STORET Warehouse Change Log
This change log details the status of bugs and issues in the STORET Warehouse. Matters of contention that are resolved are listed as completed,while ongoing issues are listed as open.
Issue Number | Title/Description | Proposed Fix | STORET Helpdesk Tracking #(s) | Fix Date | Status | Received Date |
artf7143 | Missing Activity Attached Documents From the Warehouse query application, Activity Document / Graphic URLs are blank when returned in the downloaded text file. |
The maximum Activity Document / Graphic unique identifier from WQX must be placed in the correct table and column within the STORET Warehouse, and the refresh process will confirm this unique ID is getting populated and the URL is populating the "Activity/Result Document Graphic" data element in the STORET Warehouse. | 1292, 977 | Open | 9/14/2011 | |
artf6705 | WQX -- STORET Warehouse issue with repeating
projects When the STORET GetResults web service is called (, the returned data file sometimes contains repeating Project IDs. |
Evaluate the extent of the issue to determine if this is an issue with all GetResults service calls or only a few organizations. Make any needed revisions to the GetResults service code. | 1289 | Open | 5/17/2011 | |
artf6203 | WQX toxicity data is improperly mapped to STORET regular
results Much of the toxicity data in WQX is getting improperly mapped to the STORET regular result fact table instead of the biological result fact table where it should be mapped to. This behavior is not consistent; the WQX data with "Count" as the characteristic is getting placed in the STORET biological result fact table, but none of the other records are. |
Open | 1/19/2011 | |||
artf6027 | The Characteristic Name is not populated when
Category-Rep Num is Routine Habitat From the Storet warehouse, the Characteristic Name field is not populated when Routine Habitat is indicated for the field Category-Rep Num, only affects distributed STORET data. |
Open | 12/22/2010 | |||
artf6996 | Activities repeated multiple times Activity ID's repeated multiple times |
Open | 7/22/2011 | |||
artf6338 | Alternative Monitoring Locations to Warehouse Station
Alias Table The STORET Warehouse is not serving out Alternative Monitoring Locations when queried. |
1473 | Open | 2/16/2011 | ||
artf6279 | STORET Warehouse counts and EPA web services counts for
Results and Stations should match same STORET Warehouse query counts and STORET web services counts for results and stations do not match. When results or stations are queried with EPA web services, counts do not match replicate queries in the STORET Warehouse query application. |
Open | 2/3/2011 | |||
artf7633 | The Warehouse is not returning Alternate Monitoring
Location ID's The STORET Warehouse is not serving out Alternative Monitoring Locations when queried. |
1473 | Open | 11/17/2011 | ||
artf7431 | STORET Warehouse is not returning results with result
comment fields that exceed 3000 characters Data with extensive result comment fields are not being returned from the Warehouse. Result retrievals with associated result comment fields exceeding 3900 characters are not being returned from the Warehouse. |
1477 | Open | 10/26/2011 | ||
artf6730 | Activity Media Name field is returning incorrect values
for QC submissions Inconsistent STORET refreshing of WQX data submitted with Activity Types containing the phrase "Quality Control". Often, when this data is refreshed to the Warehouse, the data is associated with an Activity Media of "QC" in order to allow easy retrieval (even if the original submission included a media of "Water"). This logic appears inconsistent and users have raised that this change of media is not desirable. |
Explore the universe of data that falls within a QC media within the STORET Warehouse. Explore alternative ways of serving out QC data in order to preserve the original activity media submitted by users. | 420, 1174 | Open | 5/23/2011 | |
artf7429 | Activity comment field truncation ActivityComment – this field is being truncated at 256 characters for biological results only. It should be 4000 characters. Verified thecolumn activity_comment in ETL for fa_biological_result and ETL is not truncationg that column to 256 char, its 4000 char. Still investigating this issue. |
1477 | Open | 10/26/2011 | ||
artf6337 | Detection Limits Handling It appears that the Warehouse is currently not able to report all detection limits associated with a result in separate columns (WQX data). For example, when data has an Upper Quantification Limit, that value is being reported in both the “Detection Limit” field as well as the “Upper Quantification Limit” field when exported from the Warehouse. |
791, 644, 1128, 1477 | Open | 2/16/2011 | ||
artf7432 | Detection Limits/Upper and Lower Quantification
Limit Non detect values for characteristics are not consistently displayed out of the Warehouse. |
791, 644, 1128, 1477 | Open | 10/26/2011 | ||
artf6272 | Extra decimal places assigned to random Monitoring
Location map scales Some Monitoring Location map scales are being returned from the Warehouse with extra decimal places. |
This has been fixed. | 725 | Open | 2/2/2011 | |
artf6271 | Project Document/ Graphic and Project/ Document URL
fields are not being returned from the Warehouse From the Warehouse query application, Project Document / Graphic URLs are blank when returned in the downloaded text file. |
The maximum Project Document / Graphic unique identifier from WQX must be placed in the correct table and column within the STORET Warehouse, and the refresh process will confirm this unique ID is getting populated and the URL is populating the "Project Document/Graphic" data element in the STORET Warehouse. | 1292, 1473, 725 | Open | 2/2/2011 | |
artf7448 | Characteristic names are duplicated when the activity is
data logger (historical results) Data Logger results are duplicated for historical STORET data |
1292 | Open | 10/27/2011 |
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