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Tools/ Web Services

This page links STORET Data Warehouse and WQX users to tools that other data partners or EPA have created.

User Created Tools

  • User Created Tools include tools that have been created by members of the STORET/ WQX user community for data management, data manipulation, or data use. Click here to view a list of current User Created Tools.

  • Web Services

    What is a web service?

    A web service is a computer-to-computer protocol that provides direct access to data in the STORET Warehouse, without needing an authorized database connection. The STORET web services consist of different input parameters and pre-defined output formats.

    STORET/WQX Web services

    STORET Warehouse web services: (pre-defined output formats)

    WQX web services ** Updated Daily **: WQX Domain Values (for input/submission)

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