AQS Transaction Generator User's Guide

Table of Contents

Getting Started
What is the AQS Transaction Generator
System Requirements
Install the AQS QA Transaction Generator
How to use the AQS QA Transaction Generator
Transaction Element Conventions
Transaction Element Specific Help
Create an AQS QA Transaction File
Supported Transactions
Create a 1-Point Quality Control (QC) Transaction
Create an Annual Performance Evaluation (PE) Transaction
Create Flow Rate Verification Transaction
Create a Semi-Annual Flow Rate Audit Transaction
Create Flow Rate Verification for PMc Transaction
Create a Semi-Annual Flow Rate Audit for PMc Transaction
Create a Performance Evaluation Program (PEP) Transaction
Create a National Performance Audit Program (NPAP) Transaction
Create a Field Proficiency Test (PT) Transaction
Create a Duplicate Transaction
Create a Replicate Transaction
Create a Pb Analysis Audit Transaction
Create a Lab Proficiency Test (PT) Transaction
Create a Speciation Flow Rate Verification Transaction
Create a Speciation Semi-Annual Flow Rate Audit Transaction
Create an Ambient Air Protocol Gas Verification Transaction
Create an Ozone SRP and Ozone Transfer Standard Verifications Transaction
Generate AQS QA Transactions
Load / Inactivate Saved Transactions
Save the current list of AQS QA Transactions
Save the current list of AQS QA Transactions as a new set of transactions
Start a New or Empty set of AQS QA Transactions
Import a Piped Delimited set of transactions
Manually Check for Updates
Manage Saved Transactions
System Preferences
How to use the System Preferences Screen
Pre-selecting a list of States
Pre-selecting a list of Counties
Pre-selecting a list of Performing Agencies
Pre-selecting a list of Parameter Codes
Pre-selecting a list of Monitor Method Codes
Pre-selecting a list of Reported Units
Pre-selecting a list of PQAOs
Pre-selecting a list of Tribal Areas
Turn on Tribal Mode
Enable Use Last Assessment Date
Quick Reference Guide

Getting Started
What is the AQS QA Transaction Generator
The AQS QA Transaction Generator is a standalone MS Windows application that provides a mechanism to manually enter AQS QA transactions or import an AQS QA transaction and generate a valid AQS QA transaction file. The transaction will be validated against AQS Reference data, if there are warnings or errors you’ll be notified.
System Requirements
The AQS QA Transaction Generator has the following system requirements:
Install the AQS QA Transaction Generator
Download the AQS QA Transaction Generator Setup program from the TTN website
How to use the AQS QA Transaction Generator
Start the application by clicking the shortcut from the MS Windows Start Menu. The AQS QA Transaction Generator Main Menu is the first screen that will be presented to you. From the Main Menu you can select the action that you wish to perform. To create, import, load or edit a list of transactions click the "Transactions…" button. To manually check for updates to the AQS QA Transaction Generator and all Reference data that is used click the "Check for Updates…" button. An active Internet connection is required. To manage saved Transactions click the "Manage Saved Transactions…" button from the Main Menu.

The AQS QA Transaction Generator will automatically check for updates each time it is launched, if an update is available you’ll be prompted to install the updates. You can decide to skip the update and install it at your convenience.

Transaction Element Conventions
The AQS QA Transaction Generator uses a common set of indicators to indicate the status of a transaction. Simply by looking at a transaction screen you can easily determine what elements are required, are valid, have an error or have a warning. You can view the message associated with each indicator by clicking on it.

The following indicators are used:

Transaction Element specific Help
The AQS QA Transaction Generator uses a common control to display help for each transactional element. The label or element description for each transactional element is a clickable link. Clicking the label or transactional element description will display help for that transactional element.


Create an AQS QA Transaction File
You can manually create an AQS QA Transaction by clicking the Transactions button from the Main Menu. The Generate / Edit / Load Transactions screen will be displayed. To create a list of Transactions click the Add button, select the AQS QA Transaction that you wish to create from the list.
Supported Transactions

Create a 1-Point Quality Control (QC) Transaction
You can create a 1-Point Quality Control (QC) Transaction using the following steps:

Create a Annual Performance Evaluation (PE) Transaction
You can create a Annual Performance Evaluation (PE) Transaction using the following steps:

Create Flow Rate Verification Transaction
You can create a Flow Rate Verification Transaction using the following steps:

Create a Annual Performance Evaluation (PE) Transaction
You can create a Annual Performance Evaluation (PE) Transaction using the following steps:

Create Flow Rate Verification Transaction
You can create a Flow Rate Verification Transaction using the following steps:

Create a Semi-Annual Flow Rate Audit Transaction
You can create a Semi-Annual Flow Rate Audit Transaction using the following steps:

Create a Flow Rate Verification for PMc Transaction
You can create a Flow Rate Verification for PMc Transaction using the following steps:

Create a Semi-Annual Flow Rate Audit for PMc Transaction
You can create a Semi-Annual Flow Rate Audit for PMc Transaction using the following steps:

Create a Performance Evaluation Program (PEP) Transaction
You can create a Performance Evaluation Program (PEP) Transaction using the following steps:

Create a National Performance Audit Program (NPAP) Transaction
You can create a National Performance Audit Program (NPAP) Transaction using the following steps:

Create a Field Proficiency Test (PT)
You can create a National Field Proficiency Test (PT) Transaction using the following steps:

Create a Duplicate Transaction
You can create a Duplicate Transaction Transaction using the following steps:

Create a Replicate Transaction
You can create a Replicate Transaction Transaction using the following steps:

Create a Pb Analysis Audit Transaction
You can create a Pb Analysis Audit Transaction using the following steps:

Create a Lab Proficiency Test (PT) Transaction
You can create a Lab Proficiency Test (PT) Transaction using the following steps:

Create a Speciation Flow Rate Verification Transaction
You can create a Speciation Flow Rate Verification Transaction using the following steps:

Create a Speciation Semi-Annual Flow Rate Audit Transaction
You can create a Speciation Flow Rate Verification Transaction using the following steps:

Create an Ambient Air Protocol Gas Verification Transaction
You can create a Ambient Air Protocol Gas Verification Transaction using the following steps:

Create an Ozone SRP and Ozone Transfer Standard Verifications Transaction
You can create an Ozone SRP and Ozone Transfer Standard Verifications Transaction using the following steps:

Generate AQS QA Transactions
You will need to generate an AQS QA Transaction file before you can submit transactions to AQS. Once the file has been generated you can submit the file to AQS using the ENSC.

Load / Inactivate Saved Transactions
You can reload a previously saved list of transactions and/or inactivate a previously saved transaction list. Deactivating a previously saved transaction list will remove it from the list of active transactions, it will not be permanently deleted. You can reactivate or permanantly delete the previously saved transaction list using the Manage Saved Transactions from the main menu.

Save the current list of AQS QA Transactions
You can save the current list of transactions and reload them at any time. It's recommended that you save your transaction list on a regular basis.

Save the current list of AQS QA Transactions as a new set of transactions
You can save the current list of transactions and reload them at any time. It's recommended that you save your transaction list on a regular basis.

Start a New or empty set of AQS QA Transactions
You can start a new list of transactions without leaving the Generate / Edit / Load Transactions screen.

Import a Piped Delimited set of transactions
You can import an AQS QA transactions that were either generated by the AQS QA Transaction Generator or that was created by another application. The only stipulation is that the file being imported must be in the AQS QA transaction format specified by AQS and it must be pipe "|" delimited.

You can import transactions as a new list of transactions or you can import transactions and have them appended to the current list of transactions. If you have transactions in the transaction list the AQS QA Transaction Generator will ask if you wish to append the transactions to the current transaction list.

Manually Check for Updates
If there is an active Internet connection the AQS QA Transaction Generator will check for updates each time it is started. If updates are available you`ll be prompted to install them, you can elect not to install the updates if you wish. However, it is recommended that you allow the updates to run. The AQS QA Transaction Generator checks for updates to the reference data that it uses and for updates to the AQS QA Transaction Generator. Up to date reference data is vital to make sure the transactions that are generated will be accepted by AQS.
if you decide not to run an update you can manually check for updates and apply them whenever you wish. To manually check for updates click the Check for Updatesbutton on the Main Menu.

Manage Saved Transactions
The AQS QA Transaction Generator stores all the sets of transactions that you elect to save in a database. You can use the Manage Saved Transactions to do the following:

System Preferences
The System Preferences screen allows you to pre-select data that will show up in a drop down list and enable certain features supported by the application. You can pre-select data that you use on a regular basis, the AQS QA Transaction Generator will display the data you select first and display the rest of the data after the pre-selected data.

How to use the System Preferences Screen
The System Preferences screen is laid out as follows:

Pre-selecting a list of States
You can pre-select a list of states that will be displayed first in the State Code drop down list on each transaction that uses the State Code

Pre-selecting a list of Counties
You can pre-select a list of counties that will be displayed first in the County Code drop down list on each transaction that uses the County Code

Pre-selecting a list of Performing Agencies
You can pre-select a list of performing agencies that will be displayed first in the Performing Agency drop down list on each transaction that uses the Performing Agency

Pre-selecting a list of Parameter Codes
You can pre-select a list of parameter codes that will be displayed first in the Parameter Code drop down list on each transaction that uses the Parameter Code

Pre-selecting a list of Monitor Method Codes
You can pre-select a list of monitor method codes that will be displayed first in the Monitor Method Code drop down list on each transaction that uses the Monitor Method Code

Pre-selecting a list of Reported Units
You can pre-select a list of Reported Units that will be displayed first in the Reported Unit drop down list on each transaction that uses the Reported Unit

Pre-selecting a list of PQAOs
You can pre-select a list of PQAOs that will be displayed first in the PQAO drop down list on each transaction that uses the PQAO

Pre-selecting a list of Tribal Areas
You can pre-select a list of Tribal Areas that will be displayed first in the Tribal Areas drop down list on each transaction that uses the Tribal Area

Turn on Tribal Mode
You turn on Tribal Mode using System Preferences. Turning on Tribal Mode will display Tribal Indicator instead of State Code and set its value to "TTÂ", it will also display Tribal Code instead of County Code on all transactions that use Tribal Indicator and Tribal Code

Enable Use Last Assessment Date
You can tell the AQS QA Transaction Generator to remember the last assessment date that was used and use that date for subsequent assessment dates. Enabling "Use Last Assessment Date" makes it easier to set the assessment date, instead of having to type in the date or use the calendar control to navigate to a date it will always default to the last date that you used. Changing the "Assessment Date" on any transaction that uses the "Assessment Date" will cause the AQS QA Transaction Generator to remember that date for future reference.

Quick Reference Guide
AQS QA Transaction Generator
Create Transactions by manually entering the data:
1 Click the Transactions button on the Main Menu