Air Emissions Factors and Quantification
AP 42 Update 2001 to Present - Summary of Changes to Sections
The following are summaries of the changes to Sections which will be incorporated into updates since 2001 to the Fifth Edition of AP 42 "Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Volume I: Stationary Point and Area Sources." In 2001, EPA discontinued publishing supplements to the 5th edition of AP 42.
Update 2007 || Update 2008 || Update 2009 || Update 2011
AP42 Supplements A through F (1996 to 2001)
Updates for 2001
- Section 1.6 Waste Residue Combustion
- Section 11.1 Hot Mix Asphalt Production
- Section 11.12 Concrete Batching
Updates for 2002
- Section 10.5 Plywood Manufacturing
- Section 10.6.4 Hardboard and Fiberboard
- Section 10.6.3 Medium Density Fiberboard
- Section 10.6.2 Particleboard
- Section 10.6.1 Waferboard/Oriented Strandboard
- Section 10.9 Engineered Wood Products Manufacturing
- Section 13.2.1 Paved Roads
Updates for 2003
- Section 1.6 Wood Residue Combustion in Boilers
- Section 9.9.1 Grain Elevators and Processes
- Section 12.10 Gray Iron Foundries
- Section 13.2.2 Unpaved Roads
- Section 13.2.1 Paved Roads
Updates for 2004
- Section 11.1 Hot Mix Asphalt Plants
- Section 11.19.2 Crushed Stone Processing and Pulverized Mineral Processing
- Chapter 15 - Ordnance Detonation - New Chapter
- Sections 15.4 Projectiles, Canisters, and Charges - New Section
- Sections 15.8 Signals and Simulators - New Section
Updates for 2006
- Section 7.1 Organic Liquid Storage Tanks
- Section 11.12 Concrete Batching
- Section 12.5.1 Steel Minimills
- Section 13.2.1 Paved Roads
- Section 13.2.2 Unpaved Roads
- Section 13.2.4 Aggregate Handling and Storage Piles
- Section 13.2.5 Industrial Wind Erosion
- Section 15.1 Small Cartridges < 30 mm
- Section 15.2 Medium Cartridges 30-75 mm
- Section 15.3 Large Cartridges > 75 mm
- Section 15.4 Projectiles, Canisters, and Charges
- Section 15.5 Grenades
- Section 15.6 Rockets, Rocket Motors, and Igniters
- Section 15.7 Mines and Smoke Pots
- Section 15.8 Signals and Simulators
- Section 15.9 Blasting Caps, Demolition Charges, and Detonators
Updates for 2007
- Section 4.4 Polyester Resin Plastic Products Fabrication
- Section 12.18 Leadbearing Ore, Crushing and Grinding
- Section 15.4 Projectiles, Canisters, and Charges
- Section 15.10 Fuses and Primers
Updates for 2008
- Section 1.5 Liquified Petrolem Gas Combustion
- Section 5.2 Transportation and Marketing of Petroleum Liquids
- Section 12.2 Coke Production
- Section 12.5.1 Steel Minimills
Updates for 2009
- Section 12.5.1 Steel Minimills
Updates for 2011
- Section 13.2.1 Paved Roads