Object Importer


The Object Importer reads a textual description of property types, compartments, algorithms, chemicals, sources, and composite compartments and creates objects in a library. Volume elements are imported by a different importer.

File Syntax

The example below illustrates the file's syntax. It might be helpful to examine the example while reading the description of the syntax.

The first noncomment line in the file must specify the file format version as "Version: <version #>" (without the quotes). The current version number is 1.

Objects are described by pairs of keywords and values.  Examples of keywords include "Compartment:" and "Property:". Values can be specified in two ways.  Values that do not span lines can simply appear after the colon.  All white space between the colon and the value and between the value and the end of the line will be discarded.  For values that span multiple lines, the value must be preceded by "[[" and followed by "]]".  Embedded new line characters and adjacent white space are converted to one space.  To include a carriage return in the value use "\n".  Use "\\" to insert a backslash into a multiline value. The case of keywords is ignored, but the case of values is retained.

The start of a new object is represented by an initial keyword that identifies the type of object to create. The initial keyword is followed by the name of the object. There are restrictions on the forms of names for property types. The lines following the initial keyword's line contain additional keywords and values that describe the new object. The following table describes the keywords that are accepted for different types of objects. Follow the link for a keyword to see its meaning and appropriate values. Properties can be specified for all types of objects except Property Types with the "Property" keyword. The table shows TRIM-defined required and optional properties for each type of object. Follow the link for each property to see its description.

It's important to understand the relationship between properties and property types. A property could be considered to be a variable that describes an object (except property types do not have properties). For instance, the temperature of a compartment or volume element would be stored as a property. A property type determines what type of information is contained in a property, but it does not determine the value of a property. This is analogous to a declaration of a variable in some programming languages. For instance, a temperature property type would indicate that temperature is a floating point value. Each property is based on a property type. Corresponding properties and property types have the same name.
Object Type Initial Keyword Name Restrictions Required Keywords Optional Keywords Required Properties Optional Properties Notes
Algorithm Algorithm None   Description
Chemical Chemical None   Property
Category Enabled  
Compartment Compartment None  
Must be declared before they are used in composite compartments.
Composite Compartment CCompartment None Component Description
    The Component keyword is repeated for each component compartment.
Point Source PointSource None   Description
Category Not supported yet
Property Type Ptype Characters allowed in the name are letters, digits, "$", and "_". The first character cannot be a digit. The name cannot contain white space.  DataType
    New property types cannot have the same name as a property type that already exists in the library. Property types must be declared before they are used. They are not case sensitive.

Two forms of comments are supported. A "//" indicates that all text until the end-of-line is a comment. A "/*" indicates that all text up to and including a "*/" is a comment. This type of comment can span multiple lines. However, it cannot be embedded in other values. It must start on it's own line. Blank lines can be included between keywords.

Non-Initial Keywords

A property type's category helps define the objects for which the property type could be used. For instance, a property type with category "Air" will apply to compartments with categories "Air" and "Air | Boundary Layer". If no category is specified, "All" is assumed.

A property type's class helps define the objects for which the property type could be used. If it is not specified, the property type applies to all types of objects. Valid values for class are Algorithm, Chemical, Compartment, CCompartment, PointSource, Project, Scenario, and VolumeElement.

This specifies the name of a compartment that should be included in the composite compartment. Each compartment must be defined earlier in the file or in the library. This keyword is specified once for each compartment that belongs to the composite.

This specifies the type of information that a property provides, such as a text string. In many cases this will be the type of information that is stored in the property. Floating-point values can also be expressed in other forms, such as a formula that returns a floating-point value. Valid data types are Boolean, Category, DateTime, FloatingPoint, Integer, and String.

When a default value is specified for a property type, each new property of that type will be created with its value set to the default value.

This is a textual description of an object. The description of the property type describes the purpose of the property, such as "the rate of uptake" and any guidelines that should be used in setting values. Users can see the first part of a property type description as a tooltip while entering property values in TRIM. The description should be entered before any Properties.

If a maximum value is specified for a numeric property type, the user is warned when he or she enters a new property value that exceeds the maximum.

If a minimum value is specified for a numeric property type, the user is warned when he or she enters a new property value that exceeds the minimum.

A property specifies an attribute of an object. Note that property types do not have properties. The value for this keyword is a property name, which must match the name of an existing property type. These names are not case sensitive. Properties are described in more detail in the next section.

Each floating-point or integer property type must declare which units will be used, such as "K" or "g/s". If the property type describes a unitless value, such as the number of organisms, use "N/A" as the units.


All objects except property types are described by properties. Each property is defined by a property type. TRIM declares some property types, which are listed in the table above. The user can create additional property types. Each property contains several pieces of information. Required properties do not have to be set when the object is imported, but they must be set before a simulation can be performed.

Properties are described by a special set of keywords, which must be in the following order (optional keywords can be omitted).

This indicates how the property value is represented. This keyword is optional. The default form is Constant, which is a value that does not change during the simulation. The only other form currently recognized by this importer is Formula, which is a formula that returns a floating-point value. If no form is entered for a given property, the last form entered will be used. This allows constants and formulas to be grouped together without having to specify the form for each property. For example, if you specify that a property is a formula, then all properties that follow it in that Object will be treated as formulas until a constant form is specified.

This is the value of a property. Currently, this must be a constant value or a formula.

Boolean values should be specified as "true" or "false" without the quotes. Categories are specified as text separated by "|" characters. Text after the vertical bar represent a specialization of preceding information. Use "All" (without the quotes) when an object applies to everything. The syntax for dates is "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss ZZZ" (without the quotes) where "ZZZ" is a three-character time zone. The syntax for formula values is described elsewhere.

Some property values are chemical-specific. For instance, an organism might uptake different chemicals at different rates. Chemical-specific values can be specified by preceding the value with the chemical name in curly braces (e.g., {HgO}). This keyword can be specified multiple times for a single property if different chemical names are specified.

An optional description of the property's value. The description of the property type describes the purpose of the property, such as "the rate of uptake" and any guidelines that should be used in setting values. The description of an individual property is intended to describe the particular value assigned to the property, such as "From Smith & Jones (1997)".C
TRIM's predefined property types are the following (data types are indicated in parentheses):
This is the category of abiotic compartments to which this compartment can be added. For instance, the value for a fish compartment might be "Surface Water" (without the quotes). (category)

This specifies a value for contribution from the boundary in g/day. If the scenario's boundaryContributionEnabled flag is 'true' and a compartment on the border of the simulation domain has this property, this property's value is the boundary contribution to the compartment.

This specifies an object's category. Do not use "All". For algorithms this should only be specified when there a multiple interchangeable algorithms that should not be used together, such as different implementations of chemical uptake. No two algorithms on a link can have the same category. (category)

For algorithms that do not transform chemicals, the category of chemical to which the algorithm applies. If not specified, "All" is used. (category)

For algorithms that only apply when the compartments have a specific relationship with one another. Allowable values are:

This indicates if the algorithm transforms chemicals. (boolean)

This indicates if the algorithm transports chemicals between compartments. (boolean)

This is the effective elevation of the emissions point source in meters. This would typically include the height of the stack above the zero elevation level for the simulation and any bouyant rise of the plume.

The chemical-specific emission rate in grams/day.

This indicates if an object is enabled for the simulation. For instance, chemicals and algorithms can be disabled. (boolean)

The initial concentration of a chemical in a compartment in grams/kg.

The initial concentration of a chemical in a compartment in grams/liter.

The initial concentration of a chemical in a compartment in grams/cubic meter.

This indicates if the compartment is biotic. (boolean)

If multiple algorithms with the same category apply to a link, this indicates if this algorithm should be the one that is used. (boolean)

The name of the algorithm that should be used on reciprocal links. (string)

For algorithms that transform chemicals, the name of the chemical on the receiving side of the link (i.e., the reactant). (string)

The category of compartment that this algorithm can accommodate on the receiving (upstream) side of a link. (category)

For algorithms that transform chemicals, the name of the chemical on the sending side of the link (i.e., the reaction product). (string)

The category of compartment that this algorithm can accommodate on the sending (downstream) side of a link. (category)

The total mass of this compartment (e.g, the mass of fish represented by the compartment) in kilograms.

This is the transfer factor for an algorithm. It is almost always expressed as a formula. (floating-point)

This is the X-location of the point source within the modeling domain (in meters).

This is the Y-location of the point source within the modeling domain (in meters).


 * This is an example file that illustrates the syntax 
 * for the Object Importer.  Different formatting styles are 
 * used to illustrate available options.  This example has no
 * scientific validity.

Version: 1

// Define a property type.
// Note that case is ignored for keywords.
ptype: FOC
DESCRIPTION: [[The fraction of carbon in soil.\n\n
The value should be between 0 and 1.]] // a multi-line value
DataType: floatingPoint
Units: N/A
Category: Soil
Class: Compartment
Max: 1
Min: 0

ptype: Temperature
description: The temperature of a compartment.
DataType: floatingPoint
Units: K
Class: Compartment
Max: 350
Min: 200

ptype:  EliminationRate   // leading and trailing white space is ignored
Description: The rate an organism eliminates a chemical.
DataType: floatingPoint
Units: g/hr
Category: Biotic
Class: Compartment

// Define a skeletal chemical
Chemical: HgO

// Define some compartments

compartment: Trout
Property: Category
   Value: Biotic | fish | trout
Property: IsBiotic
Value: true
Property: EliminationRate
   Form: Formula
   Value: {HgO} [[Compartment.Temperature *
   Description: [[ Smith & Jones (1997) report that the elimination
                rate is temperature dependent. ]] // Only one space will appear between "elimination" and "rate"

Compartment: Algae
Property: Category
   Value: Biotic | Algae
Property: IsBiotic
   Value: true

// Define a composite compartment
CCompartment: Surface water food web
Component: Trout
Component: Algae

// Define an algorithm
Algorithm: Uptake by Trout
Property: DoesTransformChemical
   Value: false
Property: DoesTransportChemical
   Value: true
Property: IsDefaultForChemical
   Value: false
Property: ReceivingCompartmentCategory
   Value: Biotic | fish | trout
Property: SendingCompartmentCategory
   Value: Biotic | Algae
Property: TransferFactor
   Form:  Formula
   Value: PrimaryAbioticCompartment.Temperature * 0.001

File Version: $Date: 2000/01/20 17:12:03 $