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Table 1. Gradation of Individual Responses to
Short-Term Ozone Exposure in Healthy People
Table 1a
Functional Response
FEV1 Within normal range (±3%)

Decrements of 3% to ≤10% Decrements of >10% but <20% Decrements of ≥20%
Nonspecific bronchial responsiveness

Within normal range Increases of <100% Increases of 300% Increases of >300%
Duration of response

None <4 hr >4 but ≤24 hr >24 hr

Table 1b
Symptomatic Response
Cough Infrequent cough

Cough with deep breath Frequent spontaneous cough Persistent uncontrollable cough
Chest pain None Discomfort just noticeable on exercise or deep breath Marked discomfort on exercise or deep breath Severe discomfort on exercise or deep breath
Duration of response None <4 hr >4 but ≤24 hr >24 hr

Table 1c
Impact of Various Functional and/or Symptomatic Responses
Normal Functional and/or Symptomatic Responses
Small Functional and/or Mild Symptomatic Responses
Moderate Functional and/or Symptomatic Responses
Large Functional and/or Severe Symptomatic Responses
Interference with normal activity None None A few sensitive individuals likely to limit activity Many sensitive individuals likely to limit activity