Progress Report
Affected Units
Affected Units Figures
Source: EPA, 2020
Last updated: 04/2020
Related Figures
![Affected Units in CSAPR and ARP, 2019](img/affected_units_f1_thumb.png)
![Affected Units in CSAPR and ARP, 2019](img/affected_units_f2_thumb.png)
Acid Rain Program (ARP)
- In 2019, the ARP SO₂ requirements applied to 3,325 fossil fuel-fired combustion units at 1,172 facilities across the country; 573 units at 260 facilities were subject to the ARP NOₓ program.
Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR)
- In 2019, there were 2,231 affected EGUs at 693 facilities in the CSAPR SO₂ program. Of those, 1,777 (80 percent) were also covered by the ARP.
- In 2019, there were 2,231 affected EGUs at 693 facilities in the CSAPR NOₓ annual program and 2,560 affected EGUs at 822 facilities in the CSAPR NOₓ ozone season program. Of those, 1,777 (80 percent) and 2,116 (81 percent), respectively, were also covered by the ARP.
Mercury and Air Toxics (MATS)
- The Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) set limits on the emissions of hazardous air pollutants from coal- and oil-fired electric utility steam generating units (EGUs) in all 50 states and U.S. territories. MATS was issued under section 112 of the Clean Air Act and requires units to conduct testing and submit emissions data to EPA periodically. EPA is including a summary of the mercury data submitted by affected sources in this report.
- In 2019, 463 units at 211 facilities reported hourly mercury emissions to EPA under MATS.
Background Information
In general, the ARP and CSAPR programs apply to large EGUs – boilers, turbines, and combined cycle units – that burn fossil fuel, serve generators with nameplate capacity greater than 25 megawatts, and produce electricity for sale. MATS applies only to coal- and oil-fired steam generating EGUs (i.e., utility boilers). It does not apply to combustion turbines, combined cycle units, or to natural gas-fired utility boilers. These EGUs include a range of unit types, including units that operate year-round to provide baseload power to the electric grid, as well as units that provide power only on peak demand days. The ARP NOₓ program applies to a subset of these units that are older and historically coal-fired.