WQX Resources
On this page:
WQX Submission Services
The Water Quality Exchange (WQX) is a new framework that makes it easier for States, Tribes, and others to submit and share water quality monitoring data over the Internet.
- WQX Domain Value Service
- Soap ENDPOINT: http://cdx.epa.gov/WQXWeb/services.asmx
- WQX Domain Value Web Service Definition Language (WSDL)
WQX Partner Services
EPA WQX Has partnered with both federal and state organizations to produce publicly accessible application and services to assist with data submissions.
- EPA's Environmental Information Exchange Network (State Node endpoints)
- Getting Started on the Network
Water Quality Research
Water quality research provides the science and tools necessary to develop sustainable solutions to 21st century water resource problems in order to protect human and ecosystem health.
- Water Research
- Hydraulic Fracturing
- Water Risk Managment Research
- Water and Climate
- Climate Ready Water Utilities
- Water and Energy
- Watershed Protection Research
- Nutrients Management Research
- Pollution Control
- Polluted Runoff Categories
Water Monitoring
Our nation's waters are monitored by state, federal, and local agencies, universities, dischargers, and volunteers.
- Advanced Monitoring Systems Center Verified Technologies
- Monitoring and Assessing Water Quality
- WATERS - Watershed assessment system that unites data from several different databases.
- Great Lakes Monitoring
- National Aquatic Resource Surveys
- Wetlands Monitoring and Assessment
Water Tools and Technology
Innovative technologies hold the key to cost-effective timely solutions that minimize adverse environmental effects.
- Watershed Central
- Models, Databases and Tools for Water Resource Protection
- Water Science and Technology Tools Collection
- ECOSAR - A computerized predictive system that estimates the aquatic toxicity of industrial chemicals.
- National Contaminant Occurrence Database
- Drinking Water Treatability Database
- EPANET - Software that models the hydraulic and water quality behavior of water distribution piping systems.