whether you file depends upon your position with the EPA and your supervisor.

If you are in a position:

Then you must file an SF-278 public financial disclosure form.

If you're not in any of the above positions and your EPA Deputy Ethics Official (DEO) decides that you must file a financial disclosure form, you must file an OGE Form 450 (confidential financial disclosure form).

Both of these forms are available on OGE's site (here's a link).,

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Ethics Training Related To IPAs


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Note: This index is intentionally not hyper-linked.

I.     Introduction

II.    IPA Basics

III.   EPA Employees on IPAs

IV.   *Employees on IPAs to        EPA*

V.    Conclusion