Technology Transfer Network
Geographic / Ecosystems Initiatives
Severstal North America
- Name of the facility:
Severstal North America
- Location:
3001 Miller Rd, Dearborn, M
- Distance from the US/Canada border:
about 20 Km
- Type/size of the facility:
Steel and iron production facility
- Source of emissions:
Blast furnaces, basic oxygen furnace, refining facilities, annealing furnace, slab reheat furnaces
- Type of fuel:
Natural gas and furnace gas
- Type/quantity of mass emission rates/ BACT Emissions:
CO: Blast furnace stove limits are 2,195.5 lb/hour SO2: 3 Blast furnace stoves limits are 70.9 lb/hr, 275.1 lb/ hr, and 23.03lb/hr VOC: 6.77 lb/hr
- Emission control technology
Low-NOx burners, baghouses, ESP, good combustion practices, fuel sulfur content monitoring
- Date permit application received:
Oct 23, 2006
- Stack height and diameter:
stacks= minimum heights and maximum diameters are in concordance with 40 CFR 52.21 Subparts (c) and (d).
- Permit agency's contact name, address, telephone number:
Jim Donaldson Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Air Quality Division, PO Box 30260 Lansing, MI, 48909 - 7760 Tel. 517 241-7470