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STORET logo STORET Software Upgrade v1.2.1 - FIX006
for Windows NT ® Only

STORET User Support is pleased to announce the availability of this upgrade package for its Windows NT software to Version 1.2.1. STORET Version 1.2.1 for Windows NT eliminates a number of annoying problems with our version 1.2, and can be downloaded and installed on any computer now running version 1.2.

NOTE: This is an upgrade only software release. It can only be installed on a system already running our our previous release, version 1.2.

NOTE: Version 1.2.1 (modified on February 26, 2001) corrects problems which caused the previous release, version 1.2 for Windows NT, to fail when attempting to handle blank or null text entries, or blank lines of input.


Full Description of STORET v1.2.1 Software Upgrade

This fix replaces the executable ".EXE" and dynamic link library ".DLL" files in your STORV10 directory, using copy with replace capability. No other changes will be made to either your STORET data or to the system files on your workstation.

For a complete description of the changes implemented in this upgrade, click on the green button to your left.

  Download STORET v1.2.1 Upgrade for Windows NT ®

Need Help? If you have a question, or are uncertain about this download, please call STORET User Assistance at 1-800-424-9067, or send us an email at


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