Effluent Statistic
Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.
This web site provides query access to over 200 million monitoring records originally reported to EPA via the Legacy STORET System.
Code | Name | Print Format |
I | Average Concentration | AC |
J | Minimum Concentration | LC |
K | Maximum Concentration |
HC |
M | Average Loading (lbs/day assumed) | AL |
P | Minimum Loading (lbs/day assumed) | LL |
Q | Maximum Loading (lbs/day assumed) | HL |
R | Number of Exceptions | NE |
T | Type of Sampling | FA |
W | Self-monitoring | ST |
! | Minimum Concentration (30 days) | LCX |
? | Maximum Concentration (30 days) | HCX |
@ | Maximum Loading (30 days) | HLX |
& | Mass Units | MU |
= | Number of analyses | #A |