STORET/WQX: Archives
STORET Warehouse Dashboard
The STORET Dashboard provides a means to access a high level summary of results saved in the STORET data warehouse. The STORET Dashboard provides operations to access result summary for a specified EPA region, state, tribal organization, or the entire warehouse. The Dashboard includes the following:
- Dashboard Data Reports: provide a high level summary of the warehouse data, using summary tables and/or charts
- Dashboard Administrative Reports and Modules: for future enhancements, the administrative reports and modules will allow administrators to visualize various metrics of the STORET system, as well as check on the current status and health of the system
The Dashboard consist of the following reports:
- Dashboard Reports By Region: displays the amount of data available within an EPA Region in the selected year (default to the current year). The number of records submitted in the selected year is compared to the number of records submitted to STORET over a five year average. The records represent the data available in STORET on measurements of water quality as reported by ALL current organizations, including state, local, and tribal agencies and watershed groups.
- Dashboard Reports By State: displays the amount of data available within an EPA Region in the selected year by State. The number of records submitted in the selected year is compared to the number of records submitted to STORET over a five year average. The records represent the data available in STORET on measurements of water quality as reported by ALL current organizations, including state, local, and tribal agencies and watershed groups.
- Dashboard Reports By Tribes: displays the top five tribal organizations within a state which submitted data to STORET, listed by the selected year, over the last five years. The records represent the data available in STORET on measurements of water quality as reported by tribal organizations only.
- Dashboard Reports By State Profile: displays the amount of data available within a state by the selected year. The number of records submitted in the selected year is compared to the number of records submitted to STORET over a five year average. The figures also display the number of records submitted by results categories. The records represent the data available in STORET on measurements of water quality as reported by ALL current organizations, including state, local, and tribal agencies and watershed groups.
- Dashboard Reports By %: displays the top five organizations within a state and/or organization type which submitted data to STORET, listed by the selected year, over the last five years. The records represent the data available in STORET on measurements of water quality as reported by ALL current organizations, including state, local, and tribal agencies and watershed groups.
- Dashboard Reports By Top 10: displays a count of the top ten substances within a states waters, listed by year, over the last five years. The records represent the data available in STORET on measurements of water quality as reported by ALL current organizations, including state, local, and tribal agencies and watershed groups.
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EPA Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollution Data Access Tool (NPDAT)
The EPA Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollution Data Access Tool (NPDAT) is a Web-based tool intended to help states develop effective strategies for reducing nitrogen and phosphorus pollution.
The NPDAT consists of an introductory
geospatial viewer, and
data download tables.
Data available on the NPDAT include:
Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loading information from U.S. Geological Survey SPARROW model
(SPAtially Referenced Regressions On Watershed attributes)
Water Quality Data and Information (e.g., Water quality monitoring sites with nitrogen
and phosphorus data and National Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS) Phosphorus/ Nitrogen Values data layers)
Setting Watershed Load Reduction Goals / Source Control Priorities (e.g., Facilities that
are likely to discharge nitrogen and phosphorus to water, waters with N/P TMDLs
[Total Maximum Daily Loads], and drinking water sources.)
The first elements in EPA's recommended framework are to:
1) prioritize watersheds on a statewide basis for nitrogen and phosphorus loading reductions and
2) set watershed load reduction goals based upon best available information.
To support states, other partners, and stakeholders in this important work, EPA has developed this data access tool,
providing downloadable data layers and key information on the following:
the extent and magnitude of nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in our Nation's waters;
water quality problems or potential problems related to this pollution; and
potential sources of these pollutants.