Your Ethics Person with questionmarkOfficials

Needless to add, you can always get information from your EPA ethics officials. This is true regardless of whether you on an IPA assignment to a non-Federal entity or on a IPA assignment to EPA.

Not sure who your Deputy Ethics Official is? Not a problem, here's a EPA intranet link (if you have access) to list of the Deputy Ethics Officials in EPA.

If you can't find what you're looking for in any of the reference documents in this course, if you're not sure what the rules and regulations are, if you're not sure what the ethical "right thing to do" your EPA ethics officials. You may also contact the EPA's Office of General Counsel (tel. 202 564-8040) and ask for the ethics office.

And now, just one final thing before we're done....

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Ethics Training Related To IPAs


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Note: This index is intentionally not hyper-linked.

I.     Introduction

II.    IPA Basics

III.   EPA Employees on IPAs

IV.   Employees on IPAs to        EPA

V.    *Conclusion*