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Future of STORET / WQX Outreach

During the spring and summer of 2006, The STORET Team held a series of regional outreach meetings relating to the Future of STORET and WQX. The purpose of these meetings was to:

  1. Provide information on WQX
  2. Get feedback on the WQX Schema for physical, chemical and fish tissue data
  3. Discuss transition plans and impacts with the user community

Both STORET and non-STORET users were a part of these meetings.

These outreach meetings helped the STORET team finalize the WQX schema for chemical, physical and fish tissue data. From a draft version of the schema to the final version that was published in September 2006, these changes helped ensure that the schema would meet the needs of the WQX user community. Here is a list of the final schema changes (PDF 1.6 MB) that were implemented as a part of these meetings.

Below is a list of the meeting locations and dates, contact information for the regional STORET Coordinators who made these meetings possible, as well as the meeting minutes.

Outreach Meeting Agenda    Outreach Meeting Slides

Dates Location Contact Person Status Minutes (PDF Format)
April 18-19, 2006 EPA Region 8, Denver, CO   Marty McComb, EPA Reg 8,
(303) 312-6963,
 Complete Region 8 Meeting Minutes
(24 KB)
May 23-24, 2006 EPA Region 4, Atlanta, GA   Anne Keller, EPA Reg 4,
(404) 562-9237,  
 Complete Region 4 Meeting Minutes
(47 KB)
June 7-8, 2006 EPA Region 3, Philadelphia, PA   Larry Merrill, EPA Reg 3,
(215) 814-5452,  
 Complete  Region 3 Meeting Minutes
(47 KB)
June 20-21, 2006 EPA Region 9, San Francisco, CA   Eric Wilson, EPA Reg 9,
(415) 972-3454,  
 Complete  Region 9 Meeting Minutes
(29 KB)
July 12-13, 2006 EPA Region 5, Chicago, IL   Cary McElhinney, EPA Reg 5,
(312) 886-4313,  
 Complete  Region 5 Meeting Minutes
(44 KB)

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