April 12, 2002 The NTIS numbers in this document are correct and the general information is accurate, however, the RBLC BBS is no longer in existance. The information in this document starts at 1996 and goes back. It has been made available for historical purposes only. Please Note - The information on the RBLC User's Manuals has been updated and it is the best document to reference for more information. We are now the RBLC Web and may be found at: http://www.epa.gov/ttn/catc/ To get to the RBLC just click on the RBLC Logo on that page. ------------------------------------------------------------- October 8th, 1996 BACT/LAER Clearinghouse: A Compilation of Control Technology Determinations (4 volume set) (EPA-450/3-90-015a-d, NTIS number PB90-259714) Volume 1 - Summary & Appendices A-G (EPA-450/3-90-015a, NTIS number PB90-259722) Volume 2 - Appendix H, Source Codes 1-3 (EPA-450/3-90-015b, NTIS number PB90-259730) Volume 3 - Appendix H, Source Codes 4-6 (EPA-450/3-90-015c, NTIS number PB90-259748) Volume 4 - Appendix H, Source Codes 7-12 (EPA-450/3-90-015d, NTIS number PB90-259755) This document is a summary of the data inserted into the Clearinghouse between June 1985 to June 1990. Sections of this report include a history of the Clearinghouse program, information on submittals of data to the Clearinghouse, summary tables on all of the information in the Clearinghouse (entered prior to June 1990), and detailed information on all of the determinations (entries) entered or altered from June 1985 to June 1990. RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse: A Compilation of Control Technology Determinations, First Supplement to the 1990 Edition (EPA-450/3-91-015, NTIS number PB91-231548) This document is a summary of the information entered into the Clearinghouse from June 1990 to June 1991. Sections of the report include a history of the Clearinghouse program, information on submittals of data to the Clearinghouse, summary tables on all of the information in the Clearinghouse (entered prior to June 1991), and detailed information on all of the determinations entered from June 1990 to June 1991. RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse: A Compilation of Control Technology Determinations, Second Supplement to the 1990 Edition (EPA-453/R-92-002, NTIS Number PB92-235647) This document is a summary of the information entered into the Clearinghouse from June 1991 to June 1992. Sections of the report include a history of the Clearinghouse program, information on submittals of data to the Clearinghouse, summary tables on all of the information in the Clearinghouse (entered prior to June 1991), and detailed information on all of the determinations entered from June 1991 to June 1992. It also includes information on the transfer of the Clearinghouse from the National Computer Center (NCC) mainframe computer to the OAQPS Technology Transfer Network BBS. RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse: A Compilation of Control Technology Determinations, Third Supplement to the 1990 Edition [2 volumes] (EPA-453/R-93-037a, PB94-111234 and EPA-453/R-93-037b, PB94-111572) This document is a summary of the information entered into the Clearinghouse from June 1992 to June 1993. Sections of the report include a history of the Clearinghouse program, information on submittals of data to the Clearinghouse, summary tables on all of the information in the Clearinghouse (entered since June 1989), and detailed information on all of the determinations entered from June 1992 to June 1993. Volume 1 contains the text and App. A through G and App. H through and including information submitted by the State of North Dakota. Volume 2 contains the remainder of App. H. RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse: A Compilation of Control Technology Determinations, Fourth Supplement to the 1990 Edition (EPA-453/R-94-055, NTIS Number PB94-206729) This document is a summary of the information entered into the Clearinghouse from June 1993 to June 1994. Sections of the report include a history of the Clearinghouse program, information on submittals of data to the Clearinghouse, summary tables on all of the information in the Clearinghouse (entered since June 1990), and detailed information on all of the determinations entered from June 1993 to June 1994. (This document is available for downloading in the Downloading section of the BLIS BBS.) RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse: A Compilation of Control Technology Determinations, Fifth Supplement to the 1990 Edition (EPA-456/R-95-005, PB96-178942) This document is a summary of the information entered into the Clearinghouse from June 1994 to June 1995. Sections of the report include a history of the Clearinghouse program, information on submittals of data to the Clearinghouse, summary tables on all of the information in the Clearinghouse (entered since June 1990), and detailed information on all of the determinations entered from June 1994 to June 1995. (This document is available for downloading in the Downloading section of the BLIS BBS.) RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse: A Compilation of Control Technology Determinations, Sixth Supplement to the 1990 Edition (EPA-456/R-96-002, We do not have an NTIS number yet. You can, however call NTIS at 800-553-6847 and request the document using the EPA number.) This document is a summary of the information entered into the Clearinghouse from June 1995 to June 1996. Sections of the report include a history of the Clearinghouse program, information on submittals of data to the Clearinghouse, summary tables on all of the information in the Clearinghouse (entered since June 1990), and detailed information on all of the determinations entered from June 1995 to June 1996. (This document is available for downloading in the Downloading section of the BLIS BBS.) RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse Information System (BLIS) User's Manual (Revised 9/95) EPA-456/B-95-003, PB96-183926) This is a newly revised User's Manual for the BLIS BBS. It contains information on how to sign-on to the OAQPS TTN BBS, access the BLIS database, structure retrieval commands, view selected data, and format and download selected data. It also contains information on the new process codes/categories that are now used in the Clearinghouse and background on the Clearinghouse program. (the text of this document is available for downloading on the Downloading section of this BBS.) (4-28-00 --- Information superceeded!) RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse Information System (BLIS) Informational Flyer This document presents a summary of the Clearinghouse system. It includes sections on the process codes/categories used in the system, information on abbreviations used in the system and downloading material to your PC, and a list of documents available on the Clearinghouse. (The text of this document is available for downloading on the Downloading section of this BBS.)