Technology Transfer Network
Geographic / Ecosystems Initiatives
Mahoning Renewable Energy
- Name of the facility:
Mahoning Renewable Energy
- Location:
12003 Oyster Rd., Alliance, Ohio 44601 Mahoning County
- Distance from the US/Canada border:
Approximately 100 km
- Type/size of the facility:
Two 535 mmBtu/hr refuse-derived fuel stoker boilers, refuse handling, ash handling, grinders, roadways and parking areas and a 66 MW gross (58 MW net) steam turbine generator.
- Source of emissions:
Two 535 mmBtu/hr refuse-derived fuel stoker boilers
- Type of fuel:
Refuse-derived fuel processed from municipal solid waste and construction and demolition debris
- Type and quantity of emission increases:
BAT emission limitations under OAC rule 3745-31-05(A)(3) for each boiler: - 0.5 ppm of hydrogen fluorides (HF) - 15.0 ppm of ammonia
Annual emissions from this emissions unit shall not exceed any of the following: - 35.0 tons/year of particulate matter (PM)/particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter (PM10) - 0.30 ton/year of lead - 81.5 tons/year of sulfur dioxide (SO2) - 31.3 tons/year of hydrogen chloride (HCl) - 0.00013 ton/year of dioxins/furans - 292.0 tons/year of nitrogen oxides (NOx) - 261.5 tons/year of carbon monoxide (CO) - 12.2 tons/year of sulfuric acid - 0.040 ton/year of cadmium - 0.07 ton/year of mercury - 0.60 ton/year of hydrogen fluorides - 16.1 tons/year of ammonia
BACT emission limitations under OAC rule 3745-31-10 through 20 for each boiler:
- PM/PM10 shall not exceed 20 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter, corrected to 7 percent oxygen (this limit is identical to Subpart Eb below).
- Lead emissions shall not exceed 140 micrograms per dry standard cubic meter, corrected to 7 percent oxygen (this limit is identical to Subpart Eb below).
- SO2 emissions shall not exceed 24 parts per million by volume or 20 percent of the potential SO2 emission concentration (80-percent reduction by weight or volume), corrected to 7 percent oxygen (dry basis), whichever is less stringent. This shall be based on a 24 hour averaging time as specified in §60.58b(e) (this limit is more stringent than Subpart Eb below).
- HCl emissions shall not exceed 25 parts per million by volume or 5 percent of the potential HCl emission concentration (95-percent reduction by weight or volume), corrected to 7 percent oxygen (dry basis), whichever is less stringent (this limit is identical to Subpart Eb below).
- Dioxin/furan total mass emissions shall not exceed 13 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter (total mass), corrected to 7 percent oxygen (this limit is identical to Subpart Eb below).
- NOx emissions shall not exceed 75 parts per million by volume, corrected to 7 percent oxygen (dry basis). This shall be based on a 24 hour averaging time as specified in §60.58b(h) (this limit is more stringent than Subpart Eb below).
- CO emissions shall not exceed 150 parts per million by volume, corrected to 7 percent oxygen (dry basis). This shall be based on a 24 hour averaging time as specified in §60.53b(a) (this limit is identical to Subpart Eb below).
- Sulfuric acid emissions shall not exceed 2.0 parts per million by volume corrected to 7 percent oxygen (dry basis). - Emission control technology
activated carbon injection semi-dry circulating fluidized bed scrubber (Turbosorp) fabric filter/baghouse regenerative selective catalytic reduction
- Date permit application received:
October 10, 2008
- Stack height and diameter:
stack height – 241 ft base inside diameter – 12 ft egress inside diameter – 8.5 ft
- Permit agency's contact name, address, telephone number:
Mike Hopkins Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Lazarus Government Center 50 West Town Street, Suite 700 Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 644-3611