Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.
This web site provides query access to over 200 million monitoring records originally reported to EPA via the Legacy STORET System.
Need help using the STORET Legacy Data Center? Try using one of our various resources below to answer your questions.
Advanced Query User Guide: A list of the filter criteria used in the Advanced Query with a description of the purpose for each one. Most topics contain a link to the glossary.
Glossary: The definitions of terms and acronyms used throughout the site. A more general glossary of environmental terms can be found in the EPA Dictionary.
Help Desk : Need answers fast? Call the STORET Hotline at 1-800-424-9067 or contact us at
Specific Page Help
Gateway Help: This section is under construction
Purpose Help: This section is under construction
Sitemap Help: This section is under construction
Pickup Help: This section is under construction
Query Help: This section is under construction
List of States Help: This section is under construction
List Counties Help: This section is under construction
List of Provinces Help: This section is under construction
List of Hydrologic Unit Regions Help: This section is under construction
List of Hydrologic Unit Codes Help: This section is under construction
List Stations Help: This section is under construction
Select Organization Help: This section is under construction
Contact Information Help: This section is under construction
Advanced Query Help: This section is under construction
Aggregate Data Help: This section is under construction
Select Parameter Codes and Dates Help: This section is under construction
Confirm Help: This section is under construction
Count Help: This section is under construction
Reference Tables Help: This section is under construction
Help Help: This section is under construction
Enviromapper List of Stations Help: This section is under construction