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STORET Warehouse Change Log

This change log details the status of bugs and issues in the STORET Warehouse. Matters of contention that are resolved are listed as completed, while ongoing issues are listed as open.

Last Date of Change Log Update: 03/21/2011

Issue Number Title Description Proposed Fix EPA SIR # Fix Date Status Received Date
1 The Warehouse is not returning the fields Project Document/ Graphic and Project/ Document URL From the Warehouse query application, Project Document/ Graphic and Project/ Document URLs are blank when returned in a text file. - 6271 - Open March 2nd, 2012
2 Some Monitoring Location map scales are being returned from the Warehouse with extra decimal places This is an inconsistent error. Some Monitoring Location map scales are being served out of the STORET Warehouse with extra decimal places. - 6272 - Open January 23rd, 2011
3 For tissue data, detection limits are not being returned upon Warehouse retrieval After being submitted to WQX, tissue media results' detection limits are not being returned upon Warehouse retrieval. - 6274 - Open January 23rd, 2011
4 Warehouse is not returning Activity Relative Depth Activities submitted to WQX that have Activity Relative Depth, are not recieving Activity Relative Depth upon Warehouse retrieval. - 6273 - Open January 23rd, 2011
5 STORET Warehouse query counts and STORET web services counts for results and stations do not match. When results or stations are queried with EPA web services, counts do not match replicate queries in the STORET Warehouse query application. - 6279 - Open January 23rd, 2011
6 Alternate Monitoring Location ID's are not being returned. The STORET Warehouse is not serving out alternative Monitoring Locations when queried. - 6338 - Open February 23rd, 2011
7 The Warehouse is not filtering out by Activity Intent. When a results query selects an Activity Intent to filter data, the filter is not applied. - - - Closed-Review January 23rd, 2011
8 Upper Quantificaiton limits are being returned incorrectly from the Warehouse Values in WQX entered for Upper Quantification Limits are being displayed in both the Upper Quantification Limit field and in the Detection Limit field upon retrieval from the STORET Warehouse QUERY application. It is still beig determined what the Warehouse behavior is when both Upper and Lower Quantification Limit values are entered. - 6337 - Open January 3rd, 2011
9 Characteristic Name is not populated when Category-Rep Num is Routine Habitat. From the Storet warehouse, the Characteristic Name field is not populated when Routine Habitat is indicated for the field Category-Rep Num, only affects distributed STORET data. - 6027 - Open December 6th, 2010
10 Characteristic Name and/or Characteristic Description (Bio Results Only) There is no way to identify the taxanomic Hierarchy by name only. The EPA Substance Registry System (SRS) is a database of names and codes used within EPA and in WQX to represent chemical and biological substances. WQX has documented identifying the taxanomic Hierarchy by URL: Taxonomic Serial Number (ITIS), & Catalogue of Life - ITIS and Species 2000. Request a new Report Data Element for characteristic description. The characteristic Name Record for Biological Results only will contain CHARACTERISTIC_NAME, and CHARACTERISTIC_DESCRIPTION. A quality assurance period from September to December until the next upgrade to WQX is complete. Verify creation and ETL of new column CHARACTERISTIC_DESCRIPTION for Biological Fact Tables. September 27th, 2010 Closed September 27th, 2010
11 Last Change Date / Administrative Submission Record There is no way of reporting when records were last updated/changed. Request a new Report Data Element for tracking when records were submitted. Comparison of download files will aid administrative requirement. The Administrative Submission Record will contain LAST_CHANGE_DATE, and null values for LAST_USERID and LAST_TRANSACTION_ID until the next upgrade to WQX is complete. Verify creation of new column LAST_TRANSACTION_ID for all Fact Tables. September 20th, 2010 Closed September 20th, 2010
12 Multiple project files are being stored in the WQX database instead of being replaced when updated. New or duplicate project files are created in error when, updated/revised files are submitted to WQX. More than one record for a single project. Uniquely identify Projects by both SOURCE_UID or Organization ID, Project ID.Project ID - - open July 26th 2010
13 Business rule: mulitple supporting documents i.e. pictures, QAPP, .pdf, need to be submitted as one attachment When data files are submitted with multiple supporting documents as attachments, such as pictures, QUAPPS, and .pdfs.STORET will not return all submitted files with queries. Submit supporting documents as one file, i.e. a pdf with multiple pictures - - open July 26th 2010
14 Multiple project results were returned for individual project queries. Due to organizations occasionally having identical project names, individual project result queries in some instances returned files for projects from multiple orginizations. Reference both the project ID and organization ID,when querying results. 5699 July 26th 2010 closed June 24th 2010
15 12-Digit HUCs Currently, the STORET Warehouse does not fully capture and serve out 12-digit HUCs when submitted via WQX Create new column in station fact table and make sure ETL transfers the date. Serve via Warehouse Services: Application Download, Station Web services, etc. 5710 - Open June 14, 2010
16 Detection Limit Units handling Via the STORET query application, the detection limit units are concatenated with the detection limit measure value under the column "Detection Limit". Via the STORET web services, the detection limit measure value and unit come out in separate data elements. Addition of new Detection Limit Unit column to the STORET Warehouse results tables so that query application can serve out in a separate column. 5711 - In Progress June 14, 2010
17 The Watershed summary tool does not return results (http://www.epa.gov/storet/ wtshd_summary.html) When querying results by the Watershed Summanry tool, inputting a specific HUC and clicking "Get Results" will not return any data (http://www.epa.gov/storet/ wtshd_summary.html). Results by watershed can be obtained by the query application, http://iaspub.epa.gov/storpubl/ DW_resultcriteria_geo. Upon accessing the query application choose a Drainage Bain/HUC and proceed with the query. - - Open June 11, 2010
18 Slow Performance on Results by Project When using the query application "Results by Project", performance for returning the result count is extremely slow for queries that have filters of project ID and characteristic name. When characteristic name is not selected, performance is quicker. Create a materialized view for the query that would be cached. Also, created pre-cached counts. - - Open June 11, 2010
19 Elevation Units handling Via the STORET query application, the station elevation units are concatenated with the elevation measure value under the column "Elevation". Via the STORET web services, elevation value and unit are also concatenated in the data element "MeasureValue" within "VerticalMeasure". Addition of new Elevation Unit column to the STORET Warehouse station table so that query application can serve out in a separate column. 5711 - In Progress June 14, 2010
20 Extra blank column There is an extra blank column being printed at the end of each row in both biological and regular results files downloaded from the application query; extra tab at the end of the header row - 5702, 5696 May 31, 2010 Closed-Review May 11, 2010
21 Comment field double quotes In both the Activity Comment and Result Comment fields double quotes are being stripped. This reduces the utility of the comment fields since it is less likely that users can store strongly typed data in the fields. Remove double quotes form the restricted characters list. 5703 May 31, 2010 Closed-Review May 10, 2010
22 Inconsistency handling non-ASCII characters When storing taxa names that have non-ASCII characters, they return from the Warehouse with strange characters. For example: Fragilaria vaucheriae (Kützing) Petersen Fragilaria vaucheriae (Kützing) Petersen. - 5701 - In Progress May 10, 2010
23 Activity comment truncation The Activity Comment field is truncated at 256 characters. This is consistent in the biological and regular results files. The schema says the field should hold 4000 characters. Verify increased to 4000 char for all Fact Tables. 5700 August 16th, 2010 In Progress May 10, 2010
24 Activity comment truncation The Activity Comment field is truncated at 256 characters. This is consistent in the biological and regular results files. The schema says the field should hold 4000 characters. Verify increased to 4000 char for all Fact Tables. 5700 August 16th, 2010 Closed May 10, 2010
25 Station IDs truncation When querying results data by station or results by project out of the STORET Warehouse, station IDs are getting truncated to 15 characters long. When querying only for stations out of the STORET Warehouse, the IDs are not truncated. Modify station ID column in the result fact tables. 5707, 5644 June 1, 2010 Closed March 22, 2010
26 Two Columns for Measure and Units: Elevation (w/ Units) and Detection Limit (w/ Units) Station Report: Elevation, Elevation Unit and Result Report: Detection Limit and Detection Limit Unit. Spilt single Column to two columns. Ongoing /Pending Mapping for moving Unit of measures with spaces to the Unit Column --- April 1, 2011 Open April 8, 2011

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