STORET Reference Table Update "DBFIX021" will completely replace the reference tables in your
copy of STORET. It will modify the Characteristics table and the Characteristics Alias Table
extensively, bringing these nomenclature tables into compliance with EPA policy regarding
substance names, and aliases such as CAS Number and CAS 9th collective index systematic
names. It will replace all the STORET taxonomic names with names drawn from ITIS in May 2005,
and will improve the esturary information for a County in Florida.
It will synchronize both Search list (UPPER Case) and Display list (UpperLower Case) in STORET.
This update improves the table of Analytical Methods and extends the list of turbidity units
There are also changes to the Unit of Measure table (3 additional columns for Warehouse Unit Conversion), and other minor changes.
This download is in the form of a compressed, self-extracting
22 MB file, named DBFIX021.EXE. You should place it in a temporary
folder, and double-click it to allow it to expand.
In its extracted form, it will consist of a folder, DBFIX021, with subdirectories
named "Setup", "Log", "Backup", and "Install" which will contain all files
needed for this update.
The "Setup" subdirectory will contain files named "Readme.txt" and "setup.bat".
The "Readme.txt" file contains complete instructions for installation
of this file following its download. The "Setup.bat" file should be
used to automatically install this fix, provided your
installation of the STORET is the stand-alone PC version using
Personal Oracle ®.
If you are running the client/server form of STORET, this upgrade
must be performed by your Oracle Data Base Administrator (DBA).
Detailed instructions for the DBA to upgrade
a client/server copy of STORET are also included in this "Readme.txt" file.
As installation proceeds, three additional subdirectories are utilized.
One, named "Log", contains logs of informative, warning, or error
messages produced during the installation. In the event of problems,
these logs will assist us in our trouble-shooting efforts.
A second, named "Backup", contains a backup of your original
reference data tables, and scripts which may be used to reload
them onto your copy of STORET in the event of problems. The third, named "Install",
consists of scripts which are created and/or modified during the installation
as necessary.
Installation of this fix takes fifteen to thirty minutes, once the file
has been downloaded and expanded.
To download this file, click the "Download Now" button at your left.
To quit without downloading, click the "CANCEL" button.