Information provided for reference purposes only

Note: This information is provided for reference purposes only. Although the information provided here was accurate and current when first created, it is now outdated. All the links in the document have been removed.


Definitions of Chart Elements

Total: The total number of facilities covered by individual permits.  This number is equal to the sum of facilities covered by current permits, expired permits, and permits without expiration dates in PCS. 
2004 Target: Ninety percent of all facilities covered by individual permits.  This reflects EPA's goal of having a ten percent backlog for major and minor facilities covered by individual permits by the end of 2004. 
2001 Target: Ninety percent of major facilities covered by individual permits.  This reflects EPA's goal of having a ten percent backlog for major facilities covered by individual permits by the end of 2001.
Current: Number of facilities with current individual permits.*
Expired: Number of facilities with expired individual permits.*
No Data: Facilities with individual permits that do not have the permit expiration date column populated in PCS.  It is assumed that these are new facilities awaiting permit issuance.
*Calculation of current and expired permits assumes a 45-day lag time for data entry into PCS.