Air Emissions Factors and Quantification
AP 42 Section 3.2 Natural Gas-fired Reciprocating Engines
- Related Information
The data that supports the emissions factors are presented in summary in the background report and are reported more completely in a Appendix A of the background report. The MS Access® version of the data is available below.
Microsoft Access Data Base
Appendix A Source Tests Reports Information - Emission Factor Documentation for AP-42 Section 3.2 Natural Gas-fired Reciprocating Engines - MS Access Version (ZIP 1M)Due to the size of the database, a printout of all test data used to generate the engine emission factors in Section 3.2 is not presented in the background report. This has substantially decreased the volume of this background information document and will provide users with a more detailed background data set for this section. Furthermore, by providing the database to the public, anyone may use or augment the data base for their individual needs, providing a substantial building block to there interested in compiling an extensive data base on natural gas-fired reciprocating engines.
The database has been 'zipped.' To view the tests used to calculate the emissions factors for theses sources, open the database file in MS Access. The MAIN FORM view will open (if the MAIN FORM does not open, open the file and choose the FORMS selection on the main database screen, then under the FORMS selection, choose MAIN FORM). This will activate a macro which will provide a pollutant list, fuel type, and control device type available for these sources. This provides the option to view the input data, source information, or the emission tests used to calculate the emission factor for a specific pollutant (based on fuel type and control information) by simply clicking on the desired button: To view the data used to calculate the average emission factor for each test, click the EF INPUTS button; to view the individual source information, click the VIEW FACILITIES button; to view the data used for calculating the emission factor, click the EF REPORT button.