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Assessing Outdoor Air Near Schools

San Jacinto Elementary School and Deer Park Junior High School - Deer Park, TX

EPA selected this school for monitoring because it is near a large refinery/chemical complex and in a community that is impacted by several major highways. Air monitoring data previously collected by EPA in 2009 indicated a potential concern for the mixture of pollutants (in particular benzene and 1,3-butadiene).   EPA conducted additional monitoring for eight months (October 13, 2011 to May 28, 2012).  We are reporting concentrations of benzene and 1,3-butadiene from this additional monitoring in the table below.  While benzene and 1,3-butadiene are the key pollutants at this monitoring location, other volatile organic compounds were also measured and that data is also available (PDF) (7pp, 38k).  

About the Data
he table below shows the levels of key pollutants in air samples collected at the monitoring site beginning in October 2011 and continuing through May 2012.   The table also includes individual “sample screening levels” for each key pollutant monitored at the school.  EPA developed these screening levels to help the Agency and the community get an early sense of what the data were showing. The sample screening level is a level of pollution in the air that is below what we expect to cause health problems from short-term exposures – all day, every day over a period ranging up to at least a couple of weeks (longer, for some pollutants).  These screening levels are used only as guidelines for this project.

About The Table

Compare the sample results to the short-term screening level at the top of the table. Numbers at or below that level indicate the pollutant is not likely to pose immediate health concerns.

To use the screening level, compare it to each sample result:

  • a sample result at or below the sample screening level is not a concern for risk of health problems from short-term exposures.
  • a sample result above the screening level does not mean that there is a risk to children and adults at the school.  It is a signal for EPA to further evaluate those and subsequent results for that pollutant. 

After monitoring was completed, EPA analyzed the potential for health concerns from long-term exposure. This analysis can be found under the Final Analysis tab. Monitoring results are in the table below.

Sample Results
Key Pollutants Benzene
(Micrograms/cubic meter)**
(Micrograms/cubic meter)**
Sample Screening Level 30 20
10/13/11 5.11 1.80
10/19/11 9.11 0.688
10/25/11 0.575 0.051
10/31/11 3.83 0.292
11/06/11 0.431 0.029
11/12/11 0.441 0.060
11/18/11 0.562 0.044
11/24/11 3.39 0.436
11/30/11 2.30 0.223
12/06/11 2.29 0.989
12/12/11 1.14 0.071
12/18/11 0.655 0.035
12/30/11 2.63 0.230
01/05/12 1.31 0.15
01/11/12 1.48 1.60
01/17/12 2.48 0.564
01/23/12 3.29 0.688
01/29/12 6.52 0.710
02/04/12 2.66 1.19
02/09/12 -- --
02/10/12 1.42 0.411
02/16/12 3.90 0.294
03/05/12 0.805 0.369
03/11/12 2.87 0.363
03/17/12 0.693 0.029
03/23/12 5.40 0.358
03/28/12 0.853 0.069
03/29/12 1.02 0.093
04/04/12 4.35 0.323
04/22/12 3.58 0.586
04/28/12 0.572 0.029
05/04/12 0.632 0.071
05/16/12 3.05 0.345
05/22/12 0.505 0.033
05/28/12 0.789 0.046

–– = Sample not taken or invalid

Also monitored (PDF) (7pp, 38k)

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