Contents of "STORET1"."TSRCITN"




Date:February 15, 2013 9:09:32 AM

48 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_RM_28 Environment Canada 1992 Toxicity Tests Using Early Life Stages of Salmonid Fish (Rainbow Trout, Coho Salmon, or Atlantic Salmon). Environment Canada EPS1_RM_28 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
49 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_PG_7 Environment Canada 1993 Protocols & Performance Specifications for Continuous Monitoring of Gaseous Emissions from Thermal Power Generation. Environment Canada EPS1_PG_7 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
50 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_RM_7 Environment Canada 1993 Reference Method for Source Testing: Measurement of Releases of Lead in Particulate from Stationary Sources Environment Canada EPS1_RM_7 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
96 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-85-013 USEPA 1985 Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents to Freshwater and Marine Organisms, 3rd Edition USEPA EPA 600/4-85-013 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
97 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-87-028 USEPA 1987 Short-Term Methods for Est. of Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Recvg Waters to Marine and Estuarine Organisms USEPA EPA 600/4-87-028 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
59 ZZZZZZZZ NAT NIOSH_METHODS National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 1994 NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, 4th Edition, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 4th Edition Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
60 ZZZZZZZZ NAT NYSDOH_WADSWORTH New York State, Department of Health,Wadsworth Center 1991 Tentative Method for the Determination of Ethylene Glycol in Water, Method Option B New York State Department of Health NYSDOH_WADSWORTH Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
152 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 402/R-92-003 USEPA 1993 Protocols for Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurements in Homes USEPA EPA 402/R-92-003 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
153 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 402/R-92-004 USEPA 1992 Indoor Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurement Device Protocols. USEPA EPA 402/R-92-004 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
154 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 430/9-86-004 USEPA 1987 Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) for 301(h) Monitoring Programs: Guidance on Field and Laboratory Methods USEPA EPA 430/9-86-004 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
155 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 440/1-83-079C USEPA 1983 Test Methods for Nonconventional Pesticides Chemicals Analysis of Industrial and Municipal Wastewater. USEPA EPA 440/1-83-079C USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
156 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 440/4-91-002 USEPA 1991 Volunteer Lake Monitoring USEPA EPA 440/4-91-002 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
380 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821-R-02-023 USEPA 2002 Method 1603: Escherichia coli (E. coli) in Water by Membrane Filtration Using Modified membrane-Thermotolerant Escherichia coli Agar (Modified mTEC) (September 2002) USEPA EPA 821-R-02-023 USERV202 30-Mar-2004 07:53:15 AM 2  
381 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821-R-02-022 USEPA 2002 Method 1600: Enterococci in Water by Membrane Filtration Using membrane-Enterococcus Indoxyl-B-D-Glucoside Agar (mEl) (September 2002) USEPA EPA 821-R-02-022 USERV202 30-Mar-2004 08:05:49 AM 2  
77 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR60_B USEPA 1993 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix B, USEPA 40CFR60_B Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
78 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR61_B USEPA 1993 Test Methods for Air USEPA 40CFR61_B Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
79 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR53-59 USEPA 1993 Air Program USEPA 40CFR53-59 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
80 ZZZZZZZZ NAT AIR_QA_HANDBOOK USEPA 19-- Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems (Volumes I, II, and III) USEPA AIR_QA_HANDBOOK Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
81 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-77-027A USEPA 1977 QA Handbook for Measurement USEPA EPA 600/4-77-027A Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
211 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/2-85-028 USEPA 1985 Guide for Decontaminating Buildings, Structures, and Equipment at Superfund Sites. USEPA EPA 600/2-85-028 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
212 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/2-85-104 USEPA 1985 Practical Guide for Ground-Water Sampling. USEPA EPA 600/2-85-104 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
237 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-91-003 USEPA 1991 Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Water to Marine and Estuarine Organism USEPA EPA 600/4-91-003 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
169 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 540/P-91-005 USEPA 1991 Compendium of ERT Surface Water and Sediment Sampling Procedures. OSWER Directive 9360.4-03 EPA 540/P-91-005 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
170 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 540/P-91-006 USEPA 1991 Compendium of ERT Soil Sampling and Surface Geophysics Prodecures. OSWER Directive 9360.4-02 EPA 540/P-91-006 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
171 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 540/P-91-007 USEPA 1991 Compendium of ERT Groundwater Sampling Procedures. OSWER directive 9360.4-06 EPA 540/P-91-007 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
132 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-91-039 USEPA 1991 Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water USEPA EPA 600/4-91-039 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
134 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR_141 USEPA 1993 40 CFR Part 141, (National Primary Drinking Water Regulations) USEPA 40CFR_141 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
135 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR141_40_E USEPA 1993 Special Regulations, Including Monitoring Regulations and Prohibitions on Lead Use USEPA 40CFR141_40_E Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
214 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/2-88-062 USEPA 1989 Toxicity Reduction Evaluation Protocol for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants. USEPA EPA 600/2-88-062 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
101 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/R-93-100 USEPA 1993 Methods for the Determination of Inorganic Substances in Environmental Samples USEPA EPA 600/R-93-100 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
51 ZZZZZZZZ NAT GRRASP_PARTB EG&G Rocky Flats Environmental Management Dept. 1991 General Radiochemistry and Routine Anal. Services Protocol (GRASSP), Stmt of Work Pt B, Radioanal. Svcs. Protocol. EG&G Rocky Flats Version 2.1, Part B Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
52 ZZZZZZZZ NAT FISONS_DOC Fisons Instruments Co, Applied Research Labs Div. 1991 Direct Current Plasma (DCP) Opt. Emission Spectr. Meth. for Trace Element Anal. of Water and Wastes, Method AES 0029. Fisons Instruments/Applied Research Laboratories Vol -- Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
53 ZZZZZZZZ NAT WATER_HANDBOOK Hach Chemical Company 1992 Hach Water Analysis Handbook. HACH Chemical Company 2nd Edition Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
47 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_RM_24 Environment Canada 1992 Toxicity Test Using Luminescent Bacteria (Photobacterium phosphoreum). Environment Canada EPS1_RM_24 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
198 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/R-95-077 USEPA 1995 Laboratory Methods for Soil and Foliar analysis in Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Programs. USEPA EPA 600/R-95-077 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
139 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR401_15 USEPA 1993 Toxic Pollutants USEPA 40CFR401_15 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
140 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR401_16 USEPA 1993 Conventional Pollutants USEPA 40CFR401_16 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
173 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 540/P-91-009 USEPA 1991 Compendium of ERT Toxicity Testing Procedures. OSWER, Directive 9360.4-08 EPA 540/P-91-009 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
141 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/B-94-001 USEPA 1994 Pharmaceutical Ind. Pollutants USEPA EPA 821/B-94-001 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
142 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EAD_METHODS USEPA 1990 U.S. EPA Analytical Methods for the National Sewage Sludge Survey, September 1990 USEPA EAD_METHODS Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
172 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 540/P-91-008 USEPA 1991 Compendium of ERT Waste Sampling Procedures. OSWER Directive 9360.4-08 EPA 540/P-91-008 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
36 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_RM_4 Environment Canada 1990 Reference Method for Source Testing: Measurement of Releases of Carbon Monoxide from Stationary Sources. Environment Canada EPS1_RM_4 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
37 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_RM_5 Environment Canada 1990 Reference Method for Source Testing: Measurement of Releases of Mercury from Mercury Cell Chlor-Alkali Plants Environment Canada EPS1_RM_5 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
20 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-89-018 USEPA 1988 Second Supplement to Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Toxic Organic Compounds in Ambient Air USEPA EPA 600/4-89-018 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
133 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/R-92-129 USEPA 1992 Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water, Supplement II USEPA EPA 600/R-92-129 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
39 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_RM_26 Environment Canada 1992 Acute Test for Sediment Toxicity Using Marine or Estuarine Amphipods. Environment Canada EPS1_RM_26 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
40 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_RM_22 Environment Canada 1992 Biological Test Method: Test of Larval Growth and Survival Using Fathead Minnows. Environment Canada EPS1_RM_22 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
185 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 560/5-89-001 USEPA 1989 Guidelines for Conducting the AHERA TEM Clearance Test to Determine Completion of an Asbestos Abatement Project USEPA EPA 560/5-89-001 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
186 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/A-92-226 USEPA 1992 Survey of Protocols for Conducting Indoor Air Quality Investigations in Large Buildings. USEPA EPA 600/A-92-226 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
187 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/R-92-033 USEPA 1992 Characterizing Heterogenoeous Wastes: Methods and Recommendations. USEPA EPA 600/R-92-033 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
378 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821-R-01-034 USEPA 2001 Method 1605: Aeromonas in Finished Water Membrane Filtration Using Ampicillin-Dextrin Agar with Vancomycin (ADA-V) (October 2001) USEPA EPA 821-R-01-034 USERV202 30-Mar-2004 07:42:44 AM 2  
318 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0006125A USEPA 1988 EPA, Region 1 laboratory Data Validation Functional Guidelines for evaluating Organics Analysis. USEPA O1A0006125A USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
319 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0006125B USEPA 1988 Region I Labortory Data Validation Functional Guidelines for Evaluating Inorganics Analysis. USEPA O1A0006125B USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
361 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 34(6):1035-49. USEPA Wigington Jr PJ, Church MR, Strickland TC, Eshleman KN, Van Sickle J 1998 Autumn chemistry of Oregon Coast Range streams. Journal of the American Water 34(6):1035-49. USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
242 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/8-80-038 USEPA 1980 Manual of Analytical Methods for the Analysis of Pesticides in Humans and Environmental Samples USEPA EPA 600/8-80-038 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
243 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/8-87-036 USEPA 1987 Soil Gas Sensing for Detection and Mapping of Volatile Organics. USEPA EPA 600/8-87-036 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
233 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-90-023 USEPA 1990 Handbook of Methods for Acid Deposition Studies Laboratory Analyses for Soil Chemistry. USEPA EPA 600/4-90-023 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
234 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-90-027F USEPA 1993 Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater and Marine Organisms. USEPA EPA 600/4-90-027F USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
235 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-90-030 USEPA 1990 Macroinvertebrate field and Laboratory Methods for Evaluating the Biological Integrity of Surface Waters. USEPA EPA 600/4-90-030 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
236 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-91-002 USEPA 1991 Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Water to FW Organisms. USEPA EPA 600/4-91-002 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
269 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/C-97-001 USEPA 1997 EPA Methods and Guidance for the Analysis of Water. USEPA EPA 821/C-97-001 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
270 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/C-99-008 USEPA 1999 EPA Methods and Guidance for the Analysis of Water, Version 2.0. USEPA EPA 821/C-99-008 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
271 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/D-96-006 USEPA 1996 Guide to Method Flexibility and Approval of EPA Water Methods. USEPA EPA 821/D-96-006 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
272 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-91-100 USEPA 1991 Draft Analytical Method for the Determination of Acid Volatile Sulfide in Sediment. USEPA EPA 821/R-91-100 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
136 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR141_40_J USEPA 1993 Remove Special Regulations, Including Monitoring Regulations and Prohibitions on Lead Use USEPA 40CFR141_40_J Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
137 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR143 USEPA 1993 National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations USEPA 40CFR143 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
138 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 506/6-90-001A USEPA 1990 Bioaccumulation of Selected Pollutants in Fish, A National Study. USEPA EPA 506/6-90-001a Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
241 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/8-78-017 USEPA 1978 Microbiological Methods for Monitoring the Environment: Water and Wastes. USEPA EPA 600/8-78-017 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
102 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600-R-94-111 USEPA 1994 Methods for the Determination of Metals in Environmental Samples, Supplement I USEPA EPA 600-R-94-111 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
196 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/R-94-025 USEPA 1994 Methods for Assessing the Toxicity of Sediment-associated Contaminants with Estuarine and Marine Amphipods. USEPA EPA 600/R-94-025 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
281 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-96-006 USEPA 1996 Method 1639: Determination of Trace Elements in Ambient Waters by Stabilized Temperature GFAA. USEPA EPA 821/R-96-006 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
32 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_RM_10 Environment Canada 1990 Acute Lethality Test Using Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Environment Canada EPS1_RM_10 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
313 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0006083 USEPA 1989 Sampling Procedures and Protocols for the National Sewage Sludge Survey. USEPA O1A0006083 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
4 ZZZZZZZZ NAT ASTM_15_04 American Society for Testing of Materials 1994 ASTM Standards. General Products, Chemical Specialties & End Use Products; Soap; etc. American Society for Testing and Materials Vol 15.04 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
5 ZZZZZZZZ NAT ASTM_6_03 American Society for Testing of Materials 1994 ASTM Standards. Paints, Related Coatings & Aromatics; Paint Pigments etc. American Society for Testing and Materials Vol 6.03 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
6 ZZZZZZZZ NAT ASTM_5_01 American Society for Testing of Materials 1994 ASTM Standards. Petroleum Products, Lubricants & Fossil Fuels (I) American Society for Testing and Materials Vol 5.01 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
7 ZZZZZZZZ NAT ASTM_5_05 American Society for Testing of Materials 1994 ASTM Standards. Petroleum Products, Lubricants & Fossil Fuels: Gaseous Fuels; Coal & Coke American Society for Testing and Materials Vol 5.05 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
8 ZZZZZZZZ NAT ASTM_5_02 American Society for Testing of Materials 1994 ASTM Standards. Petroleum Products, Lubricants & Fossil Fuels (II) American Society for Testing and Materials Vol 5.02 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
33 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_RM_15 Environment Canada 1990 Reference Method for the Monitoring of Gaseous Emissions from Fossil Fuel-fired Boilers. Environment Canada EPS1_RM_15 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
34 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_RM_14 Environment Canada 1990 Reference Method for Determining Acute Lethality of Effluents to Daphnia magna. Environment Canada EPS1_RM_14 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
35 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_RM_13 Environment Canada 1990 Reference Method for Determining Acute Lethality of Effluents to Rainbow Trout. Environment Canada EPS1_RM_13 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
309 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0005392 USEPA 1988 Rapid Extraction of Organanochloride Pesticides from Drinking Water and Raw Source Water: Method SPE-500. USEPA O1A0005392 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
310 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0005510 USEPA 1978 Total Organic Carbon, Low Level (UV Promoted, Persulfate Oxmethod). USEPA O1A0005510 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
311 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0005658 USEPA 1987 Determination of Pesticides in Ground Water by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with a UV Detector. USEPA O1A0005658 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
215 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/3-85-019 USEPA 1986 Analytical Procedures and QA Plan for the Analysis of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in tier 3-7 Samples of the US EPA National Dioxin Stu USEPA EPA 600/3-85-019 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
204 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/R-99-064 USEPA 2000 Methods for Measuring the Toxicity and Bioaccumulation of Sediment-associated Contaminants with FW Inverts. 2nd et. USEPA EPA 600/R-99-064 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
1 ZZZZZZZZ NAT No Cite Unknown 19-- No Cite - Method Not Cited Unknown Vol -- Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
2 ZZZZZZZZ NAT APHA_METHODS American Public Health Association 1984 Laboratory Procedures for the Examination of Seawater and Shellfish American Public Health Association Vol -- Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
3 ZZZZZZZZ NAT STD_METHODS American Public Health Association 1992 Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th Edition. American Public Health Association 18th Edition Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
382 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821-R-02-021 USEPA 2002 Method 1106.1: Enterococci in Water by Membrane Filtration Using membrane-Enterococcus-Esculin Iron Agar (mE-EIA) (September 2002) USEPA EPA 821-R-02-021 USERV202 30-Mar-2004 08:05:10 AM 2  
203 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/R-98-128 USEPA 1998 Technical Protocol for Evaluating Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents in Ground Water USEPA EPA 600/R-98-128 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
205 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/R-00-013 USEPA 2000 Membrane Filter Method for the Simultaneous Detection of Total Coliforms and Escherichia coli in Drinking Water USEPA EPA 600/R-00-013 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
232 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-90-10 USEPA 1990 Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Air Pollutants in Indoor Air. USEPA EPA 600/4-90-10 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
302 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 842/B-94-003 USEPA 1994 CWA Section 403: Proecedural and Monitoring Guidance. USEPA EPA 842/B-94-003 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
303 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 01A0003682 USEPA 1983 Determination of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in Soil and Sediment. rev 1. USEPA 01A0003682 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
304 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 01A0004860 USEPA 1982 Determination of Lead-210, Thorium, Plutonium and Polonium-210 in Drinking Water: Mehods 909, 910, 911, 912. USEPA 01A0004860 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
305 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 01A0005044 USEPA 1981 Procedures for Handling and Chemical Analysis of Sediment and Water Samples. USEPA 01A0005044 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
306 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0005114 USEPA 1982 Measurement of Trihalomethanes (THMs) in Drinking Water with GC/MS and Selected ion Monitoring: Method 501.3. USEPA O1A0005114 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
307 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0005249 USEPA 1985 NEIC Pesticide sampling Guide. USEPA O1A0005249 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
268 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/B-98-016 USEPA 1998 Analytical Methods for the Determination of Pollutants in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry Wastewater. USEPA EPA 821/B-98-016 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
240 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/6-91-005F USEPA 1992 Toxicity Identification Evaluation: Characterization of Chronically Toxic Effluents. Phase I. USEPA EPA 600/6-91-005F USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
278 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-96-003 USEPA 1996 Method 1636: Determination of Hexavalent Chromium by Ion Chromatography. USEPA EPA 821/R-96-003 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
279 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-96-004 USEPA 1996 Method 1637: Determination of Trace Elements in Ambient Waters by Chelation Preconcentration with GFAA. USEPA EPA 821/R-96-004 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
280 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-96-005 USEPA 1996 Method 1638: Determination of Trace elements in Ambient Waters by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectometry. USEPA EPA 821/R-96-005 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
345 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 620/R-99-001B USEPA 1999 EMAP Information Management Plan: 1998-2001, Appendices USEPA EPA 620/R-99-001B USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
346 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 620/R-94-027 USEPA 1994 EMAP Forest Health Monitoring, Fields Methods Guide USEPA EPA 620/R-94-027 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
277 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-96-002 USEPA 1996 Method 1632: Determination of Inorganic Arsenic in Water by Hydride Generation Flame Atomic Absorption. USEPA EPA 821/R-96-002 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
392 ZZZZZZZZ NAT American Society for Testing of Materials 1997 Standard Test Methods for Determining Sediment Concentration in Water Samples American Society for Testing of Materials Feb 10, 1997 USERV209 04-Jun-2007 02:08:26 PM 2  
393 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EML_PROCEDURES USDOE 1997 EML Procedures Manual, 28th Edition, Volume 1, Revised February 1997 USDOE 28th Edition, Vol.1 Excerpted from EMMI USERV209 15-Aug-2007 12:04:52 PM 2  
394 ZZZZZZZZ NAT Standard Methods Online -- website Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater Standard Methods Online 20th Edition Standard Methods Online is jointly produced by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF). Contact APHA: (301) 893-1894, AWWA: (800) 926-7337, WEF: (800) 666-0206 USERV209 05-Nov-2007 09:31:21 AM 2  
314 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0006085 USEPA 1989 Method 1620: Metals by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy and AA Spectroscopy. USEPA O1A0006085 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
315 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0006086 USEPA 1989 Method 1618: Organo-halide Pesticides, Organo-phosphorus Pesticides, and Phenyoxy-acid Herbicides by Wide Bore CG. USEPA O1A0006086 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
316 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0006089 USEPA 1989 Method 1624: Volatile Organic Compounds by Isotope Dilution GCMA: Method 1625: Semivolatile Organic Compounds by CGMS. USEPA O1A0006089 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
317 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0006218 USEPA 1989 Guidance for Performing Tests on dredged Material to be Disposed of in Open Waters. USEPA O1A0006218 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
320 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0006125C USEPA 1993 Region I Tiered Orgainc and Inorganic Data Validation Guidelines. USEPA O1A0006125C USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
63 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EML_PROCEDURES USDOE 1992 EML Procedures Manual, 27th Edition, Volume 1, Revised February 1992 USDOE 27th edition, Vol.1 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
64 ZZZZZZZZ NAT USGS_METHODS_A1 USDOI, USGS 19-- Methods for Determination of Inorganic Substances in Water and Fluvial Sediments, Book 5, Chapter A1. USDOI, USGS Book 5, Chapter A1 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
348 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/X-90-287 USEPA Folmar LC. 1990 Diagnostic indicators for marine systems: Physiology and biochemistry USEPA EPA 600/X-90-287 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
308 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0005295 USEPA 1985 Determination of Pesticides and PCBs in Water and Oil/Sediment by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry: Method 680. USEPA O1A0005295 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
115 ZZZZZZZZ NAT OLM02_0 USEPA 19-- Multi-Media, Conc Organics USEPA OLM02_0 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
116 ZZZZZZZZ NAT CLP_3_4_SAS USEPA 19-- Contract Laboratory Program Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry, USEPA CLP_3_4_SAS Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
244 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/8-87-043 USEPA 1988 Methods for the Toxicity Tests of Single Substances and Liquid Complex Wastes with Marine Unicellular Algae. USEPA EPA 600/8-87-043 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
273 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-92-008 USEPA 1992 Methods for the Determination of Diesel, Mineral, and Crude Oils in Offshore Oil and Gass Industry Discharges. USEPA EPA 821/R-92-008 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
274 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-93-017 USEPA 1993 Analytical Methods for the Determination of Pollutants in Pulp and Paper Industry Wastewater. USEPA EPA 821/R-93-017 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
275 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-95-035 USEPA 1995 Comparison of VOA Compositing Procedures. USEPA EPA 821/R-95-035 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
276 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-96-001 USEPA 1996 Method 1631: Mercury in Water by Oxidation, Purge and Trap, and Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectometry. USEPA EPA 821/R-96-001 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
231 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-89-020 USEPA 1989 Handbook of Methods for Acid Deposition Studies Field Operations for Surface Water Chemistry. USEPA EPA 600/4-89-020 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
295 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 823/R-92-006 USEPA 1992 Sediment Classification Methods Compendium. USEPA EPA 823/R-92-006 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
296 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 823/R-95-007 USEPA 1995 Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use in Fish Advisories: vol 1, Fish Sampling and Analysis, 2nd ed. USEPA EPA 823/R-95-007 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
38 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_RM_20 Environment Canada 1991 Reference Method for the Determination of Dibenzofuran and Dibenzo-p-dioxin in Defoamers. Environment Canada EPS1_RM_20 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
347 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/R-95-172 USEPA Van Sickle J, Church MR. 1997 Methods for estimating the relative effects of sulfur and nitrogen deposition on surface water chemistry. USEPA EPA 600/R-95-172 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
297 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 833/B-02-001 USEPA 1992 NPDES Storm Water Sampling Guidance Document. USEPA EPA 833/B-02-001 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
298 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 833/B-99-002 USEPA 1999 Toxicity Reduction Evaluation Guidance for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants. USEPA EPA 833/B-99-002 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
299 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 841/B-97-003 USEPA 1997 Volunteer Stream Monitoring: A Methods manual. USEPA EPA 841/B-97-003 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
300 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 841/B-99-002 USEPA 1999 Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Wadeable Streams and Rivers: Periphyton, Benthic Macroinvertebrates, and Fish, 2nd ed USEPA EPA 841/B-99-002 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
301 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 842/B-93-004 USEPA 1993 Volunteer Estuary Monitoring: A Methods Manual. USEPA EPA 842/B-93-004 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
343 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 620/R-96-003 USEPA 1993 EMAP- Estuaries Louisianian Province - 1993 USEPA EPA 620/R-96-003 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
344 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 620/R-99-001A USEPA 1999 EMAP Information Management Plan: 1998-2001 USEPA EPA 620/R-99-001A USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
238 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-91-016 USEPA 1991 Test Methods for Escherichia coli in Drinking Water. USEPA EPA 600/4-91-016 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
239 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/6-91-003 USEPA 1991 Methods for the Aquatic Toxicity Identification Evaluations: Phase I Toxicity Characterization Procedures. USEPA EPA 600/6-91-003 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
373 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-88-023 USEPA Hagley CA, Mayer CL, Hoenicke R. 1988 National Surface Water Survey: National Stream Survey (Phase I, Southeast Screening and Episodes Pilot). Field Operation USEPA EPA 600/4-88-023 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
374 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 620/R-95-009 USEPA Strobel CJ, Klemm DJ, Lobring LB, Eichelberger JW, et. al. 1995 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Laboratory Methods Manual - Estuaries. Volume 2 : Chemical Methods. USEPA EPA 620/R-95-009 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
365 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/5-91-288 USEPA Summers JK, Macauley JM, Heitmuller PT. 1991 Implementation plan for monitoring the estuarine waters of the Louisianian Province-1991 Demonstration. USEPA EPA 600/5-91-288 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
351 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 31(1):117-40. USEPA Larsen DP, Urquhart NS, Kugler DL. 1995 Regional scale trend monitoring of indicators in trophic condition of lakes. Water Resources Bulletin 31(1):117-40. USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
352 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 63(1):1-13 USEPA Bradley MP, Landy RB. 2000 The Mid-Atlantic Integrated Assessment (MAIA). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 63(1):1-13 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
292 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-99-005 USEPA 1999 Method 1631, rev B: Mercury in Water by Oxication, Purge and Trap, and Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry. USEPA EPA 821/R-99-005 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
283 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-96-008 USEPA 1996 Method 1669: Sampling Ambient Water for Trace Metals at EPA Water Quality Criteria Levels. USEPA EPA 821/R-96-008 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
337 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0007929 USEPA 1997 Method 321.8: Determination of Bromate in Drinking Water by Ion Chromatography, ICP/MS. rev 1. USEPA O1A0007929 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
338 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0007986 USEPA 1997 Field and Lab Methods for Macroinvertebrate and Habitat Assessment of Low Gradient, Nontidal Streams. USEPA O1A0007986 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
339 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 620/R-99-005 USEPA 2000 Evaluation of Guidelines for Ecological Indicators. USEPA EPA 620/R-99-005 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
340 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 841/B-97-006 USEPA 1997 Compendium of Tools for Watershed Assessment and TMDL Development. USEPA EPA 841/B-97-006 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
341 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 910/R-00-002 USEPA 2000 Ecological Condition of Streams in the Coastal Range Ecoregion of Oregon Washington. USEPA EPA 910/R-00-002 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
342 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 822/B-00-024 USEPA 2000 Estuarine and Coastal Marine Waters: Bioassessment and Biocriteria Technical Guidance. USEPA EPA 822/B-00-024 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
377 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 815/R-00-014 USEPA 2000 Methods for the Determination of Organic and Inorganic Compounds in Drinking Water, vol 1. USEPA 815/R-00-014 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
285 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-97-004 USEPA 1997 Method 1600: Membrane Filter test Method for Enterococci in Water. USEPA EPA 821/R-97-004 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
286 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-97-004 USEPA 1997 Improved Enumeration Methods for the Recreational Water Quality Indicators: Enterocci and Escherichia coli. USEPA EPA 821/R-97-004 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
326 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0006709 USEPA 1989 Method 283.3: The Determination of Tributyltin Chloride in Marine and Fresh Waters by LSE and GC/EDC. USEPA O1A0006709 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
327 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0007431 USEPA 1996 Low Stress (low flow) Purging and Sampling Procedure for the collection of Ground Water Samples from Monitoring Wells. USEPA O1A0007431 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
264 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/B-94-005 USEPA 1994 Method 1613: Tetra-Through Octa-Chlorinated Dioxins and Furans by Isotope Dilution HRGC/HRMS Rev B. USEPA EPA 821/B-94-005 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
117 ZZZZZZZZ NAT CLP-LDV USEPA 1988 Functional Guidelines for Evaluating Organics Analyses USEPA CLP-LDV Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
118 ZZZZZZZZ NAT CLP_WQP USEPA 1993 EPA Contract Laboratory Program Water Quality Parameters in Multi-Concentration Water USEPA CLP_WQP Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
119 ZZZZZZZZ NAT SW-846_III USEPA 1998 Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Edition, Final Update III. USEPA SW-846_III Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
149 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 620/R-97-001 USEPA 1997 EMAP Field Operations Manual for Lakes USEPA EPA 620/R-97-001 EMAP Field Procedures for Sampling Lakes. Includes equipment lists and detailed procedure flow diagrams for each sampling procedure. Procedures include Water Chemistry, Biological Sampling, and Habitat Assessment of lake environments. USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
265 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/B-95-001 USEPA 1995 Guidance on Establishing Trace Metal Clean Rooms in Existing Facilities. USEPA EPA 821/B-95-001 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
328 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0007540 USEPA 1996 Standard Operating Procedure for Elemental Analysis Using X-Met 920 Field X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer. USEPA O1A0007540 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
329 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0007541 USEPA 1996 Immunoassay Guidelines for Planning Environmental Projects. USEPA O1A0007541 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
330 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0007115 USEPA 1997 The Protocol for Screening Soil and sediment Samples for Asbestos Content. USEPA O1A0007115 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
331 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0007667 USEPA 1998 OIA-1677: Available Cyanide by Flow Injection and Ligand Exchange. USEPA O1A0007667 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
368 ZZZZZZZZ NAT USEPA 2000 National Coastal Assessment - Coastal 2000 Quality Assurance Project Plan. USEPA none USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
369 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 620/R-96-004 USEPA Chaillou JC, Weisberg SB, 1996 Assessment of the ecological condition of the Delaware and Maryland coastal bays. USEPA EPA 620/R-96-004 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
370 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 440/4-89-001 USEPA Plafkin JL, Barbour MT, Porter KD, Gross SK, Hughes RM. 1989 Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Rivers: Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Fish. USEPA EPA 440/4-89-001 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
229 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-87-026 USEPA 1987 Handbook of Methods for Acid Deposition Studies: Laboratory Analysis for Surface Water Chemistry. USEPA EPA 600/4-87-026 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
230 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-88-039 USEPA 1988 Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water. USEPA EPA 600/4-88-039 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
294 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 823/B-98-004 USEPA 1998 Evaluation of Dredged Material Proposed for Discharge in Waters of the U.S. - Testing Manual: Inland Testing Manual. USEPA EPA 823/B-98-004 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
290 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-98-008 USEPA 1998 Evaluating Field Techinques for Collecting effluent Samples for Trace Metals Analysis. USEPA EPA 821/R-98-008 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
332 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0007747 USEPA 1996 Method 300.1: Determination of Inorganic Anions in Drinking Water by Ion Chromatography. Method 515.3 Determination of USEPA O1A0007747 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
333 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0007846 USEPA 1998 Method 1630: Methyl Mercury in Water by Distillation. Aqueous Ethylation, Purge and Trap, and CVAFS. USEPA O1A0007846 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
334 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0007861 USEPA 1990 Method 6020 CLP-M: Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry. USEPA O1A0007861 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
335 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0007878 USEPA 1998 Method 549.2: Determination of Diquat and Paraquat in drinking Water by LSE and HPLC with UV Detection. USEPA O1A0007878 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
336 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0007909 USEPA 1999 Method 1001: Lead in Drinking Water by Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry. USEPA O1A0007909 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
371 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 620/R-94-018 USEPA Dwire KA. 1994 Research and quality assurance methods used in the EMAP Prairie Wetlands Pilot Study. USEPA EPA 620/R-94-018 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
372 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 620/R-96-002 USEPA Diaz-Ramos S, Stevens Jr DL, Olsen AR. 1996 EMAP Statistical Methods Manual. USEPA EPA 620/R-96-002 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
109 ZZZZZZZZ NAT CLP-SOW-HC USEPA 19-- CLP Method, High Concentration USEPA CLP-SOW-HC Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
110 ZZZZZZZZ NAT IHC01_3 USEPA 19-- CLP SOW for Inorganics Analysis-IHC01_3 USEPA IHC01_3 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
111 ZZZZZZZZ NAT ILM03_0 USEPA 19-- CLP SOW for Inorganics Analysis-ILM03_0 USEPA ILM03_0 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
112 ZZZZZZZZ NAT LC_INORGANICS USEPA 19-- CLP SOW for Inorganics Analysis-LC_INORGANICS USEPA LC_INORGANICS Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
113 ZZZZZZZZ NAT DFLMO1_0 USEPA 19-- CLP SOW Analysis for PCDD/PCDF USEPA DFLMO1_0 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
114 ZZZZZZZZ NAT LC_ORGANICS_SOW USEPA 19-- Low Concentration Water for Org USEPA LC_ORGANICS_SOW Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
175 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 540/R-94-519 USEPA 1994 Field Screening Method for Polychlorinated Biphenyl Compounds in Water. USEPA EPA 540/R-94-519 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
176 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 540/R-95-141 USEPA 1995 Superfund Program Representative Sampling Guidance, Volume 1: Soil. USEPA EPA 540/R-95-141 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
158 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 503/8-91-001 USEPA 1991 Evaluation of Dredged Material Proposed for Ocean Disposal (Testing Manual). USEPA EPA 503/8-91-001 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
159 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 505/2-90-001 USEPA 1991 Technical Support Document for Qater Quality- based Toxics Control. USEPA EPA 505/2-90-001 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
148 ZZZZZZZZ NAT PAM-VOLUME1 USFDA 1991 Pesticide Analytical Manual, Volume I, Methods which Detect Multiple Residues USFDA PAM-VOLUME1 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
107 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 530/SW-91-010 USEPA 1991 Methods Manual for Compliance with the BIF Regulations, Burning Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces USEPA EPA 530/SW-91-010 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
108 ZZZZZZZZ NAT FMC_METHODS USEPA 1994 Field Methods Compendium. USEPA FMC_METHODS Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
177 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 540/R-97-501 USEPA 1996 Federal Facilities Forum Issue: Field Sampling and Selecting On-site Analytical for Explosives in Soil. USEPA EPA 540/R-97-501 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
178 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 540-2-88-005 USEPA 1988 Field Screening Methods Catalog: User's Guide. USEPA EPA 540-2-88-005 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
179 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 540/2-90-005A USEPA 1990 Environmental Asbestos Assessment Manual: Superfund Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Ambient Air, Part 1: M USEPA EPA 540/2-90-005A USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
180 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 540/4-91-001 USEPA 1991 Ground-Water Issue: Soil Sampling and Analysis for Volatile Organic Compounds. USEPA EPA 540/4-91-001 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
184 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 560/5-87-008 USEPA 1987 Volatile Organic Compounds in Whole Blood-Determination by Heated dynamic Headspace Purge and Trap Isotope Dilution GC/M USEPA EPA 560/5-87-008 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
349 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 4(2):167-80. USEPA Olsen AR, Schreuder HT. 1997 Perspectives on large-scale natural resource surveys when cause-effect is a potential issue Environmental and Ecological Statistics 4(2):167-80. USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
353 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 63(1):65-79. USEPA Jung RE, Droege S, Sauer JR, Landy RB. 2000 Evaluation of terrestrial and streamside salamander monitoring techniques at Shenandoah National Park. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 63(1):65-79. USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
150 ZZZZZZZZ NAT STD_METHODS American Public Health Association 1998 Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th Edition. American Public Health Association 20th Edition USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
151 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 330/9-80-002 USEPA 1980 Microbial Bioassay for Toxic and Hazardous Materials (Ames Test for Mutagenicity) USEPA EPA 330/9-80-002 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
174 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 540/R-94-509 USEPA 1994 A User's Guide to Environmental Immunochemical Analysis USEPA EPA 540/R-94-509 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
350 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 32(8):2517-28. USEPA Young TC, Stoddard JL. 1996 The Temporally Integrated Monitoring of Ecosystems (TIME) project design, 1. Classification of northeast lakes using a c Water Resources Research 32(8):2517-28. USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
312 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0005957 USEPA, Region I 1983 The Use of a Protable PID Gas Chromatograph for Rapid Screening of Samples for Purgeable Organic Compounds in Field/Lab. USEPA, Region I O1A0005957 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
356 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 64(1):299-310. USEPA Suchanek TH, Richerson PJ, Flanders JR, Nelson DC, Mullen LH, Brister LL, Becker JC. 2000 Monitoring inter-annual variability reveals sources of mercury contamination in Clear Lake, California. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 64(1):299-310. USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
357 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 64(1):379-90. USEPA Summers JK, Robertson A, Levinson B. 2000 Development of the coastal intensive site network (CISNET). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 64(1):379-90. USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
358 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 64(1):409-19. USEPA Thompson B, Hoenicke R, Davis JA, Gunther A. 2000 An overview of contaminant-related issues identified by monitoring in San Francisco Bay. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 64(1):409-19. USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
359 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 63(1):237-51. USEPA Walker HA, Latimer JS, Dettmann EH. 2000 Assessing the effects of natural and anthropogenic stressors in the Potomac Estuary: Implications for long-term monitori Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 63(1):237-51. USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
360 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 51(1/2):331-43. USEPA Hyland JL, Snoots TR, Balthis WL. 1998 Sediment quality of estuaries in the southeastern U.S. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 51(1/2):331-43. USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
354 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 64(1):139-52. USEPA Manley PN, Zielinski WJ, Stuart CM, Keane JJ, Lind AJ, Brown C, et. al. 2000 Monitoring ecosystems in the Sierra Nevada: The conceptual model foundatiion. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 64(1):139-52. USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
355 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 63(1):223-36. USEPA Strobel CJ, Paul JF, Hughes MM, Buffum HW, Brown BS, Summers JK. 2000 Using information on spatial variability of small estuaries in designing large-scale estuarine monitoring programs. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 63(1):223-36. USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
262 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 814/B-95-003 USEPA 1995 ICR Protozoan Method for Detecting Giardia Cysts and Crytosporidium Oocysts in Water by Fluorescent Antibody Procedure. USEPA EPA 814/B-95-003 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
263 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/B-94-004B USEPA 1995 Method 1664: N-Hexane Extractable Material (HEM) and Silica Gel Treated N-Hexane Extractable Material by Extraction and USEPA EPA 821/B-94-004B USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
220 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-81-044 USEPA 1982 The Determination of the Maximum Total Trihalomethane Potential: Method 510.1. USEPA EPA 600/4-81-044 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
221 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-81-055 USEPA 1981 Interim Methods for the Sampling and Analysis of Priority Pollutants in Sediments and Fish Tissue. USEPA EPA 600/4-81-055 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
190 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/R-92-111 USEPA 1993 Fish Field and Laboratory Methods for Evaluating the Biological Integrity of Surface Waters. USEPA EPA 600/R-92-111 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
191 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/R-92-128 USEPA 1992 Preparation of Soil Sampling Protocols: Sampling Techniques and Strategies. USEPA EPA 600/R-92-128 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
222 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-81-056 USEPA 1981 Total Organic Halide: Method 450.1. USEPA EPA 600/4-81-056 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
391 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 03-4174 USDOI, USGS 2003 Methods for the Determination of total and dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus in water, Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4174 USGS p40 Evaluation of Alkaline Persulfate Digestion as an Alternative to Kjeldahl Digestion, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4174, 40 p, Patton, C.J., and Kryskalla, J.R., USERV209 08-Mar-2006 01:13:26 PM 2  
266 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/B-95-002 USEPA 1995 Guidance on the Documentation and Evaluation of Trace Metals Data Collected for Clean Water Act USEPA EPA 821/B-95-002 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
267 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/B-96-005 USEPA 1996 Methods for Organic chemical Analysis of Municipal and Industral Wastewater. USEPA EPA 821/B-96-005 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
143 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-92-008 USEPA 1992 Methods for the Determination of Diesel, Mineral, and Crude Oils in Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Discharges USEPA EPA 821/R-92-008 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
144 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-93-010A USEPA 1993 Methods for the Determination of Nonconventional Pesticides in Municipal and Industrial Wastewater, Vol. I, Rev. 1 USEPA EPA 821/R-93-010A Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
145 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-93-010B USEPA 1993 Methods for the Determination of Nonconventional Pesticides in Municipal and Industrial Wastewater, Vol. II USEPA EPA 821/R-93-010B Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
183 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 560/5-86-020 USEPA 1986 Analysis for Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins (PCDD) and Dibenzofurans (PCDF) in Human Adipose Tissue: Method Evaluati USEPA EPA 560/5-86-020 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
128 ZZZZZZZZ NAT SW-846_II USEPA 1994 Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, SW-846, 3rd Edition, Final Update II. USEPA SW-846_II Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
129 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR268_48 USEPA 1994 Universal Treatment Standards USEPA 40CFR268_48 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
130 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 56FR3526 USEPA 19-- Synthetic Organic Chemicals and Inorganic Chemicals; Monitoring for Unregulated Contaminants. USEPA 56FR3526 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
131 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-90-020 USEPA 1990 Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water, Supplement I USEPA EPA 600/4-90-020 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
160 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 520/1-86-014-1 USEPA 1987 Interim Protocols for Screening and Followup Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurements. USEPA EPA 520/1-86-014-1 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
161 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 520/1-88-002 USEPA 1988 Sediment Monitoring at Deep-Ocean Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Sites: Methods Manual. USEPA EPA 520/1-88-002 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
163 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 530/R-95-036 USEPA 1995 Guidance for Sampling and Analysis of Municipal Waste Combustion Ash for the Toxicity Characteristic. USEPA EPA 530/R-95-036 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
164 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 530/SW-168 USEPA 1975 Use of the Water Balance Method for Predicting Leachate Generation from Solid Waste Disposal Sites. USEPA EPA 530/SW-168 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
165 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 530/SW-611 USEPA 1977 Procedures Manual for Ground Water Monitoring at Solid Waste Disposal Facilities. USEPA EPA 530/SW-611 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
167 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 530/SW-87-006 USEPA 1987 Batch-Type Adsorption Procedures for Estimating Soil Attenuation of Chemicals. USEPA EPA 530/SW-87-006 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
168 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 540/G-90-004 USEPA 1990 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Guidance for Removal Activities: Sampling QA/QC Plan and Data Validation Procedures. USEPA EPA 540/G-90-004 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
182 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 542/B-98-002 USEPA 1998 Field Sampling and Analysis Technologies Matrix and Reference Guide. USEPA EPA 542/B-98-002 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
126 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR261_33F USEPA 1993 Toxic Wastes USEPA 40CFR261_33F Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
127 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR261_C USEPA 1993 Characteristics of Hazardous Waste. USEPA 40CFR261_C Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
26 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_AP_73_7 Environment Canada 1981 Standard Reference Method for the Measurement of Ozone in the Atmosphere (Chemiluminescence Method) Environment Canada EPS1_AP_73_7 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
27 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_SRM_1 Environment Canada 1984 Standard Reference Method for Ambient Testing: Hydrogen Sulphide. Environment Canada EPS1_SRM_1 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
28 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_RM_2 Environment Canada 1989 Ref. Method for Source Testing: Meas. of Releases of Selected Semi-Volatile Org. Compounds from Stationary Sources. Environment Canada EPS1_RM_2 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
29 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_RM_1 Environment Canada 1989 Reference Method for Source Testing: Measurement of Releases of Gaseous Hydrogen Chloride from Stationary Sources. Environment Canada EPS1_RM_1 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
30 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_RM_11 Environment Canada 1990 Acute Lethality Test Using Daphnia magna and/or Daphnia pulex. Environment Canada EPS1_RM_11 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
31 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_RM_9 Environment Canada 1990 Acute Lethality Test Using Rainbow Trout. Environment Canada EPS1_RM_9 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
146 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA_REG_II USEPA, Region II 1988 Determination of Total Organic Carbon in Sediment, 1988 USEPA, Region II EPA_REG_II Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
147 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 520/5-84-006 USEPA 1984 Radiochemistry Procedures Manual, Eastern Environmental Radiation Facility USEPA EPA 520/5-84-006 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
75 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR80 USEPA 19-- Regulation of Fuels USEPA 40CFR80 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
76 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR51_M USEPA 19-- Requirements of Implementation of Air Standards USEPA 40CFR51_M Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
219 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-75-008 USEPA 1975 Interim Radiochemical Methodology for Drinking Water. Revised. USEPA EPA 600/4-75-008 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
325 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0006706 USEPA 1986 Determination of Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans in Soils and Sediments by GCMS. USEPA O1A0006706 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
324 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0006408 USEPA 1984 Draft Methodology for the Measurement of Airborne Aesbestos by Electron Microscopy. USEPA O1A0006408 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
43 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_RM_25 Environment Canada 1992 Growth Inhibition Test Using the Freshwater Alga Selenastrum capricornutum. Environment Canada EPS1_RM_25 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
44 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_RM_16 Environment Canada 1992 Reference Method for Determination of Absorbable Organic Halogens (AOX) in Waters and Wastewaters. Environment Canada EPS1_RM_16 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
83 ZZZZZZZZ NAT AREAL_METHODS_2 USEPA 1989 Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Air Pollutants in Indoor Air USEPA AREAL_METHODS_2 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
84 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA_CE_81-1 USEPA 1981 Procedures for Handling and Chemical Analysis of Sediment and Water Samples USEPA EPA_CE_81-1 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
375 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 620/R-94-003 USEPA Klemm DJ, Lazorchak JM. 1994 EMAP: Surface Waters and Region 3 Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: 1994 Pilot laboratory manual USEPA EPA 620/R-94-003 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
376 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/8-87-005 USEPA Hillman DC, Pia SL, Simon SJ. 1987 National Surface Water Survey: National Stream Survey Middle-Atlantic Phase I, Southeast Screening and Middle-Atlantic. USEPA EPA 600/8-87-005 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
251 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 625/R-96-010A USEPA 1999 Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Inorganic Compounds in Ambient Air. USEPA EPA 625/R-96-010A USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
252 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 625/R-96-010B USEPA 1977 Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Toxic Organic Compounds in Ambient Air, 2nd et. USEPA EPA 625/R-96-010B USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
253 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 625/R-96-054 USEPA 1996 Marine Toxicity Identification Evaluation (TIE): Phase I Guidance Document. USEPA EPA 625/R-96-054 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
254 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 625/8-89-015 USEPA 1989 Biomonitoring for Control of Toxcity in Effluent Discharges to the Marine Environment. USEPA EPA 625/8-89-015 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
255 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 625/12-91-002 USEPA 1991 Description and Sampling of Contaminates Soils: A Field Pocket Guide. USEPA EPA 625/12-91-002 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
256 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 747/R-95-001 USEPA 1995 Residential Sampling for Lead: Protocols for Dust and Soil Sampling, Final Report. USEPA EPA 747/R-95-001 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
257 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 747/R-95-002A USEPA 1995 A Field Test of Lead-Based Paint Testing Technologies: Summary Report. USEPA EPA 747/R-95-002A USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
258 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 747/R-95-007 USEPA 1995 Sampling House dust for Lead: Basic Concepts and Literature Review. USEPA EPA 747/R-95-007 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
259 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 814/B-94-001 USEPA 1994 Pocket Sampling Guide for Operators of Small Water Systems: Phase II and V. USEPA EPA 814/B-94-001 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
260 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 814/B-95-001 USEPA 1995 Information Collection Requirements Rule--Protozoa and Enteric Virus Sample Collection Procedures. USEPA EPA 814/B-95-001 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
261 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 814/B-95-002 USEPA 1995 Protocol for the Information Collection Requirements Rule. USEPA EPA 814/B-95-002 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
291 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-99-001 USEPA 1999 Method 1622: Crytosporidium in Water by Filtration/IMS/FA. USEPA EPA 821/R-99-001 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
223 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-82-029 USEPA 1982 Handbook of Sampling and sample Preservation of Water and Wastewater. USEPA EPA 600/4-82-029 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
224 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-83-000 USEPA 1983 Methods for Use of Caged Molluscs for In-Situ Biomonitoring of Marine Sewage Discharges USEPA EPA 600/4-83-000 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
225 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-83-027 USEPA 1983 Technical Assistance Document for Sampling and Analysis of Toxic Organic Compounds in Ambient Air. USEPA EPA 600/4-83-027 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
226 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-83-043 USEPA 1983 Analytical Method for Determination of Asbestos Fibers in Water. USEPA EPA 600/4-83-043 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
366 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/8-90-108 USEPA Summers JK, Holland AF, Paul JF. 1990 Sampling Design for the EMAP Near-Coastal Project. USEPA EPA 600/8-90-108 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
367 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 620/R-94-027 USEPA Tallent-Halsell NG, editor. 1994 Forest Health Monitoring 1994 Field Methods Guide. USEPA EPA 620/R-94-027 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
282 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-96-007 USEPA 1996 Method 1640: Determination of Trace Elements in Ambient Waters by On-Line Chelation Preconcentration and ICPM. USEPA EPA 821/R-96-007 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
293 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-99-006 USEPA 1999 Method 1623: Cryptosporidium and Giardia in Water by Filtration/IMS/FA. USEPA EPA 821/R-99-006 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
216 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/3-88-029 USEPA 1988 Protocols for Short Term Toxicity Screening of Hazardous Waste Sites. USEPA EPA 600/3-88-029 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
217 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/3-90-022 USEPA 1990 Analytical Procedures and Quality Assurance Plan for the Determination of PCDD/PCDF in Fish. USEPA EPA 600/3-90-022 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
218 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/3-91-063 USEPA 1991 Guidelines for Conducting Early Life Stage Toxicity Tests with Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes). USEPA EPA 600/3-91-063 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
71 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR60_A USEPA 19-- 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A USEPA 40CFR60_A Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
72 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR63_A USEPA 19-- 40 CFR part 63, Appendix A USEPA 40CFR63_A Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
73 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EMTIC_BULLETIN USEPA 19-- Emission Measurement Technical USEPA EMTIC_BULLETIN Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
74 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR50 USEPA 19-- National Primary and Secondary Standards USEPA 40CFR50 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
250 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 625/R-93-003B USEPA 1993 Subsurface Characterization and Monitoring techniques: A Desk Reference Guide: Vol II the Vadose Zone, Field Screening. USEPA EPA 625/R-93-003B USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
321 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0006218 USEPA 1989 Guidance from Perforeming Tests on Dredged Material to be Disposed of in Open Waters. USEPA O1A0006218 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
322 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0006252 USEPA 1991 Determination of Radon in Drinking Water by Liquid Scintillation Counting. USEPA O1A0006252 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
323 ZZZZZZZZ NAT O1A0006379 USEPA 1979 A Method for Measuring Sediment Oxygen Demand Using a Bench Model Benthic Respirometer. USEPA O1A0006379 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
362 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 49(1-2):93-108 USEPA Summers JK, Paul JF, Robertson A. 1995 Monitoring the ecological condition of estuaries in the United States. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 49(1-2):93-108 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
363 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 3(6):979-91 USEPA Larsen DP. 1997 Sample survey design issues for bioassessment of inland aquatic ecosystems. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 3(6):979-91 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
364 ZZZZZZZZ NAT USEPA Summers JK. 1995 A framework for an integrated and comprehensive monitoring plan for estuaries of the Gulf of Mexico. USEPA USEPA, Gulf Program USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
157 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 503/6-90-004 USEPA 1986 Analytical Methods for U.S. EPA Priority Pollutants and 301(h) Pesticides in Estuarine and marine Sediments. USEPA EPA 503/6-90-004 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
197 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/R-94-134 USEPA 1994 Determination of Asbestos Structures over 10(micrometers) in Length in Drinking Water USEPA EPA 600/R-94-134 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
199 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/R-95-131 USEPA 1995 Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water, Supplement III. USEPA EPA 600/R-95-131 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
200 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/R-95-136 USEPA 1995 Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to West Coast Marine & Estuarin USEPA EPA 600/R-95-136 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
201 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/R-95-178 USEPA 1995 ICR Microbial Laboratory Manual USEPA EPA 600/R-95-178 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
120 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 530/SW-846 USEPA 1986 Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, SW-846, 3rd Edition. USEPA EPA 530/SW-846 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
194 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/R-93-183 USEPA 1993 Guidance Manual: Bedded Sediment Bioaccumulation Tests. USEPA EPA 600/R-93-183 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
85 ZZZZZZZZ NAT HERL_METHODS USEPA 19-- Manual of Analytical Methods for the Analysis of Pesticides in Humans and Environmental Samples. USEPA HERL_METHODS Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
86 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40 CFR PART 136 USEPA 19-- Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants. USEPA 40 CFR Part 136 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
87 ZZZZZZZZ NAT WASTEWATER_1 USEPA 19-- Individually Published Methods for the Determination of Pollutants in Water. USEPA WASTEWATER_1 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
227 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-84-013 USEPA 1984 US EPA Manual of Methods for Virology. USEPA EPA 600/4-84-013 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
228 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-86-024 USEPA 1986 Development of Standard Methods for the Collection and Analysis of Precipitation. USEPA EPA 600/4-86-024 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
188 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/R-92-080 USEPA 1993 Methods for Aquatic Toxicity Identification Evaluations: Phase II Toxicity Id Procedures for Samples Exhibiting Acute a USEPA EPA 600/R-92-080 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
189 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/R-92-081 USEPA 1993 Methods for Aquatic Toxicity Identification Evaluations: Phase III Toxicity confirmation Procedures for Samples EXhibit USEPA EPA 600/R-92-081 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
9 ZZZZZZZZ NAT ASTM_4_08 American Society for Testing of Materials 1994 ASTM Standards. Soil and Rock (I) American Society for Testing and Materials Vol 4.08 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
10 ZZZZZZZZ NAT ASTM_4_09 American Society for Testing of Materials 1994 ASTM Standards. Soil and Rock (II) American Society for Testing and Materials Vol 4.09 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
11 ZZZZZZZZ NAT ASTM_12_01 American Society for Testing of Materials 1994 ASTM Standards. Solar and Geothermal Energy American Society for Testing and Materials Vol 11.04 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
284 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-97-001 USEPA 1997 Method 1668: Toxic Polychlorinated Biphenyls by Isotope Dilution High Resolution Gas Chromatography/High Resolution, MS USEPA EPA 821/R-97-001 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
17 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EM1110-2-1906 Army Corps of Engineers 1970 Engineering and Design, Laboratory Soils Testing Army Corps of Engineers EM 1110-2-1906 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
42 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_RM_27 Environment Canada 1992 Fertilization Assay Using Echinoids (Sea Urchins and Sand Dollars). Environment Canada EPS1_RM_27 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
287 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-98-002 USEPA 1999 Method 1664 rev A: N-Hexane Extractable Material (HEM; Oil and Grease) and Silica Gel Treated N-Hexane Extractable Mater USEPA EPA 821/R-98-002 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
288 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-98-003 USEPA 1998 Method 1680: Fecal Coliform in Biosolids by Multiple-Tube Fermentation and Membrane Filter Procedures. USEPA EPA 821/R-98-003 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
289 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821/R-98-004 USEPA 1998 Method 1682: Salmonella sp. In Biosolids by Enrichment, Selection and Biochemical Characterization. USEPA EPA 821/R-98-004 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
245 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/8-89-046 USEPA 1989 Soil Sampling Quality Assurance User's Guide. Second Edition. USEPA EPA 600/8-89-046 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
246 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/8-90-041 USEPA 1990 Indoor Air-Assessment: Methods of Analysis for Environmental Carcinogens. USEPA EPA 600/8-90-041 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
247 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 620/R-94-004F USEPA 1998 Field Operations and Methods for Measuring the Ecological Condition of Wadeable Streams. USEPA EPA 620/R-94-004F USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
248 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 620/R-95-008 USEPA 1995 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) Laboratory Methods Manual Estuaries, vol 1: Biological and Physic USEPA EPA 620/R-95-008 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
249 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 625/R-93-003A USEPA 1993 Surface Characterization and Monitoring Techniques: A Desk Reference Guide: Vol 1. Solids and Ground Water. USEPA EPA 625/R-93-003A USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
122 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR261_24 USEPA 1993 Toxicity Characteristics USEPA 40CFR261_24 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
123 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR261_31 USEPA 1993 Hazardous Wastes from Non-Specific Sources USEPA 40CFR261_31 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
124 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR261_32 USEPA 1993 Hazardous Wastes from Specific Sources USEPA 40CFR261_32 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
125 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR261_33E USEPA 1993 Acute Hazardous Wastes USEPA 40CFR261_33E Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
106 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 55FR42067 USEPA 19-- Fourth List of Hazardous Substances that will be the Subject of Toxicological Profiles USEPA SARA 110 list Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
54 ZZZZZZZZ NAT ACID_DEP Illinois State Water Survey 19-- Methods for Acid Deposition Illinois State Water Survey EPA/600/4-86-024 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
55 ZZZZZZZZ NAT ISO-DIS_9562 International Organization for Standardization 1988 Water Quality - Determination of Absorbable Organic Halogens (AOX). International Organization for Standardization Vol -- Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
45 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_RM_6 Environment Canada 1992 Reference Method for Source Testing: Meas. of Rlse. of Tot. Reduced Sulfur (TRS) Cmpnds. from Pulp and Paper Ops. Environment Canada EPS1_RM_6 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
46 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_RM_21 Environment Canada 1992 Test of Reproduction and Survival Using the Cladoceran Ceriodaphnia Dubia. Environment Canada EPS1_RM_21 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
41 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_RM_19 Environment Canada 1992 Determ. of Polychlor. Dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDS) and Polychlor. Dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in Pulp/Paper Effluents Environment Canada EPS1_RM_19 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
65 ZZZZZZZZ NAT USGS_METHODS_A2 USDOI, USGS 1981 Determination of Minor Elements in Water by Emission Spectroscopy, Book 5, Chapter A2, 1981. USDOI, USGS Book 5, Chapter A2 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
66 ZZZZZZZZ NAT USGS_METHODS_A3 USDOI, USGS 1987 Methods for the Determination of Organic Substances in Water and Fluvial Sediments. Book 5, Chapter A3. USDOI, USGS Book 5, Chapter A3 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
383 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821-R-02-020 USEPA 2002 Method 1103.1: Escherichia coli (E. coli) in Water by Membrane Filtration Using membrane-Thermotolerant Escherichia coli Agar (mTEC) (September 2002) USEPA EPA 821-R-02-020 USERV202 30-Mar-2004 07:52:29 AM 2  
384 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821-R-97-004 USEPA 2000 Improved Enumeration Methods for the Recreational Water Quality Indicators: Enterococci and Escherichia coli (March2000) USEPA EPA 821-R-97-004 USERV202 24-Mar-2004 01:44:18 PM 2  
385 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821-R-01-025 USEPA 2001 Method 1623: Cryptosporidium and Giardia in Water by Filtration/IMS/FA - April 2001 Update USEPA EPA 821-R-01-025 USERV202 30-Mar-2004 07:50:26 AM 2  
386 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821-R-01-026 USEPA 2001 Method 1622: Crytosporidium in Water by Filtration/IMS/FA - April 2001 Update USEPA EPA 821-R-01-026 USERV202 30-Mar-2004 07:49:46 AM 2  
387 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 815-K-99-02 USEPA 1999 Criteria for the Evaluation of Proposed Protozoan Detection Methods USEPA EPA 815-K-99-02 USERV202 24-Mar-2004 01:56:16 PM 2  
388 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821-R-01-030 USEPA 2001 Method 1601: Male-specific (F+) and Somatic Coliphage in Water by Two-step Enrichment Procedure (April 2001) USEPA EPA 821-R-01-030 USERV202 30-Mar-2004 07:47:49 AM 2  
195 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/R-94-024 USEPA 1994 Methods for Measuring the Toxicity and Bioaccumulation of Sediment-associated with FW Invertebrates. USEPA EPA 600/R-94-024 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
18 ZZZZZZZZ NAT ISBN_935584-47-1 Association of Official Analytical Chemists 19-- Manual of Chemical Methods for Pesticides and Devices, 2nd Edition Association of Official Analytical Chemists ISBN_935584-47-1 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
19 ZZZZZZZZ NAT AOAC_METHODS Association of Official Analytical Chemists 1990 Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists Association of Official Analytical Chemists 15th edition Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
202 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/R-97-072 USEPA 1997 Methods for the Determination of Chemical Substances in Marine and Estuarine Environmental Matrices, 2nd ed. USEPA EPA 600/R-97-072 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
103 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EMSL_LV_0539_17 USEPA 19-- Radiochemical Analytical Methods USEPA EMSL_LV_0539_17 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
104 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/X-89-176 USEPA 1989 Liquid Chromat./Mass Spec. Performance Evaluation of Chlorinated Phenoxyacid Herbicides and Their Esters USEPA EPA 600/X-89-176 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
105 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/3-90-023 USEPA 1990 Analyt. Procedures and Quality Assurance Plan for the Determination of Xenobiotic Chem. Contaminants in Fish USEPA EPA 600/3-90-023 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
24 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_AP_77_1 Environment Canada 1979 Std. Ref. Methods for Source Testing: Meas. of Emissions of Vinyl Chloride from Vinyl and Polyvinyl Chloride Mfg. Environment Canada EPS1_AP_77_1 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
25 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_AP_79_1 Environment Canada 1980 Standard Reference Methods for Source Testing: Measurement of Emissions of Arsenic from Gold Roasting Operations Environment Canada EPS1_AP_79_1 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
56 ZZZZZZZZ NAT TECH_BULLET_253 Nat. Council, Paper Industry for Air & Stream Improvement 19-- Technical Bulletin No. 253 Nat. Council, Paper Industry for Air & Stream Improvement Vol -- Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
67 ZZZZZZZZ NAT USGS_METHODS_A4 USDOI, USGS 1987 Methods for Collection and Analysis of Aquatic Biological and Microbiological Samples, Book 5, Chapter A4. USDOI, USGS Book 5, Chapter A4 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
68 ZZZZZZZZ NAT NOAA_METHODS USDOC, NOAA 19-- Compendium of Methods for Estuarine and Marine Environmental Studies NOAA NOAA_METHODS Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
69 ZZZZZZZZ NAT STD_ANAL_PROC USDOC, NOAA 1985 Standard Analytical Procedures of the NOAA National Analytical Facility, Extractable Toxic Organic Compounds. NOAA STD_ANAL_PROC, 2nd Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
70 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR413_02 USEPA 1993 Total Toxic Organics USEPA 40CFR413_02 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
121 ZZZZZZZZ NAT SW-846_I USEPA 1992 Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, SW-846, 3rd Edition, Final Update I. USEPA SW-846_I Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
209 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/2-80-076 USEPA 1980 A Method for Determining the Compatibility of Hazardous Wastes. USEPA EPA 600/2-80-076 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
210 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/2-81-160 USEPA 1981 Manual of Ground-Water Quality Sampling Procedures. USEPA EPA 600/2-81-160 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
91 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-80-032 USEPA 1980 Prescribed Procedures for Measurement of Radioactivity in Drinking Water USEPA EPA 600/4-80-032 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
92 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 520/4-81-055 USEPA 1980 Methods for the Sampling and Analysis of Priority Pollutants in Sediments and Fish Tissue USEPA EPA-600/4-81-055 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
93 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-81-045 USEPA 1982 Test Method for the Determination of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Transformer Fluid and Waste Oils USEPA EPA 600/4-81-045 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
94 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-79-020 USEPA 1983 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes USEPA EPA 600/4-79-020 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
95 ZZZZZZZZ NAT 40CFR136 USEPA 1984 Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Under the Clean Water Act USEPA 40CFR136 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
12 ZZZZZZZZ NAT ASTM_11_01 American Society for Testing of Materials 1994 ASTM Standards. Water and Environmental Technology (I) American Society for Testing and Materials Vol 11.01 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
13 ZZZZZZZZ NAT ASTM_11_02 American Society for Testing of Materials 1994 ASTM Standards. Water and Environmental Technology (II) American Society for Testing and Materials Vol 11.02 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
14 ZZZZZZZZ NAT ASTM_11_03 American Society for Testing of Materials 1994 ASTM Standards. Water and Environmental Technology; Atmospheric Analysis, etc. American Society for Testing and Materials Vol 11.03 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
15 ZZZZZZZZ NAT ASTM_11_04 American Society for Testing of Materials 1994 ASTM Standards. Water and Environmental Technology; Pesticides, etc. American Society for Testing and Materials Vol 11.04 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
16 ZZZZZZZZ NAT ASTM_4_10 American Society for Testing of Materials 1994 ASTM Standards. Wood American Society for Testing and Materials Vol 4.10 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
193 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/R-93-116 USEPA 1993 Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Building Materials. USEPA EPA 600/R-93-116 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
21 ZZZZZZZZ NAT CEM CEM Corporation 1992 Closed Vessel Microwave Digestion of Wastewater Samples for Determination of Metals Chemist, Engineer and Machinist Corporation Vol -- Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
22 ZZZZZZZZ NAT USGS_METHODS_A5 USDOI, USGS 19-- Methods for the Determination of Radioactive Substances in Water and Fluvial Sediments. USGS USGS_METHODS_A5 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
23 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPS1_WP_76_1 Environment Canada 1976 Automated Method for the Determination of the Phosphorus Content in Detergents. Environment Canada EPS1_WP_76_1 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
213 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/2-87-027 USEPA 1987 Soil-Gas Measurement for Detection of Subsurface Organic Contamination. USEPA EPA 600/2-87-027 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
82 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-89-017 USEPA 1988 Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Toxic Organic Compounds in Ambient Air USEPA EPA 600/4-89-017 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
61 ZZZZZZZZ NAT SCARB State of California, Air Resources Board 1989 Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Emissions from Stationary Sources, Method 429 State of California Air Resources Board Vol -- Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
62 ZZZZZZZZ NAT DOE USDOE 1995 Methods for Evaluating Environmental and Waste Management Samples, April 1995 USDOE DOE Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
98 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-89-001 USEPA 1989 Short-Term Methods for Est. of Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Recvg Waters to Freshwater Organisms, 2nd Edition USEPA EPA 600/4-89-001 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
99 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-91-010 USEPA 1991 Methods for the Determination of Metals in Environmental Samples USEPA EPA 600/4-91-010 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
100 ZZZZZZZZ NAT MARINE_METHODS USEPA 1992 Methods for Determination of Chemical Substances in Marine and Estuarine Environmental Samples USEPA MARINE_METHODS Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
57 ZZZZZZZZ NAT TECH_BULLET_498 Nat. Council, Paper Industry for Air & Stream Improvement 1986 NCASI Methods for the Analysis of Chlorinated Phenolics in Pulp Industry Wastewaters, Technical Bulletin No. 498 National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement Bulletin No. 498 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
58 ZZZZZZZZ NAT TECH_BULLET_551 Nat. Council, Paper Industry for Air & Stream Improvement 1989 Analysis of Pulp and Paper Industry Samples for 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF, Technical Bulletin No. 551 National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement Tech. Bulletin 551 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
88 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/R-93-100 USEPA 1993 Methods for the Determination of Inorganic Substances in Environmental Samples. USEPA EPA 600/R-93-100 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
89 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-79-020 USEPA 1979 Methods for Analysis of Water. USEPA EPA 600/4-79-020 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
90 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/4-85-076 USEPA 1985 Test Method for E. Coli and Enterococci in Water by the Membr. Filter Procedure, Methods 1103.1 and 1106.1 USEPA EPA 600/4-85-076 Excerpted from EMMI USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
389 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821-R-01-029 USEPA 2001 Method 1602: Male-specific (F+) and Somatic Coliphage in Water by Single Agar Layer (SAL) Procedure (April 2001) USEPA EPA 821-R-01-029 USERV202 30-Mar-2004 07:49:08 AM 2  
390 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 821-R-02-024 USEPA 2002 Method 1604: Total Coliforms and Escherichia coli in Water by Membrane Filtration Using a Simultaneous Detection Technique (MI Medium) USEPA EPA 821-R-02-024 USERV202 30-Mar-2004 08:06:45 AM 2  
206 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/2-78-054 USEPA 1978 Field and Laboratory Methods Applicable to Overburdens and Minesoils. USEPA EPA 600/2-78-054 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
207 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/2-78-095 USEPA 1978 Compilation and Evaluation of Leaching Test Methods. USEPA EPA 600/2-78-095 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2      
208 ZZZZZZZZ NAT EPA 600/2-80-018 USEPA 1980 Samplers and Sampling Procedures for Hazardous Waste Streams. USEPA EPA 600/2-80-018 USERV20 01-Dec-2003 12:00:00 AM 2