Person emptying walletFundraising

Many non-Federal organizations engage in fundraising to support their activities. While on an IPA assignment, may you participate in any fund-raising events for the non-Federal entity during official time?

The answer is...NO

You aren't permitted to solicit funds as part of your official duties or on official time or using Government equipment, with the exception of the Combined Federal Campaign (also known as CFC). In addition, you are not permitted to use your official title, position or authority to raise funds. If you did, that would imply an endorsement by the Government of the fundraising by the non-Federal entity.

See 5 C.F.R. 2635.808 for more information (and yes, here's a link to a PDF file to the regulation).

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Ethics Training Related To IPAs


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Note: This index is intentionally not hyper-linked.

I.     Introduction

II.    IPA Basics

III.   *EPA Employees on IPAs*

IV.   *Employees on IPAs to        EPA*

V.    Conclusion