Purpose of an Handshake with one hand with text, "EPA" and the other "GMU", which stands for George Mason University, an institution of higher learning in VirginiaIPA

As we said before, these assignments are intended to facilitate cooperation between the Government and the non-Federal entity. The assignments allow civilian employees of Federal agencies to serve with eligible non-Federal organizations for a limited period without loss of employee rights and benefits.

The reverse is true as well. Employees of eligible non-Federal entities may serve in Federal agencies for limited periods as well.

Note: An IPA assignment may be done either through a detail or through appointment. EPA nearly always does an IPA assignment though a detail. An IPA detailee is subject to all Federal ethics laws and regulations. (See 5 U.S.C. 3374(c) for more details...here's a link). If you are "appointed" pursuant to an IPA assignment, then you should consult with OGC-Ethics for additional assistance.

The Bottom Line: Each assignment is made for the purpose of mutual concern and benefit to both the EPA and the non-Federal organization. They are NOT made to meet the personal interests of employees, to circumvent personnel ceilings, or to avoid unpleasant personnel decisions.

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Ethics Training Related To IPAs


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Note: This index is intentionally not hyper-linked.

I.     Introduction

II.    *IPA Basics*

III.   EPA Employees on IPAs

IV.   Employees on IPAs to        EPA

V.    Conclusion