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Assessing Outdoor Air Near Schools

Riggins School - Birmingham, AL

During the School Air Toxics Initiative (SAT), EPA originally selected three schools in the North Birmingham area for monitoring, because of their location near two coke facilities and other industries that were  sources of air toxics emissions.  Air toxics monitoring was conducted by EPA in 2009  at these three locations, and results indicated the influence from the nearby sources for a number of key pollutants: benzene, arsenic and benzo(a)pyrene.  In addition, data from one of the schools (Lewis) suggested  elevated levels of manganese.   To further assess potential impacts to the broader community, EPA conducted additional monitoring for 12 months in four neighborhoods within the North Birmingham community.  Those neighborhoods included:  Collegeville, North Birmingham, Fairmont, and Harriman Park. Two of these locations varied from the previous areas monitored.  The table below indicates the monitoring locations for each of the communities.

Location of Monitor

Community Monitored  (2011 – 2012 Study)

Hudson K-8 School


Lewis Elementary School

North Birmingham

Riggins School


Shuttlesworth Monitoring Site (formerly called Sloss)

Harriman Park

Concentrations measured for the key pollutants (arsenic, benzene, benzo(a)pyrene, and manganese) from the four locations are provided in the table below. Concentrations for other toxic air pollutants measured at these sites are also available. (For example, arsenic may be the key pollutant at a monitoring site but other metals, such as manganese, measured in the sample also are available.)

About the Data
The table below shows the levels of key pollutants in air samples collected at the monitoring site beginning in June 2011 and continuing into August 2012. The table also includes individual “sample screening levels” for each key pollutant monitored at the school during the SAT study.  EPA developed these screening levels to help the Agency and the community get an early sense of what the data were showing. The sample screening level is a level of pollution in the air that is below what we expect to cause health problems from short-term exposures – all day, every day over a period ranging up to at least a couple of weeks (longer, for some pollutants).  These screening levels were used only as guidelines  during the SAT project.

About The Table

Compare the sample results to the short-term screening level at the top of the table. Numbers at or below that level indicate the pollutant is not likely to pose immediate health concerns.

To use the screening level, compare it to each sample result:

  • a sample result at or below the sample screening level is not a concern for risk of health problems from short-term exposures.
  • a sample result above the screening level does not mean that there is a risk to children and adults at the school.  It is a signal for EPA to further evaluate those and subsequent results for that pollutant. 

After monitoring was completed, EPA analyzed the potential for health concerns from long-term exposure through a risk assessment. This analysis can be found under the Final Analysis tab. Monitoring results are in the table below.

Initial Sample Results
Key Pollutants Arsenic (Nanograms/
cubic meter)
Benzene (Micrograms/
cubic meter)**
Benzo[a]pyrene (Micrograms/
cubic meter)
Non-FRM/FEM (Nanograms/
cubic meter)
Sample Date Community Name

Screening Level

Screening Level
Screening Level
Screening Level
06/24/11 Collegeville 0.91 -- 0.0000594 NA
" Fairmont 1.05 3.61 0.00183 NA
" Harriman Park 3.19 -- 0.00334 NA
" North Birmingham 0.73 1.80 0.000115 21.4
07/07/11 Collegeville 2.51 9.27 0.00128 NA
" Fairmont 2.09 13.3 0.00219 NA
" Harriman Park 2.82 10.9 0.00211 NA
" North Birmingham 2.35 8.88 0.000732 53.4
07/13/11 Collegeville 1.59 2.30 0.000351 NA
" Fairmont 1.73 2.43 0.000714 NA
" Harriman Park 2.78 8.43 0.00208 NA
" North Birmingham 1.05 1.95 0.000398 25.5
07/19/11 Collegeville 2.14 17.5 0.00377 NA
" Fairmont 2.76 5.37 0.00942 NA
" Harriman Park 2.46 21.6 0.00219 NA
" North Birmingham -- 7.16 0.00232 --
07/24/11 Collegeville -- 1.45 -- NA
" Fairmont -- 3.93 -- NA
" Harriman Park -- 2.95 -- NA
" North Birmingham -- 1.01 -- --
07/25/11 Collegeville 1.21 -- 0.0000628 NA
" Fairmont 1.27 -- 0.0000420 NA
" Harriman Park 1.57 -- 0.000324 NA
" North Birmingham 1.08 -- 0.0000429 15.5
07/31/11 Collegeville 2.95 2.35 0.000628 NA
" Fairmont 3.00 1.28 0.00122 NA
" Harriman Park 3.44 2.75 0.00137 NA
" North Birmingham 2.20 1.90 0.000502 15.9
08/06/11 Collegeville -- -- 0.000675 NA
" Fairmont 3.03 2.15 0.000700 NA
" Harriman Park -- -- 0.000568 NA
" North Birmingham 3.11 -- 0.000471 10.3
08/12/11 Collegeville 2.39 -- 0.000411 NA
" Fairmont 2.29 2.59 0.000954 NA
" Harriman Park 3.29 -- 0.00109 NA
" North Birmingham 2.30 -- 0.000200 33.2
08/18/11 Collegeville 3.96 21.6 0.00238 NA
" Fairmont 4.12 13.8 0.00920 NA
" Harriman Park 3.03 7.28 0.00274 NA
" North Birmingham 3.17 7.51 0.00347 54.8
08/24/11 Collegeville 0.98 2.46 0.0000660 NA
" Fairmont 2.39 13.2 0.00161 NA
" Harriman Park -- 1.10 0.0000995 NA
" North Birmingham 0.76 0.936 0.0000533 64.0
08/30/11 Collegeville 1.55 1.08 0.00214 NA
" Fairmont 1.56 1.89 0.00205 NA
" Harriman Park 1.26 1.01 0.00122 NA
" North Birmingham 1.66 1.32 0.00168 60.4
09/11/11 Collegeville 3.34 5.30 0.00539 NA
" Fairmont 4.72 13.3 0.0157 NA
" Harriman Park 3.47 6.74 0.00397 NA
" North Birmingham 3.77 5.62 0.00875 17.4
09/17/11 Collegeville 1.20 0.588 ND NA
" Fairmont 1.44 1.12 0.000161 NA
" Harriman Park 1.54 0.735 ND NA
" North Birmingham 1.24 0.626 ND 69.2
09/23/11 Collegeville 0.84 0.984 0.0000494 NA
" Fairmont 1.65 0.476 0.00237 NA
" Harriman Park 1.41 3.71 0.000673 NA
" North Birmingham 0.86 0.569 0.0000433 17.8
09/29/11 Collegeville 2.64 1.56 0.00125 NA
" Fairmont 2.58 1.90 0.00504 NA
" Harriman Park 3.52 6.36 0.00348 NA
" North Birmingham 3.40 1.56 0.00121 65.8
10/05/11 Collegeville 4.00 21.9 0.00955 NA
" Fairmont 4.29 10.0 0.0189 NA
" Harriman Park ND 18.6 0.00753 NA
" North Birmingham 4.35 20.4 0.0153 53.1
10/11/11 Collegeville 0.57 0.834 0.000222 NA
" Fairmont 1.54 2.89 0.00153 NA
" Harriman Park 0.66 0.837 0.000316 NA
" North Birmingham 0.74 0.923 0.000165 10.2
10/17/11 Collegeville 3.51 21.0 0.00469 NA
" Fairmont 6.22 20.6 0.0197 NA
" Harriman Park 3.41 14.2 0.00721 NA
" North Birmingham 4.65 16.8 0.00689 115
10/23/11 Collegeville -- 3.80 0.00517 NA
" Fairmont -- 5.72 0.0146 NA
" Harriman Park 0.07 4.15 0.00424 NA
" North Birmingham 4.60 4.15 0.00809 12.8
10/29/11 Collegeville 1.09 15.7 0.000397 NA
" Fairmont -- 4.98 0.00174 NA
" Harriman Park -- 5.46 0.000297 NA
" North Birmingham 3.43 8.98 0.000555 11.6
11/04/11 Collegeville 0.76 4.15 0.000292 NA
" Fairmont 0.28 1.25 0.0000209 NA
" Harriman Park 1.08 1.69 0.000124 NA
" North Birmingham 0.27 3.48 ND 11.9
11/10/11 Collegeville 0.57 1.91 0.0000392 NA
" Fairmont 0.35 5.05 0.0000675 NA
" Harriman Park -- 3.11 0.00220 NA
" North Birmingham 0.17 2.17 0.0000415 10.6
11/16/11 Collegeville 0.59 0.361 ND NA
" Fairmont 0.73 0.511 0.0000583 NA
" Harriman Park 0.84 1.31 0.000166 NA
" North Birmingham 0.48 0.374 0.0000184 8.67
11/22/11 Collegeville 0.80 0.712 0.0000715 NA
" Fairmont 1.77 1.70 0.00110 NA
" Harriman Park 1.02 3.39 -- NA
" North Birmingham 0.63 0.799 0.000109 110
11/28/11 Collegeville 0.26 0.581 0.0000214 NA
" Fairmont 0.10 0.588 ND NA
" Harriman Park 2.32 2.96 0.00104 NA
" North Birmingham 0.18 0.597 0.0000344 12.4
12/04/11 Collegeville 0.72 0.610 0.0000401 NA
" Fairmont 10.8 37.1 0.0210 NA
" Harriman Park 0.81 0.559 0.0000239 NA
" North Birmingham 0.62 0.578 0.0000391 4.42
12/10/11 Collegeville 1.59 0.900 0.000385 NA
" Fairmont 1.41 0.811 0.000281 NA
" Harriman Park 1.04 2.30 0.000225 NA
" North Birmingham 0.96 0.971 0.000124 7.23
12/16/11 Collegeville 0.35 -- 0.0000596 NA
" Fairmont 0.22 0.942 0.000158 NA
" Harriman Park 0.52 0.856 0.0000521 NA
" North Birmingham 0.43 0.780 -- 4.15
12/22/11 Collegeville 2.03 0.588 0.00155 NA
" Fairmont 2.67 2.81 0.0132 NA
" Harriman Park 2.21 1.15 0.000727 NA
" North Birmingham 1.54 -- -- 63.3
01/09/12 Collegeville 1.50 2.47 0.000126 NA
" Fairmont 1.78 5.08 0.000327 NA
" Harriman Park 1.71 2.28 0.000311 NA
" North Birmingham 2.10 2.05 -- 76.5
01/15/12 Collegeville 1.37 2.56 0.000605 NA
" Fairmont 2.30 30.1 0.00201 NA
" Harriman Park 1.95 -- 0.00176 NA
" North Birmingham 1.66 2.63 -- 9.50
01/21/12 Collegeville 0.67 0.744 -- NA
" Fairmont 0.52 0.757 -- NA
" Harriman Park 1.70 2.49 0.00110 NA
" North Birmingham 0.65 1.40 -- 2.56
01/28/12 Collegeville 0.74 9.84 0.000668 NA
" Fairmont 1.11 14.6 0.00175 NA
" Harriman Park 3.12 7.57 0.00315 NA
" North Birmingham 0.67 6.55 -- 13.9
02/02/12 Collegeville -- 4.92 0.00254 NA
" Fairmont 0.91 3.51 0.00167 NA
" Harriman Park 1.91 6.04 0.00204 NA
" North Birmingham 1.34 6.55 -- 26.3
02/08/12 Collegeville -- 1.10 0.0000252 NA
" Fairmont 0.76 0.495 ND NA
" Harriman Park 1.39 1.03 0.0000886 NA
" North Birmingham 0.60 0.751 -- 6.58
02/14/12 Collegeville -- 2.78 0.0000847 NA
" Fairmont 8.46 4.82 0.0118 NA
" Harriman Park 1.52 2.46 0.000341 NA
" North Birmingham 1.53 1.74 -- 105
02/20/12 Collegeville -- -- 0.000255 NA
" Fairmont 4.88 7.92 -- NA
" Harriman Park 0.93 0.687 0.000251 NA
" North Birmingham 1.24 0.843 --  
02/26/12 Collegeville 0.79 -- 0.000649 NA
" Fairmont 5.81 8.59 0.00850 NA
" Harriman Park 0.91 0.639 0.00147 NA
" North Birmingham 0.86 -- -- 8.36
03/03/12 Collegeville 0.78 -- 0.0000848 NA
" Fairmont 0.50 0.569 0.0000871 NA
" Harriman Park 2.26 5.40 0.00123 NA
" North Birmingham 0.65 0.553 -- 4.36
03/09/12 Collegeville 1.48 -- 0.000577 NA
" Fairmont 0.31 0.687 0.0000413 NA
" Harriman Park 0.36 0.716 0.0000576 NA
" North Birmingham 0.31 0.700 0.0000533 5.38
03/15/12 Collegeville 2.10 -- 0.000698 NA
" Fairmont 2.36 5.53 0.00389 NA
" Harriman Park 2.13 5.78 0.00159 NA
" North Birmingham 2.40 10.1 0.00112 75.0
03/21/12 Collegeville 0.73 0.546 0.0000533 NA
" Fairmont 5.28 14.3 0.00944 NA
" Harriman Park 0.39 0.607 ND NA
" North Birmingham 1.00 0.588 0.000101 23.7
03/27/12 Collegeville 2.22 1.32 0.00221 NA
" Fairmont 3.18 4.86 0.00351 NA
" Harriman Park 1.59 1.16 0.00149 NA
" North Birmingham 2.04 1.17 0.00205 165
04/02/12 Collegeville 0.84 5.02 ND NA
" Fairmont 1.45 54.6 0.0000512 NA
" Harriman Park -- 10.6 0.00168 NA
" North Birmingham 0.83 2.61 0.0000343 19.5
04/08/12 Collegeville 2.34 -- 0.00289 NA
" Fairmont 2.58 -- 0.00362 NA
" Harriman Park 2.70 -- 0.00426 NA
" North Birmingham 1.67 -- 0.000986 11.2
04/14/12 Collegeville 1.19 0.687 0.000351 NA
" Fairmont 8.28 12.9 0.0152 NA
" Harriman Park 1.35 0.652 0.000470 NA
" North Birmingham 1.04 0.661 0.0000790 16.6
04/20/12 Collegeville 0.89 1.36 0.0000791 NA
" Fairmont 1.52 2.77 0.00171 NA
" Harriman Park 1.08 1.77 0.0000295 NA
" North Birmingham 1.45 0.888 0.0000410 44.7
04/26/12 Collegeville 0.79 0.658 0.0000323 NA
" Fairmont 0.65 0.569 0.0000263 NA
" Harriman Park 1.33 2.65 0.000270 NA
" North Birmingham 0.76 0.837 0.000641 30.5
05/02/12 Collegeville 0.83 0.498 0.000292 NA
" Fairmont 3.99 7.83 0.00544 NA
" Harriman Park 0.80 0.521 0.000641 NA
" North Birmingham 0.94 0.917 0.000158 57.3
05/08/12 Collegeville 1.47 0.863 0.000312 NA
" Fairmont 1.36 0.872 0.000791 NA
" Harriman Park 1.59 1.91 0.000781 NA
" North Birmingham 1.59 0.872 0.000416 47.9
05/14/12 Collegeville 0.90 2.60 ND NA
" Fairmont 0.56 1.42 0.0000340 NA
" Harriman Park 2.09 3.80 0.00308 NA
" North Birmingham 0.90 1.94 0.0000445 21.0
05/20/12 Collegeville 1.79 1.37 0.00345 NA
" Fairmont 2.55 1.06 0.0000513 NA
" Harriman Park 2.41 1.87 0.00310 NA
" North Birmingham 1.75 0.677 0.00429 16.3
05/26/12 Collegeville 3.09 4.44 0.00483 NA
" Fairmont 4.10 4.66 0.0000996 NA
" Harriman Park 2.65 5.46 0.00412 NA
" North Birmingham 3.38 8.75 0.0140 12.0
06/01/12 Collegeville 0.68 0.706 ND NA
" Fairmont 0.74 0.556 0.000118 NA
" Harriman Park 2.30 4.31 0.00168 NA
" North Birmingham 0.66 0.479 0.0000265 15.2
06/07/12 Collegeville 1.38 1.82 0.00178 NA
" Fairmont 1.22 2.34 0.00167 NA
" Harriman Park 4.08 1.86 0.00255 NA
" North Birmingham 1.28 2.33 0.00147 46.5
06/13/12 Collegeville 1.84 2.27 0.000156 NA
" Fairmont 1.16 2.16 0.0000632 NA
" Harriman Park 7.17 2.55 0.000104 NA
" North Birmingham 1.38 3.23 0.0000674 45.6
06/19/12 Collegeville 2.68 1.32 0.000224 NA
" Fairmont 2.82 9.62 0.00497 NA
" Harriman Park 7.45 2.96 0.000398 NA
" North Birmingham 1.09 5.30 0.000223 58.0
06/25/12 Collegeville 1.44 2.31 0.00120 NA
" Fairmont 0.89 0.486 0.00177 NA
" Harriman Park 2.82 0.917 0.000844 NA
" North Birmingham 0.51 0.617 0.000284 23.4
07/01/12 Collegeville 1.15 1.19 0.000119 NA
" Fairmont 1.01 2.76 0.0000492 NA
" Harriman Park 7.35 3.83 0.000786 NA
" North Birmingham 0.85 1.02 0.0000433 20.0
07/04/12 Collegeville 0.96 0.792 ND NA
" Fairmont 0.77 0.514 ND NA
" Harriman Park 3.79 3.48 0.000898 NA
" North Birmingham 0.79 0.690 ND 26.3
07/07/12 Collegeville 0.90 0.674 0.0000347 NA
" Fairmont 0.99 0.489 0.000107 NA
" Harriman Park 3.10 2.01 0.000252 NA
" North Birmingham 1.02 0.658 0.0000293 10.8
07/10/12 Collegeville 1.63 0.498 0.0000448 NA
" Fairmont 1.74 4.60 0.000334 NA
" Harriman Park 3.13 1.05 0.000155 NA
" North Birmingham 1.26 0.540 0.0000627 31.9
07/13/12 Collegeville 1.38 0.418 ND NA
" Fairmont 2.91 3.15 0.00223 NA
" Harriman Park 4.67 0.556 0.0000554 NA
" North Birmingham 1.07 0.457 ND 24.1
07/16/12 Collegeville 2.86 5.50 0.000671 NA
" Fairmont 2.29 3.77 0.00117 NA
" Harriman Park 5.94 -- 0.000990 NA
" North Birmingham 1.82 4.25 0.000876 62.7
07/21/12 Collegeville 0.57 0.457 0.0000243 NA
" Fairmont 1.08 7.54 0.00167 NA
" Harriman Park 1.70 1.59 0.0000614 NA
" North Birmingham 0.42 0.508 ND 4.37
07/24/12 Collegeville 0.64 0.486 0.000518 NA
" Fairmont 0.91 0.31 0.000274 NA
" Harriman Park 3.08 22.7 0.00566 NA
" North Birmingham 0.96 0.540 0.0000391 94.8
07/26/12 Harriman Park -- -- 0.00200 NA
07/27/12 Collegeville 0.69 0.645 0.0000270 NA
" Fairmont 0.90 -- -- NA
" Harriman Park -- -- -- NA
" North Birmingham 1.03 -- 0.0000418 24.4
07/30/12 Collegeville 2.82 -- -- NA
" Fairmont 3.01 -- 0.00138 NA
" Harriman Park 3.80 -- -- NA
" North Birmingham -- -- -- --
07/31/12 Collegeville -- 1.29 -- NA
08/02/12 Collegeville 1.81 1.42 -- NA
" Fairmont -- -- 0.000757 NA
" Harriman Park -- -- -- NA
" North Birmingham -- -- 0.000106 --
08/05/12 Collegeville -- 1.48 -- NA
" North Birmingham -- -- 0.000426 --
08/08/12 Fairmont -- -- 0.000547 NA
" North Birmingham -- -- 0.000145 --
08/11/12 North Birmingham -- -- 0.000220 --
08/17/12 Fairmont -- -- 0.000430 NA
08/20/12 Fairmont -- -- 0.00218 NA
08/23/12 Fairmont -- -- 0.00574 NA
08/26/12 Fairmont -- -- 0.00172 NA

NA = Not a key pollutant at this location
ND = Pollutant Not Detected
–– = Sample not taken or invalid

Other pollutants monitored


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