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STORET logo STORET User Created Tools

Below is a list of third-party tools and applications developed by members of the STORET user community. These links are provided as a service to users of the STORET System. The U.S. EPA and the HQ STORET Team is not associated with or responsible for the content of these items. The Standards of Ethical Conduct do not permit the U.S. EPA to endorse any private sector Web site, product, or service. The U.S. EPA does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find.

Your tool or a link to your application can be posted here!!

If you would like to see your tool posted here or a link to your web site, send us your application or URL with a description of your product using the "Contact Us" link at the top or bottom this page. If we agree that your tool is of general interest to the STORET community, we will add it to our list.



US Storet Layer (November 2004)

US Storet Layer (GIS) is GIS station layer from the data warehouse as of November 1, 2004. The GIS station layer was converted to a shape file. An Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) shapefile stores nontopological geometry and attribute information for the spatial features in a data set. The geometry for a feature is stored as a shape comprising a set of vector coordinates. An ESRI shapefile consists of a main file, an index file, and a dBASE table.
Contact Sue McCarthy/R10/USEPA/US for more information.  


NPSTORET v.1.74 is a complete water quality database management system that allows users to enter information about their water quality monitoring Projects, Stations, Metadata, and Results in a Microsoft Access database. Users can generate reports, statistics, and graphics describing entered data. Data can be imported from a variety of data sources and formats, including the three major national water quality databases: EPA Legacy STORET, EPA Modern STORET, and USGS National Water Information System. NPSTORET can produce export files that can be imported into STORET v2.0 by the STORET Import Module (SIM). WQX export will be forthcoming. Tutorials, context-sensitive help, and demonstration videos are included. Contact Dean Tucker for more information.  

NPSCol2Row v.2.12 Exit EPA Disclaimer

NPSCol2Row is a general purpose Access-VBA utility that converts 'column-major' tables to 'row-major' tables. The 'column-major' input tables can be in Microsoft Access or Excel formats and the 'row-major' output tables can be opened in Access, Excel, and/or ASCII formats. NPSCol2Row also includes a myriad of options allowing the user to customize this general 'column-major' to 'row-major' transformation, particulary insofar as creating an output file compatible with the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) STORET Import Module. This includes providing supporting fields of metadata directly in the table prior to transforming to 'row-major' format. NPSCol2Row does not require a connection to Oracle or SIM. Works with MS Access 2002 or 2003. Contact Dean Tucker for more information.  

Datastor v3.0

Datastor takes the burden and guesswork out of entering data from hardcopy into STORET. It directly access a user's STORET data tables to help ensure supporting information such as sampling gear, activity descriptors, and monitoring projects are accurate for the data being entered. All characteristics for a selected Characteristic Group are displayed on a single form to make entering the results quick and easy. All entries are accurately converted to the user's choice of STORET Batch File or SIM 2.0 format. In addition, Datastor takes advantage of STORET's ability to create Trips in batch file and now allows entry of lab information such as detection and quantification limits. Datastor 3.0 only works with STORET 2.0 and SIM 2.0, it will not work with earlier versions. Contact Eric Wilson for more information.  

Dataconvert v1.2

Dataconvert assists converting data entered into Excel and other spreadsheet programs into a format that can be easily read by SIM. Most spreadsheet data use a separate column for each characteristic followed by the results. However, SIM requires all characteristics to be in the same column with the corresponding results in a second column. Dataconvert reformats the spreadsheet so the data are in SIM format. In addition, Dataconvert allows creation of Configuration files that add information such as Medium, Activity Category, Sampling Gear, etc. to the spreadsheet data. This information is generated directly from the user's copy of STORET. There is also a translation capability between the Characteristic names used in the spreadsheet and the names used by STORET. Users can also select analytical methods, units of measure, detection limits and most other Characteristic descriptors. These are all saved in the Dataconvert Configuration file for use when converting additional data. Version 1.2 can handle much larger spreadsheet files, up to 50 columns by 7000 rows. The interface has been streamlined and a number of bug fixes have been made. Contact Eric Wilson for more information.  

Minnesota EDA Exit EPA Disclaimer

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Environmental Data Access (EDA) Website allows users to find Minnesota surface water monitoring sites, and view or download monitoring data from those sites. The website provides both a GIS interface and a text-based query tool to allow the user to locate monitoring sites. Once a STORET monitoring site is selected, the user can see data from both legacy and modernized STORET. The system also contains non-STORET data such as Minnesota biological monitoring data and NPDES permitted discharge summaries. Contact John Seaberg for more information.  

Datastorlite v1.1

Datastorlite is comprehensive yet easy to use data entry program for users who do not have direct access to STORET. It will convert all entries to SIM compatible files that can be either sent to an organization's STORET Coordinator for loading into STORET or loaded directly by the organization through WebSIM. SIM configurations are built in along with a template of the required data elements from the Tribal 106 Guidance. Projects, station information, water quality data, macroinvertebrate and fish counts can be entered through spreadsheet like forms. The essential data elements from STORET are included as either defaults or pick lists. Contact Eric Wilson for more information.  

DatastorWQX v1.1

DatastorWQX v1.1 is a comprehensive data entry program for STORET/WQX. Projects, stations, and field and sample results files can be quickly generated in the XML format used by STORET/WQX. These files can then be uploaded to a user’s Organization in the warehouse. Configuration files of sample collection procedures and characteristic descriptions can be created to further reduce data entry effort and improve accuracy. Version 1.1 allows creation of Microsoft Excel files from data entries so a local database can be created. In addition station location files can be imported and translated to XML, Activities can be associated with multiple Projects, and Data Logger results entry has been enhanced. Contact Eric Wilson for more information.  


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