Volume Element Importer


The Volume Element Importer reads a text file that describes volume elements and creates volume elements in a scenario or a library.


File Syntax

The file must start with "start_volume_element_file" and end with "end_volume_element_file".

The file format version is declared as "version number".

Points that specify the vertices of the parcels.  All of the points are specified before the parcels, which allows multiple parcels to refer to the same point.  Points are specified as follows:

name_1 x_1 y_1
name_2 x_2 y_2
A name is an integer (where leading zeros are significant);a collection of letters, numbers, and underscores; or a quote-delimited string. Examples include '123', 'NE_Corner', and '"NE corner"'. The two coordinates are expressed as floating-point numbers.

Parcels are specified as follows:

parcel_name_1 #_of_points point_name_1 point_name_2 ...
parcel_name_2 #_of_points point_name_1 point_name_2 ...
Volume elements are specified as follows:
volume_element_name_1 parcel_name primary_abiotic_compartment_name lower_boundary upper_boundary
volume_element_name_2 parcel_name primary_abiotic_compartment_name lower_boundary upper_boundary
Boundaries are specified in meters with positive being upwards. Each specified primary abiotic compartment must already exist in a referenced library.

All keywords (e.g., "start_parcels") can be specified in upper or lower case.  Keywords cannot be used as names of points, parcels, compartments, or volume elements. Names of items are not case-sensitive.

Comments can be specified in two ways. "//" indicates that all text until the end of the line is a comment.  "/*" indicates that all text until "*/" is a comment.

Example File

 * Volume Elements for Full Maine Scenario
 * This requires compartments Air, Groundwater, Root Zone, Surface Soil, 
 * Surface Water, and Vadose

version 1
// name X Y
17      518019.762      4962167.805
18      521145.463      4959927.276
19      516825.500      4958377.781
20      519735.692      4956360.991
21      524867.973      4957260.942
22      523530.971      4953645.929
23      516301.161      4958740.726
24      515968.461      4956658.189
25      518752.674      4957044.055
26      510579.160      4958479.535
27      514781.222      4954197.886
28      515270.663      4953991.080
29      514346.929      4953287.940
30      514857.051      4953039.772
31      520013.297      4953450.434
32      521201.941      4953761.745
33      520480.265      4951846.708
34      521687.776      4952025.948
35      521173.640      4951941.045
36      523551.093      4952320.604
37      516721.235      4949624.973
38      516916.150      4950089.770
39      517995.678      4949085.209
40      517710.802      4948747.857
41      516931.143      4950112.260
42      518657.601      4950286.721
43      519918.520      4950403.113
44      518856.733      4947728.726
45      521645.445      4947750.274
46      522319.306      4947753.269
47      521648.440      4947366.922
48      522316.311      4947366.922
49      521654.430      4946369.607
50      522313.316      4946360.622
51      523610.118      4947769.578
52      510576.596      4949771.375
53      511696.989      4949272.422
54      512287.991      4949011.686
55      515770.174      4947472.509
56      518314.159      4946350.888
57      523661.648      4943997.263
58      510711.192      4945836.803
59      514026.294      4944229.920
60      517040.321      4942769.439
61      522510.772      4940128.008

// name #_of_points points
"S.1, Hampden"  4       23      26      52      53                              
"S.2, South Brewer"     3       19      25      24                                      
"S.3, Holtrachem (has air, too)"        4       28      30      29      27                              
"S.4(I), Orrington Basin, West" 5       24      25      20      55      54                      
"S.4(II), Orrington Basin, East"        8       20      22      36      34      32      31      42      41
"S.5, Fields wetland"   4       31      33      43      42                              
"S.6, Swetts drainage"  5       41      43      56      55      38                      
"S.7, West Brewer drainage"     4       43      33      45      44                              
"S.8, East Brewer drainage"     4       35      36      51      46                              
"S.9, Thurston Drainage"        8       44      45      49      50      46      51      57      56
"W.1, Penobscot river"  4       23      19      54      53                              
"W.2, Swetts Pond"      5       38      41      39      40      37                      
"W.3, Fields Pond"      4       31      32      34      33                                      
"W.4, Brewer Lake"      4       33      35      46      45                                      
"W.5, Mud Pond" 4       45      46      48      47                                      
"W.6, Thurston Pond"    4       47      48      50      49                                      
"Air Parcel just east of Holtrachem"    9       54      29      30      28      27      24      25      20      55
"Air Parcel over Brewer Lake,Mud Lake, Thurston Lake"   4       56      33      36      57                                      
"Air Parcel over Swetts Pond and Fields Pond"   6       55      20      22      36      33      56                      
"Air Parcel west of Holtrachem, including Hampden"      5       54      52      26      23      19                              
"Air Boundary Parcel north of Orrington Basin, I"       4       17      18      20      19                                      
"Air Boundary Parcel north of Orrington Basin, II"      4       18      21      22      20                                      
"Air Boundary Parcel south of Orrington Basin"  4       54      55      59      58                                      
"Air Boundary Parcel south of Swetts drainage"  4       55      56      60      59                                      
"Air Boundary Parcel south of Thurston drainage"        4       56      57      61      60                                      

/* name parcel_name primary_abiotic_compartment z_lower z_upper */
"Surface Soil / Hampden" "S.1, Hampden" "Surface Soil" -0.01 0
"Root Zone / Hampden" "S.1, Hampden" "Root Zone" -0.56 -0.01
"Vadose / Hampden" "S.1, Hampden" "Vadose" -1.31 -0.56
"Groundwater / Hampden" "S.1, Hampden" Groundwater -4.31 -1.31

"Surface Soil / South Brewer" "S.2, South Brewer" "Surface Soil" -0.01 0
"Root Zone / South Brewer" "S.2, South Brewer" "Root Zone" -0.16 -0.01
"Vadose / South Brewer" "S.2, South Brewer" "Vadose" -1.31 -0.16
"Groundwater / South Brewer" "S.2, South Brewer" Groundwater -4.31 -1.31

"Surface Soil / Holtrachem" "S.3, Holtrachem (has air, too)" "Surface Soil" -0.01 0
"Root Zone / Holtrachem" "S.3, Holtrachem (has air, too)" "Root Zone" -0.56 -0.01
"Vadose / Holtrachem" "S.3, Holtrachem (has air, too)" "Vadose" -1.31 -0.56
"Groundwater / Holtrachem" "S.3, Holtrachem (has air, too)" Groundwater -4.31 -1.31
"Lower Air / Holtrachem" "S.3, Holtrachem (has air, too)" Air 0 30
"Upper Air / Holtrachem" "S.3, Holtrachem (has air, too)" Air 30 60

"Surface Soil / Orrington, West" "S.4(I), Orrington Basin, West" "Surface Soil" -0.01 0
"Root Zone / Orrington, West" "S.4(I), Orrington Basin, West" "Root Zone" -0.56 -0.01
"Vadose / Orrington, West" "S.4(I), Orrington Basin, West" "Vadose" -1.31 -0.56
"Groundwater / Orrington, West" "S.4(I), Orrington Basin, West" Groundwater -4.31 -1.31

"Surface Soil / Orrington, East" "S.4(II), Orrington Basin, East" "Surface Soil" -0.01 0
"Root Zone / Orrington, East" "S.4(II), Orrington Basin, East" "Root Zone" -0.56 -0.01
"Vadose / Orrington, East" "S.4(II), Orrington Basin, East" "Vadose" -1.31 -0.56
"Groundwater / Orrington, East" "S.4(II), Orrington Basin, East" Groundwater -4.31 -1.31

"Surface Soil / Fields Wetland" "S.5, Fields wetland" "Surface Soil" -0.01 0
"Root Zone / Fields Wetland" "S.5, Fields wetland" "Root Zone" -1.31 -0.01
"Vadose / Fields Wetland" "S.5, Fields wetland" "Vadose" -1.31 -1.31 // ignored since thickness is zero
"Groundwater / Fields Wetland" "S.5, Fields wetland" Groundwater -4.31 -1.31

"Surface Soil / Swetts drainage" "S.6, Swetts drainage" "Surface Soil" -0.01 0
"Root Zone / Swetts drainage" "S.6, Swetts drainage" "Root Zone" -0.56 -0.01
"Vadose / Swetts drainage" "S.6, Swetts drainage" "Vadose" -1.31 -0.56
"Groundwater / Swetts drainage" "S.6, Swetts drainage" Groundwater -4.31 -1.31

"Surface Soil / West Brewer" "S.7, West Brewer drainage" "Surface Soil" -0.01 0
"Root Zone / West Brewer" "S.7, West Brewer drainage" "Root Zone" -0.56 -0.01
"Vadose / West Brewer" "S.7, West Brewer drainage" "Vadose" -1.31 -0.56
"Groundwater / West Brewer" "S.7, West Brewer drainage" Groundwater -4.31 -1.31

"Surface Soil / East Brewer" "S.8, East Brewer drainage" "Surface Soil" -0.01 0
"Root Zone / East Brewer" "S.8, East Brewer drainage" "Root Zone" -0.56 -0.01
"Vadose / East Brewer" "S.8, East Brewer drainage" "Vadose" -1.31 -0.56
"Groundwater / East Brewer" "S.8, East Brewer drainage" Groundwater -4.31 -1.31

"Surface Soil / Thurston Drainage" "S.9, Thurston Drainage" "Surface Soil" -0.01 0
"Root Zone / Thurston Drainage" "S.9, Thurston Drainage" "Root Zone" -0.56 -0.01
"Vadose / Thurston Drainage" "S.9, Thurston Drainage" "Vadose" -1.31 -0.56
"Groundwater / Thurston Drainage" "S.9, Thurston Drainage" Groundwater -4.31 -1.31

"Lower Penobscot River" "W.1, Penobscot river" "Surface Water" -3 -2
"Middle Penobscot River" "W.1, Penobscot river" "Surface Water" -2 -1
"Upper Penobscot River" "W.1, Penobscot river" "Surface Water" -1 0

"Lower Swetts Pond" "W.2, Swetts Pond" "Surface Water"  -3 -2
"Middle Swetts Pond" "W.2, Swetts Pond" "Surface Water" -2 -1
"Upper Swetts Pond" "W.2, Swetts Pond" "Surface Water"  -1 0

"Lower Fields Pond" "W.3, Fields Pond" "Surface Water"  -3 -2
"Middle Fields Pond" "W.3, Fields Pond" "Surface Water" -2 -1
"Upper Fields Pond" "W.3, Fields Pond" "Surface Water"  -1 0

"Lower Brewer Lake" "W.4, Brewer Lake" "Surface Water"  -3 -2
"Middle Brewer Lake" "W.4, Brewer Lake" "Surface Water" -2 -1
"Upper Brewer Lake" "W.4, Brewer Lake" "Surface Water"  -1 0

"Lower Mud Pond" "W.5, Mud Pond" "Surface Water"  -3 -2
"Middle Mud Pond" "W.5, Mud Pond" "Surface Water" -2 -1
"Upper Mud Pond" "W.5, Mud Pond" "Surface Water"  -1 0

"Lower Thurston Pond" "W.6, Thurston Pond" "Surface Water"  -3 -2
"Middle Thurston Pond" "W.6, Thurston Pond" "Surface Water" -2 -1
"Upper Thurston Pond" "W.6, Thurston Pond" "Surface Water"  -1 0

"Lower air east of Holtrachem" "Air Parcel just east of Holtrachem" Air 0 30
"Upper air east of Holtrachem" "Air Parcel just east of Holtrachem" Air 30 60

"Lower air over Brewer Lake,Mud Lake, Thurston Lake" "Air Parcel over Brewer Lake,Mud Lake, Thurston Lake" Air 0 30
"Upper air over Brewer Lake,Mud Lake, Thurston Lake" "Air Parcel over Brewer Lake,Mud Lake, Thurston Lake" Air 30 60

"Lower air over Swetts Pond and Fields Pond" "Air Parcel over Swetts Pond and Fields Pond" Air 0 30
"Upper air over Swetts Pond and Fields Pond" "Air Parcel over Swetts Pond and Fields Pond" Air 30 60

"Lower air west of Holtrachem" "Air Parcel west of Holtrachem, including Hampden" Air 0 30
"Upper air west of Holtrachem" "Air Parcel west of Holtrachem, including Hampden" Air 30 60

"Lower air north of Orrington Basin, I" "Air Boundary Parcel north of Orrington Basin, I" Air 0 30
"Upper air north of Orrington Basin, I" "Air Boundary Parcel north of Orrington Basin, I" Air 30 60

"Lower air north of Orrington Basin, II" "Air Boundary Parcel north of Orrington Basin, II" Air 0 30
"Upper air north of Orrington Basin, II" "Air Boundary Parcel north of Orrington Basin, II" Air 30 60

"Lower air south of Orrington Basin" "Air Boundary Parcel south of Orrington Basin" Air 0 30
"Upper air south of Orrington Basin" "Air Boundary Parcel south of Orrington Basin" Air 30 60

"Lower air south of Swetts drainage" "Air Boundary Parcel south of Swetts drainage" Air 0 30
"Upper air south of Swetts drainage" "Air Boundary Parcel south of Swetts drainage" Air 30 60

"Lower air south of Thurston drainage" "Air Boundary Parcel south of Thurston drainage" Air 0 30
"Upper air south of Thurston drainage" "Air Boundary Parcel south of Thurston drainage" Air 30 60



Version: $Date: 1999/08/23 21:45:39 $