Ambient Monitoring Technology Information Center (AMTIC)
Air Toxics -
Data Analysis
Air Toxics Navigation
On this page:
- Air Toxics Studies Webinar Series - Presentations made on air toxics studies conducted by EPA, Tribal, State, and local organizations.
- Air Toxics Data Analysis Workbook and Training Presentations - Overview of air toxics data analysis with suggestions on methodology to use in analyzing air toxics data. Presentation materials and webinar training schedules.
- Air Toxics Data - Air toxics monitoring data compiled for multiple years from data as reported to AQS plus reports or analysis of data.
Air Toxics Studies Webinar Series
Results from using DIAL (Differential Absorption Light Detection and Ranging) in the Houston Ship Channel - October 16, 2012
Loren Raun and Don Richner of the City of Houston present results of a comprehensive survey project regarding emissions of benzene and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from a combined petroleum refinery and chemical plant complex in the Houston Ship Channel area using Differential Absorption Light Detection and Ranging (DIAL), a remote sensing methodology for measuring air pollutants. The results of two other measurement techniques explored to validate or augment DIAL measurements, open path Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and a fixed point monitor on a mobile ambient air monitoring laboratory (MAAML), are also presented.
- Presentation (PDF) (54pp, 5.9 MB)
EPA will be hosting a webinar on an air toxics study conducted at the New Jersey Meadowlands - June 2, 2010 from 2:00pm-3:30pm eastern time
New Jersey Meadowlands Turnpike Study -
This study was specifically designed to identify ambient air quality gradients of particulate matter (PM2.5), total suspended particles (TSP) and associated 16 PAHs/10 trace metals at three different distances (50m, 100m and 150m) from the New Jersey Turnpike (NJTPK), one of the busiest highways in the USA. Concentrations of ten trace metals in PM2.5 showed gradients as a function of distance. In addition to spatial variation, these ambient air pollutants were investigated for their seasonal/diurnal variations with meteorological parameters, and traffic counts. The profiling of these air toxics will not only help characterize the degree and extent of the current air pollution problem near high traffic highways and the risks to the local communities, but also establish a baseline for future reference.
- Presentation (PDF) (35pp, 1.7 MB)
Tonawanda Community Air Quality Study - 6/18/09
Tonawanda, New York is an industrialized, urban community located in the western part of New York State in Erie County, just north of Buffalo. It is divided by major interstate highways and has industrial clusters of some of New York’s largest point sources, as well as numerous area sources including: a coke production facility, petroleum distribution terminals, chemical bulk storage terminals, co-generation and electric generation facilities, and facilities manufacturing tires, specialty chemicals and pesticides, cellulose sponges, and other products. The study was designed to evaluate air quality in Tonawanda, New York for a period of one year. The project evaluated various risk assessment tools (air dispersion models) in use by environmental regulatory agencies and risk communication.
- Webinar Recording (Flash video, 55 minutes)
- Presentation (PDF) (51pp, 4.0 MB)
- Map of the area (PDF) (1pg, 157k).
Understanding Air Toxics and Carbonyl Pollutant Sources in Boulder County, Colorado - 6/18/09
Boulder County, Colorado sits at the confluence of the high alpine wilderness of the Rocky Mountains, the urbanized city of Denver, Colorado, and the agricultural and intensive gas development activities in Northeast Colorado. This urban/rural interface creates a complex air quality environment characterized by shifting upslope and downslope air flow conditions that may elevate air toxics concentrations in areas with few local sources. The Denver area, including Boulder County, was designated as a nonattainment area on November 20, 2007 for failing to meet the Environmental Protection Agency’s 8-hour ozone standard. Therefore, the Boulder County Public Health Department and its partners recently completed one year of monitoring low molecular weight carbonyl compounds, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and ground-level ozone at five locations around Boulder County to aid in air toxics source apportionment and model evaluation. Carbonyls and VOCs were collected on a 1-in-6 day schedule at each location from March 1, 2007 to February 24, 2008. Statistical analysis was used to help identify sources and other factors influencing hydrocarbon concentrations.
- Webinar Recording (Flash video, 53 minutes)
- Presentation (PDF) (49pp, 31. MB)
Near-Roadway Mobile-Source Air Toxics (MSATs) Exposures Along U.S. 95 in Las Vegas, Nevada - 4/30/09
Air Toxics in Mobile County, Alabama: A Monitoring and Modeling Study - 4/30/09
Webinar Presentation by Hilary Hafner, Sonoma Tech on National Data Analyses - 11/14/08
Webinar Presentation by Jennifer Logue, Carnegie Mellon University on Air Toxics in Allegheny County - 11/14/08
Air Toxics Data Analysis Workbook and Training Presentations
Air Toxics Data Analysis Workbook - This workbook is designed to serve as an overview of the topic of air toxics data analysis; provide suggestions on methodology to use in analyzing air toxics data; and document current methodology being used in national data analysis efforts.
- Full Document (PDF) (360pp, 9.3 MB)
- Sec 1-2: Introduction and Definitions (PDF) (33pp, 191k)
- Sec 3: Background (PDF) (27pp, 780k)
- Sec 4: Preparing Data for Analysis (PDF) (80pp, 910k)
- Sec 5: Characterizing Air Toxics (PDF) (76pp, 1.8 MB)
- Sec 6: Quantifying and Interpreting Trends (PDF) (53pp, 731k)
- Sec 7: Advanced Analyses (PDF) (48pp, 1.5 MB)
- Sec 8: Suggested Analyses (PDF) (43pp, 2.0 MB)
- Materials for Training (PDF) (193pp, 4.9 MB) - This pdf file includes the slides which will be presented in the Air Toxics Data Analysis Workbook Training. This is abbreviated from the actual workbook and includes 2 slides per page.
In order to support release of the workbook, EPA provided training via webinars.
The summer 2009 training is finished. Videos of the summer webinars are available:
- July 29 - Introduction to Air Toxics and Background - Watch the Webinar Video (Flash video, 68 minutes)
- August 5 - Preparing Data for Analysis Watch the Webinar Video (Flash video, 110 minutes)
- August 12 - Characterizing Air Toxics - Watch the Webinar Video (Flash video, 103 minutes)
- August 26 - Quantifying and Interpreting Trends in Air Toxics - Watch the Webinar Video (Flash video, 94 minutes)
- September 2 - Advanced Analyses - Watch the Webinar Video (Flash video, 68 minutes)
Fall training has been completed. Videos of the webinars are available:
- September 30 - Introduction to Air Toxics and Background - Watch the Webinar Video (Flash video, 68 minutes)
- October 7 - Preparing Data for Analysis - Watch the Webinar Video (Flash video, 110 minutes)
- October 14 - Characterizing Air Toxics - Watch the Webinar Video (Flash video, 101 minutes)
- October 21 - Quantifying and Interpreting Trends in Air Toxics - Watch the Webinar Video (Flash video, 90 minutes)
- October 28 - Advanced Analysis - Watch the Webinar Video (Flash video, 78 minutes)
8 hours of training would be available to all participants. All sessions have been recorded and posted above for download and review. Please send your email information to Barbara Driscoll at if you are interested in receiving a certificate.
Air Toxics Data
Ambient Monitoring Archive
EPA recently finalized Phase XIII of the Ambient Monitoring Archive (AMA) for hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), also referred to as the Historical Archive. The Phase XIII archive covers measurements from as early as 1990 to 2017. The AMA for HAPs currently houses 75 million data records from over 2,600 monitoring sites. Approximately 90% of the measurements are from 2000 to 2017, as a result of air toxic programs, such as the 10-City Pilot Study, the NATTS Network, the PAMS Network, the IMPROVE Network, the Community-Scale Air Toxics Ambient Monitoring, and the Urban Air Toxics Monitoring Program. Due to the size of the AMA for HAPs, the Microsoft ACCESS data files have been split by state and year; the .txt and Rda files (data files created by the R project for statistical computing) are split by year.
The AMA for HAPs data for each individual state are presented in zipped Microsoft Access databases. Simply click on the individual state in the map or the state name in the table below the map to obtain the data for that state.

Alabama |
Alaska |
Arizona |
Arkansas |
California |
Colorado |
Connecticut |
Delaware |
District of Columbia |
Florida |
Georgia |
Hawaii |
Idaho |
Illinois |
Indiana |
Iowa |
Kansas |
Kentucky |
Louisiana |
Maine |
Maryland |
Massachusetts |
Michigan |
Minnesota |
Mississippi |
Missouri |
Montana |
Nebraska |
Nevada |
New Hampshire |
New Jersey |
New Mexico |
New York |
North Carolina |
North Dakota |
Ohio |
Oklahoma |
Oregon |
Pennsylvania |
Puerto Rico |
Rhode Island |
South Carolina |
South Dakota |
Tennessee |
Texas |
Utah |
Vermont |
Virgin Islands |
Virginia |
Washington |
West Virginia |
Wisconsin |
Wyoming |
Each of the above state files has the same field descriptions (PDF) (1pg, 92 KB). A Data Dictionary (zip file) (10.5 MB) is also available to provide additional data descriptions for certain data fields in each state file. The technical memorandum (PDF) (29pp, 276k) and supporting appendices (56.6 MB) documenting the compilation of this archive is also available.
Additionally, annual HAP data files are presented in zipped Microsoft Access databases and .txt files. Simply click on the year in the table below to obtain the data for that year. Warning, these files are large.
2017 (zipped, 199 MB) |
2016 |
2015 |
2014 |
2013 |
2012 |
2011 |
2010 |
2009 |
2008 |
2007 |
2006 |
2005 |
2004 |
2003 |
2002 |
2001 |
2000 |
1999 |
1998 |
1997 |
1996 |
1995 |
1994 |
1993 |
1992 |
1991 |
1990 |