Are you wondering what "RACT, BACT and LAER" stand for and why
these acronyms are part of the Clearinghouse name? They are
acronyms for different program requirements under the Clean Air Act,
which also gave us the name "RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse".
- RACT, or Reasonably Available Control Technology, is required
on existing sources in areas that are not meeting national ambient
air quality standards (i.e., non-attainment areas).
- BACT, or Best Available Control Technology, is required on
major new or modified sources in clean areas (i.e., attainment
- LAER, or Lowest Achievable Emission Rate, is required on major
new or modified sources in non-attainment areas.
data in the Clearinghouse is not limited to just sources subject to
these requirements. Noteworthy prevention and control technology
decisions are included in the RBLC even if they are not related to
RACT, BACT, or LAER decisions. |