Air Emissions Factors and Quantification
Training for WATER9, Version 3.0
Recent training sessions covered the following topics:
First module - Introduction to WATER9
- WATER9, what it does.
- Opening project files
- Calculations
- Unit properties
- Compound properties
- Inspection of the components of a project
- Reports that are available
Second module - Creating a WATER9 project file
- Collecting process data
- Preparation of a flow diagram for the process
- Transferring process information into a WATER9 project
- Debugging methods
- Validation methods
- Reporting
An Adobe Flash version of the training (ZIP 38M) can be downloaded to your PC. Copy the ZIP file to a folder on your PC. Unzip all of the files to the folder and double click on the file Water9Complete.html. You will need Adobe Flash Player in order to view the movie.