AQS Patch for July 2015

AQS has been updated as follows:

  1. PM 2.5 and Lead “Composite Primary” Monitors: Submitting agencies sometimes utilize multiple filter-based samplers to achieve a more frequent site sampling schedule than is used at the samplers themselves (e.g. two 1-in-6 samplers are alternated every 3 days to achieve a 1-in-3 site frequency). AQS now fully supports this for PM 2.5 and Lead at sites where there are only manual monitors. This can be configured as follows:

    1. For the monitor/sampler designated as primary: Utilize either the Maintain Monitor form or the batch MF transaction to set the actual frequency of sample collection (e.g. 6), and set the “Offset” value to zero ('0').

    2. For the non-primary monitor(s): Utilize either the Maintain Monitor form or the batch MF transaction to set the actual frequency of sample collection (e.g. 6), and set the “Offset” value to the number of days after the routine scheduled day (see that the sampler will collect a sample (e.g. 3)

    3. For the Primary Monitor Period, set via either the Maintain Site form or the batch MO transaction), set the “Composite Primary” column to 'Y'.

    4. After configuring the above, if all samples are collected by the affected monitors, the monitors will be reported (by AMP430 and AMP600) to be 100% complete, and the design value report (AMP480) will show all samples as “Creditable”.

    5. Note:

      1. We will publish a tutorial with screen captures about how to set this up in the near future.

      2. This is not presently supported for PM 10 Design Value calculations.

  2. The Quick-Look Non Criteria report (AMP450NC) now fully supports 5-minute SO2 data. (Previously, if all 5-minute values for a year were submitted, the AMP450NC report would show “****” instead of the sample count.)

  3. The Combined Site Sample Values report (AMP355) now supports retrieval by PQAO agency code.