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10th International Emission Inventory Conference -
"One Atmosphere, One Inventory, Many Challenges"

Papers and Presentations
May 1 - 3, 2001

Keynote Address: Problem Solving Flow Chart. Chris Shaver, Air Resources Division, National Park Service. (PDF 7K)

Final Program and Agenda (PDF 160K)

Session 1 - Ammonia

Comparison of Ammonium in USA West Deposition to Ammonia Emission Estimates. G. J. Stensland, V. C. Bowersox, B. Larson, R. D. Claybrooke, Illinois State Water Survey.

Ammonia Emission Factors from Swine Finishing Operations. D. B. Harris, R. C. Shores, L. G. Jones, U. S. EPA.

DOAS Measurement of Atmospheric Ammonia Emissions at a Dairy. G. H. Mount, B. P. Rumburg, B. L. Lamb, J. R. Havig, H. Westberg, K. A. Johnson, R. L. Kincaid, Washington State University.

Emissions of Ammonia from Light- Duty Vehicles. T. Durbin, J. Norbeck, W. Miller, R. Wilson, H. Tao, S. Rhee, University of California.

Current and Future Emissions of Ammonia in China. Z. Klimont, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, AUSTRIA.
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Development of an Updated Gridded Ammonia Emission Inventory for the South Coast Air Basin. G. E. Mansell, ENVIRON International Corp; J. Koizumi, Parsons Engineering Science.
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Next Generation Ammonia Inventory for the San Joaquin Valley of California. S. Roe, E. H. Pechan, Inc.; G. E. Mansell, ENVIRON International Corp.

Session 2 - Area Sources

Improvements in Emissions Modeling for Source Categories with Significant Ozone Precursor Emissions. J. H. Wilson, S. S. Roe, K. B. Thesing, E. J. Laich, E. H. Pechan & Assoc, Inc; J. W. Havens, Pennsylvania Dept of Environmental Resources; C. Loomis, Alpine Geophysics, LLC.
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Analysis of Air Toxics Emission Inventories for Area Sources in the Great Lakes Region. C. Y. Wu, C. Nelson, Minnesota Pollution Control, O. Cabrera- Rivera, J. Quan, Wisconsin DNR, D. Asselmeier, Illinois EPA; J. Bates, S. Moore, Indiana DEM; G. Baker, D. McGeen, Michigan DEQ, R. McDonough, R. Sliwinski, New York DEC; R. Altenburg, Pennsylvania DEP.
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Update of Area Source Solvent Emissions and Methods. R. Tooly, U. S. EPA; D. L. Jones, W. Battye, J. S. Fudge, EC/ R.
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A Recommended Procedure for Compiling Emission Inventory National, Regional and County Level Activity Data for the Residential Wood Combustion Source Category. J. E. Houck, OMNI Environmental Services, Inc; J. Mangino, U. S. EPA; G. Brooks, Eastern Research Group; R. Huntley, U. S. EPA.

New Resources for Improving Regional PM2.5 Emission Inventories. [Presentation Slides] Thompson G. Pace, U. S. EPA; R. P. Strait, C. C. Monroe, E. H. Pechan & Assoc., Inc.

Session 3 - Inventory Validation/QA

AIRPACT: A Real- Time Air Quality Forecast System for the Pacific Northwest. J. Vaughan, B. Lamb, T. Strand, Washington State University; R. Wilson, U. S. EPA; C. Bowman, C. Figueroa- Kaminsky, S. Otterson, M. Boyer, Washington Dept of Ecology; C. Mass, M. Albright, J. Koenig, University of Washington; N. Maykut, Puget Sound Clean Air Association.
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Correlating An Upwind Source Footprint with Urban Emissions Data Using the MM5/ CALMET/ CALPUFF Modeling System. S. M. O'Neill, B. K. Lamb, J. Chen, S. Napelenok, E. J. Allwine, D. Stock, Washington State University; J. B. McManus, J. H. Shorter, C. E. Kolb, Aerodyne Research Inc.
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Demonstration of the Quality Assurance (QA) Software Specifically Developed for the National Emission Inventory (NEI). R. Thompson, U. S. EPA.

Evaluation of PM2.5 Chemical Speciation Samplers Used in the Implementation of a National Trends Monitoring Network. J. B. Homolya, J. Rice, S. V. Nizich, M. Wisdom, U. S. EPA.

Improved Point Source Inventory Through Validation and Audit of the Reported Data. M. A. Nazemi, Z. Pirveysian, E. Chang, South Coast Air Quality Management District; N. Meskal, Ecotek MST Solutions, Inc.

Supporting Real-Time Air Quality forecasting Using the SMOKE Modeling System. J. M. Vukovich, J. N. McHenry, C. J. Coats, A. Trayanov, MCNC- Environmental Programs. R. L. Dennis, S. Roselle, U. S. EPA.

Poster Session

Bronzeville Air Quality and Public Health Partnership: Community-Scale Air Quality Monitoring Project in Chicago, Illinois. J. E. Clougherty, Center for Neighborhood Technology.

Facilitating the Use of EPA's PART5 Model for Computing Particulate Matter Emissions Using a Graphical User Interface. K. Black, Federal Highway Administration.

St. Louis Community Air Project (CAP) Toxics Emission Inventory Development. M. Freebairn, C. Ku, T. Kruse, C. Flowers, N. Holm, Missouri Dept of Natural Resources.

Historic and Future SO2 Emissions Analysis - 9 State Western Region. J. H. Wilson, M. Salhotra, E. J. Laich, E. H. Pechan & Assoc., Inc.

A Potential Error Associated with Using Chemical and Equipment Sales Data to Estimate Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Long-Lived, Pressurized Equipment. D. O. Schaefer, U. S. EPA.
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Observation of Carbonaceous Aerosol and Carbon Monoxide at a Suburban Site: Implication for a New Emission Inventory. L. A. Chen, B. G. Doddridge, R. R. Dickerson, University of Maryland.

Shipyard Welding Emission Factor Development. W. C. Mener, P. L. Rosen, LFR Levine Fricke; D. M. Austin, Dana M. Austin Environmental Consulting; W. S. Holt, Atlantic Marine Inc.

Reevaluation of Unpaved Road Emission Factor Model. G. E. Muleski, C. Cowherd, Midwest Research Institute; G. Brooks, Eastern Research Group.

Processing the NET96 Version 3.11 Inventory with SMOKE. Z. Adelman and M. Houyoux, MCNC.

PM2.5 Speciation Profiles and Emission Factors from Petroleum Industry Gas-Fired Sources. S. Wien, G. England, GE Energy and Environmental Research, K. Loos, Equilon Enterprises LLC; K. Ritter, American Petroleum Institute; D. Gurney, U. S. DOE; J. McCarthy, Gas Technology Institute, B. Liebowitz, J. Joseph, New York State Energy Reserarch and Dev Auth; G. Franco, California Energy Commission.

Inverse Modeling to Estimate Seasonal Ammonia Emissions. A. B. Gilliland, T. E. Pierce, R. L. Dennis, S. Roselle, U.S. EPA.

Lombardy Region (Italy) Emission Inventory: Methodologies and Results. S. Caserini, A. Fraccaroli, A. Monguzzi, M. Moretti, A. Denti, Lombardy Foundation for the Environment.

Session 4 - Data Management

A PC- Based Emission Database System for the Auckland Region. Y. L. Ng, R. C. Joynt, Environmental Protection Authority, AUSTRALIA.
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Global Emissions Inventory Activity (GEIA) Overview. P. Middleton, RAND Environment.
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How Can I Participate in the Development of the 1999 National Toxics Inventory?. A. Pope, D. Misenheimer, U. S. EPA; D. Wilson, Eastern Research Group.
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Emission Inventory Reporting through EPA's Central Data Exchange. R. Tooly, S. Dombrowski, J. Wells, C. Clark, U. S. EPA; R. Chaudet, Logistics Management Institute.
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The Emission Inventory and Air Quality Home Page. F. Divita, M. Salhotra, P. Horch, S. Connolly, E. H. Pechan & Assoc, Inc.; B. Gilbert, U. S. EPA.
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Managing EPA's Emission Inventory Databases. D. Solomon, A. Pope, R. Tooly, U. S. EPA.
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Session 5 - Particulate Matter

Estimating Travel Activity on Unpaved Roads for PM10 Conformity. J. Morey, D. Niemeier, University of California-Davis.
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A Comprehensive Research Plan for Developing PM 2.5 Emission Inventories. P. Gaffney, California Air Resources Board.
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Application of the Canadian Emissions Processing System, Version 1.1 to Estimate Organic Aerosol Composition for North America. P. A. Makar, M. D. Moran, Environment Canada; M. T. Scholtz, A. W. Taylor, Canadian ORTECH Environment, Inc.

Open Burning and Construction Activities; Improved PM Fine Emissions Estimation Techniques in the National Emission Inventory. K. B. Thesing, E. H. Pechan & Assoc., Inc; R. Huntley, U. S. EPA.
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Estimating the Impacts of Agricultural Best Management Practices in the Maricopa County PM10 Non- Attainment Area. P. G. Fields, M. E. Wolf, Eastern Research Group; V. Sadeghi, URS Corporation; M. George, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality.
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Review of Wood Heater and Fireplace Emission Factors. J. E. Houck, OMNI Environmental Consultling, Inc; J. Crouch, Hearth Products Assoc; R. Huntley, U. S. EPA.

Session 6 - Mobile Sources

MOBILE5--Mexico: An Emission Factor Model for On-Road Vehicles in Mexico. A. Burnette, S. Kishan, M. E. Wolf, Eastern Research Group.
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PART5- TX1: TNRCC's In-House Tool for Estimating PM-10 From In-Use Vehicles. A. Burnette, S. Kishan, Eastern Research Group; B. Ubanwa, TNRCC.
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A Fuel-Based On-Road Motor Vehicle Emission Inventory for the Denver Metropolitan Area. S. S. Pokharel, G. A. Bishop, D. H. Stedman, University of Denver.
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Development of On-Road Mobile Source Emission Inventories for Rural Counties. G. B. Dresser, D. G. Perkinson, Texas Transportation Institute.
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A Waterborne Commerce Inventory Integrating Economic, Transportation and Emissions Data. J. J. Corbett, University of Delaware.
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Weekday vs. Weekend Mobile Source Emissions Activity Patterns in California's South Coast Air Basin. T. H. Funk, D. L. Coe, L. R. Chinkin, Sonoma Technology, Inc.

Session 7 - Integrated Emission Inventory Issues

Off-Road Motorcycles, ATV and Personal Watercraft Activity-Data Collection and Test Cycle Development. [Presentation Slides] R. D. Wilson, M. R. Smith, T. D. Durbin, H. Galdamez, University of California; J. Jones, M. Moore, California Environmental Engineering.

Geogenic Inputs to the Northern Gulf Mexico Airshed. T. Marse, U. S. EPA; S. Tsoflias, Minerals Management Service.
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Practical Constraints and Limitations That Discourage States from Attaining Total Compliance with Federal Guidance and Requirements for Emission Inventory Data. J. H. Southerland, North Carolina Dept of Environmental Natural Resources.
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Training Tribal Environmental Professionals: Using a Project, Not a Projector - An Update. P. Ellsworth, A. M. Allison, Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals; T. E. Baxter, North Arizona University, B. B. Ramirez, Salt River Pima- Maircopa Indian Community.

Estimating and Reducing Emissions from Within National Parks. D. Shepherd, National Park Service.

Preliminary Non-Registration Rates for On-Road Vehicles in California. T. Younglove, C. Malcolm, H. Galdmez, T. D. Durbin, M. J. Barth, M. R. Smith, University of California.

Session 8 - Preparation for Modeling

The Implementation of the SMOKE Emission Data Processor and SMOKE Tool Input Data processor in Models-3. W. G. Benjey, U. S. EPA; M. Houyoux, MCNC; J. Susick, Science Applications Intl Corp.
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EMS-2001. G. Judson, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; M. Janssen, LADCO.

Quality Assurance Enhancements to the SMOKE Modeling System. M. Houyoux, Z. Adelman, MCNC.
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Development of an Anthropogenic Emissions Inventory for Annual Nationwide Models-3/CMAQ Simulations of Ozone and Aerosols. N. Possiel, G. Stella, R. Ryan, T. Pace, B. Benjey, U. S. EPA; A. Beidler, E. Kinnee, DynTel; M. Houyoux, Z. Adelman, MCNC
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BioME3.0. J. Wilkenson, Alpine Geophysics; M. Janssen, LADCO.
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Incorporating Biogenic Hydrocarbon Emission Inventories into Mesoscale Meteorological Models. S. Pressley, B. Lamb, H. Westberg, University of Washington.
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Session 9 - Greenhouse Gases

Non CO2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Projections from Developed Countries. E. Scheehle, U. S. EPA.

Experiences with a National Greenhouse Gas Inventory System. J. Brunner, K. Radunsky, Federal Environment Agency, AUSTRIA.
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Methods to Analyze Interactions Between Emission of Air Pollutants in Europe. A. Ignaciuk, C. Kroeze, Wageningen University, NETHERLANDS.
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Findings from the U. S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory. M. Gillenwater, U. S. EPA; M. Martin, K. Peterson, E. Sussman, J. Casola, K. Raby, R. Freed, ICF Consulting.
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Decomposing Trends in U. S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions. [Presentation Slides] P. McArdle, U. S. Department of Energy.

State Greenhouse Gas Inventories - Tools for Streamlining the Process. R. Freed, J. Casola, A. Choate, ICF Consulting; M. Gillenwater, D. Mulholland, U. S. EPA.
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Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Aviation and Marine Fuel Use. [Presentation Slides] W. Barbour, U. S. EPA; G. Bruss, U. S. Navy.

Session 10 - Preparation for Modeling

Activity Data Acquisition for Emission Inventory Preparation in the State of Mississippi. M. E. Barnes, E. Bickerstaff, Mississippi Dept of Environmental Quality.
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Steps in Conducting an Urban Air Toxics Assessment- Methodology for Converting Emission Inventories into Model- Ready Input Files. G. W. Thomas, M. Dudley, Denver Dept of Environmental Health.
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Revised Methodology for the Spatial Allocation of VMT and Mobile Source Emissions Data. E. Kinnee, A. Beidler, DynTel; N. Possiel, G. Stella, U. S. EPA.
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Incorporation of SPECIATE 3.0 into EMS-2001. M. Janssen, Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium (LADCO).
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Economic Growth Analysis System (EGAS) Version 4.0. A. D. Bollman, E. H. Pechan & Assoc; G. M. Stella, U. S. EPA.
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The SMOKE Emission Processor and Community Multi-Scale Air Quality Model (CMAQ) Applied to Southern Ontario. X. Qui, M. Lepage, M. Van Altena, Rowan William Davies & Irwin Inc.
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Comparison of Emissions Processing by EMS95 and SMOKE Over the Midwestern US. A. Williams, M. Caughey, H. Huang, X. Liang, K. Kunkel, Illinois State Water Survey; Z. Tao, S. Larson, D. Wuebbles, University of Illinois.

Session 11 - Air Toxics

A Modeling Assessment of the Impact of Pesticide Application Methods and Tilling Practices on Emission to the Atmosphere. M. T. Scholtz, B. Van Heyst, Canadian Global Emissions Interpretation Centre.

Community Scale Estimation of Toxic Air Pollutants form Stationary Sources. L. T. Smith, T. Sax, R. D. Bode, D. Shimp, California Air Resources Board.

Development of Gridded Air Toxics Emission Inventories for California's South Coast Air Basin. M. Nazemi, X. Zhang, T. Chico, J. Cassmassi, H. Hogo, E. Chang, South Coast Air Qualit y Management District.

Colorado Air Toxics Inventory Improvements for the National Toxics Inventory. L. Silva, D. Wells, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

RAPIDS Evolution. J. Wagemakers, Great Lakes Commission; O. Cabrera, Wisconsin DNR; C. Y. Wu, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency; D. Asselmeier, Illinois EPA; G. Baker, Michigan DEQ; T. Velalis, Ohio EPA; S. King; U. S. EPA; R. McDonough, New York DEC; J. Bates, Indiana DEM; P. Wong, Ontario Ministry of the Environment; R. Emigh, M. Young, S. Strasser, Windsor Technologies.

Developing a National Emissions Inventory for 4, 4'-Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate. W. Robert, BASF Corp; D. Miller, American Chemistry Council; J. Holmstead, S. Schang, Latham & Watkins, A. Pope, U. S. EPA; S. Finn, Eastern Research Group
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Session 12 - Fugitive Dust

Field Emission Measurements of Barge Loading and Unloading. G. E. Muleski, C. Cowherd, Midwest Research Institute; T. O'Connor, National Grain and Feed Association.

Simulation of a Recent Regional Windblown Dust Event on the Columbia Plateau. T. Strand, B. Lamb. C. Claiborn, Washington State University; K. Saxton, D. Chandler, USDA/ARS.

Effects of Prescribed Grass Fire on Wind Erosion Rates from Surface Soil at Rocky Flats, Colorado. P. Haines, S. Templeman, URS/ Radian; M. Hyder, Wind River Environment Group, LLC; C. Cowherd, M. Grelinger, Midwest Research Institute.

Development of Vacant Land Emission PM-10 Factors in the Las Vegas Valley. D. James, J. Pulgarin, J. Becker, S. Edwards, T. Gingras, G. Venglass, University of Las Vegas; C. MacDougall, Clark County, NV.

Evaluating Soil Particulate Matter Potential. C. MacDougall, Clark County, NV, Dept of Comprehensive Planning; G. Desart, R. Thomsen, A. Chamberlain, Geotechnical & Environmental Services; T. Hildreth, ENVIROCON.

Effect of Dust Source Clay and Carbonate Content on Fugitive Dust Emissions. T. M. Zobeck, USDA, A. Amnate- Orozovo, Colegio de Postgraduados.

Methodology for Estimating Fugitive Windblown and Mechanically Resuspended Road Dust Emissions Applicable for Regional Air Quality Modeling. R. Countess, Countess Environmental; W. Barnard, Harding ESE; C. Claiborn, Washington State University; D. Gillette, NOAA; T. Pace, U. S. EPA; J. Watson, Desert Research Institute.

Relating Road Dust Emissions Surrogates to Average Daily Traffic and Vehicle Speed in Las Vegas, Nevada. H. Kuhns, V. Etyemezian, Desert Research Institute; P. Shinbein, Clark County Comprehensive Planning.

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