Download Model Data
Excel files containing all model information (intercept, slope, R2, etc) can be downloaded here for each Web-ICE module. These data can assist you in selecting the best model for your surrogate species or predicted taxon. Statistics and parameters of all Web-ICE models are available here for calculation of toxicity values and confidence intervals. Refer to the Web-ICE user manual for model equations and guidelines on calculations.
Click on the appropriate link below to download model information (slope, intercept, etc.):
Mode of Action (MOA)-specific ICE models are developed using only one MOA and may improve estimates when the surrogate and predicted taxa are taxonomically distance (Raimondo et al. 2010). Models are available for download using the following link and may be used external to the website. Models for species, genus, and family levels are presented on separate spreadsheet tabs.
The Web-ICE Aquatic Database Documentation (pdf) (1 MB) describes in detail the sources, normalization, and standardization of acute toxicity data used in the development of ICE models.
Click on the following link to view the toxicity values used in each model. Data used in species, genus, and family level models are presented on separate spreadsheet tabs.
The following link provides the chemicals within the database used for wildlife models, however the toxicity data used in each model is not available.