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WQX Web Resources and Download

Resources for Learning

WQX Web Tutorials and Example Data Files (ZIP 7.7MB)

The folder has step by step tutorial documents and test templates to provide training to new users. The test files should be submitted only under the WQXTEST Organization ID. After finishing the training, please delete all the files, you generated in WQX Web.

The zip file contains the following files:

The video tutorial is designed to provide live training to WQX Web tool users. The videos follow the similar sequence as mentioned in tutorial Level1_WQXWeb_Tutorial.pdf and Level2_WQXWeb_Tutorial.pdf. These videos are without any sound and should be referred with the tutorial documents.

Level 1: Introduction Level 2: Troubleshooting Import Errors

Resources for Reference

WQX Web User Guide (PDF 1.4MB)

The WQX Web User Guide provides comprehensive information about the WQX Web application. It is recommended that the User Guide should be referenced before the final use of the WQX Web tool.

WQX Web Template (ZIP 600KB)

The users can use the WQX Web template to assist in formatting the regular results data, such as physical and chemical results that have been sampled and analyzed. The template is made up of two Excel spreadsheet files that are meant to be used together to assist with data tracking and entry.

The first file, "Template_dictionary_WQX_Web.xls", provides a dictionary of the types of data, formats, and associated data rules that should be included within a WQX Web data file. The second file, labeled "Template_WQX_Web.xls" provides columns for entering in data, exporting the data into a text file, and making it ready for import into WQX Web.

The template can be used with the following standard configurations that are shared to all the members of WQXTEST Organization:

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Adobe PDF files on this page. See EPA's PDF page for more information about getting and using the free Acrobat Reader.

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