Information provided for informational purposes only

Note: This information is provided for reference purposes only. Although the information provided here was accurate and current when first created, it is now outdated.


This web site provides query access to over 200 million monitoring records originally reported to EPA via the Legacy STORET System.


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Sample Media Analysis Type
Code Isn Sample Media Code Sample Media Name Analysis Type Code Analysis Type Name
1 W Water 1 Total (measures both dissolved and suspended)
2 W Water 2 Dissolved (measures only dissolved portion)
3 W Water 3 Suspended (measures only suspended portion)
4 W Water 4 Total recoverable
5 T Tissue 1 Wet (parameters are referred to as wet weight)
6 T Tissue 4 Wet (parameters are referred to as wet weight)
7 T Tissue 5 Dry (parameters are referred to as dry weight)
8 T Tissue 6 Fat (some pollutants are soluble only in fats)
9 S Sediment 1 Total sediment, particle size
10 S Sediment 2 Bedload Sediment, sieve diameter
11 S Sediment 3 Suspended sediment, sieve diameter
12 S Sediment 4 Total sediment, sieve diameter/or wet weight analyses
13 S Sediment 5 Total sediment, fall diameter (distilled water)/or dry weight analysis
14 S Sediment 6 Total sediment, fall diameter (native water)
15 S Sediment 7 Suspended sediment, fall diameter (distilled water)
16 S Sediment 8 Suspended sediment, fall diameter (native water)
17 S Sediment 9 Bed material, fall diameter
18 A Air 1 Total (measures dissolved and suspended)
19 A Air 2 Dissolved (measures only dissolved portion)
20 A Air 3 Suspended (measures only suspended portion)
21 D Sludge 1 Total (measures solid and liquid fractions)
22 D Sludge 2 Liquid fraction only
23 D Sludge 3 Solid fraction only
24 L Land Refers to pollutant analyses on soils, et al.
25 E Effluent and Influent Refers to pollutant measurements taken on industrial and municipal waste streams
26 M Refers to weather related parameters
27 F Food Refers to pollutant analyses of foods
28 O Other Refers to analyses or measurements other than one described in this list
29 A
30 D
31 E 1
32 E 2
33 E 3
34 E 4
35 E 5
36 F 1
37 F 4
38 L 1
39 L 2
40 L 4
41 L 5
42 M 1
43 M 2
44 M 3
45 M 4
46 M
47 O 1
48 O 2
49 O 3
50 O 4
51 O 5
52 S
53 T
54 W 5
55 W
56 1
57 2
58 3
59 5
60 A