AQS Certification Evaluation Report (AMP600) Update
- The Ozone report (44201) previously did not rely on a site-specific
Ozone Season. Instead it used the season for the county. This has been
updated, it now uses a site specific season when one has been defined.
(Note: Regional offices can define site- specific seasons as per 40 CFR
Part 58 Appendix D Section 4.1 (i).)
- References to “Non-Regulatory” monitors have been replaced with
references to “Excluded” monitors.
- When determining if the QAPP is less than 10 years old it will only
look at the QAPP year.
- For PM 2.5 where multiple filter-based monitors are used to provide
every-day or every 3rd day sampling, AQS reported the monitors as
incomplete, and not recommended for certification. The report displays
site-level completeness for this case and use site-completeness for
determining the AQS certification recommendation.