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STORET logo Oracle Forms Runtime 6i Patch


The SIM application was developed with a product known as Oracle Forms. During the testing of SIM version 2.0.2 there was an issue discovered where the application would abnormally exit intermittently after closing or transitioning to a new form. This doesn't appear to be a critical issue as it doesn't corrupt your data, but it can be frustrating if it occurs frequently. This issue was traced to a bug in the Oracle Forms product itself, rather than SIM. To ensure that the SIM v2.0.2 software runs correctly on your machine, it is highly recommended that your version of the Oracle Forms Runtime be properly patched to patch level 18. If you see this type of behavior in your SIM v2.0.2, then you may want to run this patch.



Download Oracle_Forms_6i_Patch_18.exe (129 MB) Now

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This download is in the form of a compressed, self-extracting 129 MB file, named Oracle_Forms_6i_Patch_18.exe. Download the self-extracting zip file, Oracle_Forms_6i_Patch_18.exe, from the STORET web site to the location of your choice, and execute the downloaded file.

Before you install the patch, we highly recommend that you read the installation instructions for installing the patch. You will need to be certain to choose the correct Oracle Home:


    • C:\ORANT

It is also important that you DO NOT perform a "Typical" install. There is only one component that needs to be installed:

--Forms Runtime

Install this component by choosing a "Custom" Installation.

To download this file, click the "Download Now" button at your left. To quit without downloading, click the "CANCEL" button.


Need Help? If you have a question, or are uncertain about this download,
please call STORET User Assistance at 1-800-424-9067,
or send us an email at


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