This download is in the form of a compressed, self-extracting
8.8 Meg file, named FIX005_95.EXE. You should place it in a temporary
folder, and double-click it to allow it to expand.
In its extracted form, it will consist of a subdirectory
named "Fix005_95", which will contain 74 files, as follows:
- 72 upgrade files to be copied to the STORET system STORV10 directory
- 1 setup.bat file to launch the install
- 1 readme.txt file
Be sure to read and follow the instructions in the "Readme.txt" file.
During installation a log file (named "setup.log") will be created
in the "Fix005_95" directory, that records the activities performed during execution of
setup.bat. The log file may be viewed at the end of the
installation, or if an error occurs during the installation.
The "Readme.txt" file contains complete instructions for installation
of this file following its download. The "Setup.bat" file can be
used instead, to automatically install this fix, provided your
installation of the STORET is the stand-alone PC version using
Personal Oracle ®.
Installation of this fix takes less than two minutes, once the file
has been downloaded and expanded.
To download this file, click the "Download Now" button at your left.
To quit without downloading, click the "CANCEL" button.
Should you need to restore your setup to version 1.1, click the "UNDO" button.