Hudson River PCBs Superfund Site
Engineering Performance Standards - Presentations
EPA Presentation at Peer Review "Briefing Meeting"
October 2003
A "Briefing Meeting" was held on October 15 and October 16 in Saratoga Springs, New York and was open to the public. At the Briefing Meeting, the peer reviewers heard presentations regarding the proposed standards for dredging-related resuspension, dredging residuals, and dredging productivity. Presentations were made by EPA and by those members of the public who commented on the draft engineering performance standards during the public comment period and expressed an interest in making a presentation. EPAs presentation to the peer review panel is listed below.
- Site History & Background [1.24 MB, 24 pp]
- Introduction to the Introduction to the Standards [463 KB, 19 pp]
- Productivity Standards [966 KB, 41 pp]
- Residual Standards [890 KB, 53 pp]
- Resuspension Resuspension Performance Standard [1.46 MB, 96 pp]
- Synergistic Characteristics - Performance Standard Interactions and Productivity [145 KB, 31 pp]