Financial Paper with text, "OGE-450? SF-278?"Disclosure

Do you have to file a financial disclosure report if you are on detail to a non-Federal organization?

If you normally file an SF-278 (public financial disclosure report), you'll still have to file even though you are on an IPA assignment to a non-Federal organization. If you filed before and haven't changed your EPA still need to file. Nothing changes because the decision as to whether you file depends on your EPA position (and you're still an EPA employee).

If you file an OGE Form 450 (confidential financial disclosure form), the decision as to whether you must continue to file is up to your Deputy Ethics Official (DEO). Since your duties have changed, your DEO may decide that there is no longer a necessity for you to file. Conversely, your DEO may decide that you still need to file with EPA. Even if you haven't filed an OGE Form 450 in the past, it's possible that your DEO may decide that, in view of the circumstances of your IPA assignment, you must now file one with EPA.

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Ethics Training Related To IPAs


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Note: This index is intentionally not hyper-linked.

I.     Introduction

II.    IPA Basics

III.   *EPA Employees on IPAs*

IV.   *Employees on IPAs to        EPA*

V.    Conclusion