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STORET logo SIM version 2.0.2 Patch 03 (update to Build 10)

**This patch can only be run on SIM 2.0.2**

This patch will update your SIM 2.0.2 software to the latest version (Build 10). It must be installed onto a machine that currently has SIM 2.0.2 installed. Patch 03 includes fixes for the issues resolved by all previous patches, so you don't have to apply Patch 01 or 02 before applying Patch 03. For a list of all issues resolved by Patch 02 and Patch 01, please refer to the "README" file and Installation Instructions contained within the Patch download.

Issues Resolved with SIM 2.0.2 Patch 03
  1. When importing a Trip QC Sample, SIM required that the ID be unique for the entire organization rather than only unique within the Trip (as STORET does).

  2. When migrating data to STORET, SIM was not migrating the Actual Activity Location record. The Actual Activity Location record is what links an Activity to one of the Station's Absolute Location Points (generally the *Point of Record). Because of the missing Location data, the STORET Data Entry Module disables the "Results" button on the Field Activity Form, preventing you from viewing the Results for an activity until you enter an Actual Activity Location.

This bug was introduced in both Build 8 and Patch 02, so if you installed Build 8 or ran Patch 02, you are affected.

Patch 03 not only corrects the bug, but attempts to correct any existing data in STORET that may have been affected by the bug. It will identify Activities that were created by SIM that are missing an Actual Activity Location and then create one (relating to the *Point of Record). This will be identical to the behavior of SIM which automatically relates an Activity to the Station's "Point of Record" Location, if no Activity Location data is provided. This correction will be sufficient for most users, and no further action is required.

However, this correction will not be completely accurate for those that use the "Point Type" and "Sequence Number" fields in their Import Configurations to relate their Activities to an Absolute Location Point other than "*Point of Record". If this is the case for you, then you will need to delete the appropriate migrations from SIM and then import and migrate the original files again. These migrations are specifically identified and logged as part of the Patch 03 installation. After completing the installation, you can open the log file (SIM202\DBScripts\SETUP_SIM.LOG) and find the following section which will identify the migration you need to re-import: "Migrations with Activities missing an Actual Activity Location".*

*Remember that if you have your STORET database on a shared server rather than on your own machine, then a Software-Only installation will be performed. In this case the log file will not be created. This database update will occur when your DBA completes the Server Installation of Patch 03. You should ask him/her to send you the log file after the server update has completed so that you can get the list of migrations.


Download SIM202-Patch03_Install.exe (3.9 MB) Now

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This download is in the form of a compressed, self-extracting 3.9 MB file, named "SIM202-Patch03_Install.exe". The patch software can be run like any other software installation. You should place it in a temporary folder, and double-click it to allow it to expand.

Included in the self-extracting file are:

  • A "README" file
  • The Patch Installation Software, "SIM202_Patch03.exe"
  • Patch 03 Full Installation Instructions
  • Patch 03 Server Installation

We advise you to examine the "README" file. If you are running STORET as a stand-alone installation you will run the patch to update the SIM Database and the SIM Software (User Interface). If you are running STORET in a client-server installation, then the patch software will only update the SIM Software (User Interface) and you will need to have your DBA update your SIM Database separately using the Patch 03 Server Scripts.

How do I tell if I need to run this patch?

Determine if you have been affected by the issues related to Patch 02 (see above). You should also run this patch if you aren't running the latest build of SIM 202. In SIM, from the menu choose 'Advanced'. Within this menu there is an option called: 'System Settings'. Select 'System Settings'. In the form that pops up, there is a row called '*BUILD_NUMBER'. If the 'Value' of this row states: 'SIM202 Build Number 10', then you DO NOT need to run this patch. If it says 'SIM202 Build Number 4, 4.3, 7 or 8', then you DO need to run this patch.

To download this file, click the "Download Now" button at your left. To quit without downloading, click the "CANCEL" button.


Need Help? If you have a question, or are uncertain about this download,
please call STORET User Assistance at 1-800-424-9067,
or send us an email at


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