Green Book
Designated PM-2.5 (1997, 2006, 2012) Nonattainment Areas
Data is current as of August 31, 2024See PM-2.5 (2006) Notes for further details
Current and historical design value data can be found at
Area Name:
The "State(s) Area Name" column contains a common or general name for the nonattainment areas on the row, but may not reflect the exact name of any area on the row. This column cannot be exact since the nonattainment area for one pollutant may not contain the same counties, cities, or states as the nonattainment area for another pollutant on the same row. to see the area name or click on them to see the associated counties. The abbreviations listed in the "State(s)" column reflect all states identified in row. However, some states on a row may be nonattainment for some pollutants and not for others in the general area.
Split Area:
'Split' in the No. Ctys column indicates that the multi-state area has states that have been redesignated but the area does not become a maintenance area until all states in the area are redesignated. The whole area population is displayed in this report. Clicking on a "Split" No. Ctys will display information for the state(s) that have not been redesignated.
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