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Drinking Water & Ground Water Kids' Stuff
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Drinking Water Bloopers

Bloopers text image

(Embarrassing moments in the life of a water drinker)

Waiting a week to fix a leak.

faucett graphicAssume little leaks only waste a little water? You can lose up to 200 gallons of water a day from a leaking toilet. And a faucet can drip 604,800 drops while you are waiting.

Taking a shortcut and using the hot water tap when cooking.

tea kettle graphicThat's taboo, and it can shortcut your health. Lead can dissolve into hot water from lead pipes and solder. Cold water is better. Heat it on the stove when cooking or making baby formula.

Slipping used motor oil into a storm sewer or burying it in the trash.motor oil bottle graphic

Hey slick, oil can leak into lakes, rivers, and wells. Just one pint can expand over an acre of water. Take your used oil to a recycling center.

Tossing toxics in the trash.

batteries graphicHow tacky! Consider batteries, a common throw-away. They contain lead and mercury. Some ordinary household cleaners have other poisons that contaminate water. Here's a tip, drop them off at a special collection site.

Watering your lawn at high noon.
water sprinkler graphic
Caught with your sprinkler on? The hot sun will evaporate the water your lawn needs. Better water early in the day.

Using your garbage disposal all the time.hand throwing away an egg shell graphic

Want to show good taste after a meal? Learn to compost. Your disposal uses one gallon of water a minute. Many foods can be composted instead, making a great soil conditioner. These foods include vegetable trimmings, egg shells, coffee grounds with filters, and tea bags.

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