Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) Training
There is no live training currently scheduled for the Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT). Previous webinars are posted below.
The Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) and WebFIRE are critical program components in the stakeholder-centered process for developing emissions factors. The ERT is a tool that replaces the time-intensive manual preparation and transcription of stationary source emissions test plans and reports currently performed by contractors for emissions sources and the time intensive manual quality assurance evaluations and documentation performed by State agencies.
Quality assured source emissions test reports provide the foundation for calculation of the average emissions factors that reside in WebFIRE and for the determination of the quality ratings assigned to the emissions factors. The ERT includes an export routine to WebFIRE where the critical information needed to calculate the emissions factors resides. WebFIRE will allow more frequent updates, easier access, and greater transparency for the Agency's emissions factors development and application process.
The instructional videos and recorded webinars below are primarily to provide the basics for use of the ERT. Information is also presented on the potential use benefits to the source test contractor and state/local/tribal agencies. Viewers may realize some of the future benefits to the inventory community. The courses will also provide information on the future changes that are planned for WebFIRE that will allow the inventory community to obtain as much supporting information on the emissions factors as they wish.
At the conclusion of these courses, participants will be able to:
- Explain what the ERT is and how it works
- Generate, review, assess and comment on an ERT test plan
- Load a completed ERT project file and examine the calculations
- Understand how to create ERT projects
- Learn to locate emissions factors in WebFIRE
- Learn to find supplementary information associated with WebFIRE emissions factors
- Learn about future enhancements to WebFIRE that will allow users to tailor emissions factors to their specific situation
ERT Improvements Webinar/Meeting - August 22, 2011The purpose of the event was to inform attendees of recent ERT updates and to gain constructive and specific suggestions on how the ERT can be improved. Paul Baker of AMEC presents 2011 ERT revisions which lead to ERT Version 4. Paul also showcases a spreadsheet template which will allow the ERT to import collected field data. The presentation demonstrates how stack testers can link data from their own spreadsheet into the ERT spreadsheet template. In,the second part of the webinar EPA seeks suggestions and ideas on improving the ERT. Attendees ask many specific questions which were answered by EPA. |
Recorded Meeting and Webinar to receive ERT improvements recommendations. |
ERTImprovementwebinat.html (Requires Adobe Flash or Windows Media Player, 1 hour, 24 minutes) |
Test Plan/Protocol Preparation - September 2014These seven recordings describe how to prepare a source test protocol in the ERT. Once completed, the protocol may be submitted to the regulatory agency for review and comment. This protocol becomes the framework and basis for stack test data entry and a complete electronic test report. These six recordings describe the following components of a complete test protocol. |
Identification of the Facility and Stack Test Contractor. | TestPlan_Tab1_Facility-Tester.WMV (WMV 144M, 8 minutes) |
Source Identification (Permit and Source Number, Process Rates and Source Categorization). | TestPlan_Tab2_Permit-SCC.WMV (WMV 245M, 20 minutes) |
Identification of Sample Location, Test Method/Pollutant and Reporting Units for Emissions. | TestPlan_Tab3_Locations-Methods.WMV (WMV 189M, 17 minutes) |
Identification of Test Purpose (Regulations, Limits). | TestPlan_Tab4_Regulations.WMV (WMV 164M, 18 minutes) |
Process Description, Process Data, Process Lab Data and Control Device Parameter Monitoring. | TestPlan_Tab5_Process-APCD.WMV (WMV 293M, 29 minutes) |
Alternative Method, Audit Materials, Calibration, Schedule Documentation. | TestPlan_Tab6-8_Methods-Attch.WMV (WMV 143M, 14 minutes) |
Corporate Spreadsheet modifications using one of the ERT Field and Header Data import spreadsheets for ERT manual methods field data import. | TestPlan_Tab8a_FieldDataSpreadsheet-Preparation.WMV (WMV 256M, 20 minutes) |
Creating a Test Plan from a completed Test Report and importing field sampling data using a corporate spreadsheet modified using one of the ERT Field and Header Data import spreadsheets for ERT manual methods field data import. | TestPlan_Tab8b_Report-to-Plan_Import-FieldDataSpreadsheet.WMV (WMV 300M, 20 minutes) |
Regulatory Agency Test Protocol Review - July 2014Webinar recording describing the regulatory agencies use of the ERT to review and provide comments on a submitted Source Test Protocol. |
First half of EPA Webinar with MARAMA States - Test Protocol review. |
TestPlan_Tab9-State-Review.wmv(WMV 440M, 26 minutes) |
Test and Process Operating Data Entry - September 2014Video recordings demonstrating procedures to enter data collected during field testing and analyses of collected samples. Videos are organized to demonstrate procedures applicable for general source sampling methodologies. |
Entering header and point data into single sampler test methods. Video recording demonstrating four procedures to enter single sample train field data collected during isokinetic and non-isokinetic manual testing into the header and point data tables of ERT. Importing data from spreadsheet files, importing data from XML files, Copying and Pasting groups of data elements and manual individual data element entry. | TestReport_1-Single-Sample-Train-header-point.wmv (WMV 150M, 12 minutes) |
Entering laboratory data into single sampler test methods. Video recording demonstrating the manual entry of stack sample laboratory analyses for single sampler test methods. The video also provides an overview and demonstrates data entry per EPA Guideline Document 51F. | TestReport_2-ManLabData.wmv (WMV 221M, 14 minutes) |
Entering header, point and sample analysis data into dual sampler test methods. Video recording demonstrating the procedure to import Method 30B field data into the header and point data tabs and the manual entry of laboratory analyses. Provides an overview of the Quality Assurance and Quality Control information calculated and presented in the ERT. | TestReport_3-Dual-Sample-Train-header-point-lab.wmv (WMV 395M, 33 minutes) |
How to enter instrumental test methods data into the ERT. Video recording demonstrating the procedure to enter final calibration,gas certification documentation, instrument direct and system,calibration and test results data | TestReport_4-InstumentMethod.wmv (WMV 235M, 23 minutes) |
How to enter Process, APCD and Process Lab data.,Video recording demonstrating the entry of values documented during emission test runs for operational process parameters, APCD operating parameters and laboratory analyses of process feed or product samples. | TestReport_5-ProcessDataEntry.wmv (WMV 130M, 11 minutes) |
How to enter RATA data into the ERT. Video recording demonstrating the procedure to verify reference method,data quality, entering continuous emission monitoring data,identification and selection of excluded data and creation of a Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) report. | TestReport_6-RATADataEntry.wmv (WMV 224M, 16 minutes) |
Providing Supporting Documentation - Video recording demonstrating suggested procedures to generate and attaching electronic Metadata documentation required by applicable regulations or regulatory agency requirements. The recording also demonstrates the use of ERT's "Completion Check" to verify the presence of and add required documentation. |
TestReport_7-CompletionCheck.wmv (WMV 222M, 15 minutes) |
Regulatory Agency Test Report Review - July 2014Video recording of a Webinar describing how regulatory agencies can use the ERT to document their review of electronic stack test reports, provide comments on information provided by the facility or test contractor and recommend revisions of the test report. |
Second half of EPA Webinar with MARAMA States - Test Report review. | TestReport_State-Review.wmv (WMV 357M, 24 minutes) |